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Everything posted by Jatwaa

  1. Outside of FAR it oh so close to my best aircraft yet (see what I did there?)
  2. I have seen this pop up when using II with Tweakscale. Seems that the counter in game does not properly take into effect the weight properly. It will throw a "Not a Number" and then makes the weight something absolutely absurd so that you cannot use the runway. When I run into that, I remove the part and grab it again and place it then it is fine. By the way, I know I said it before, but it needs to be said again, fantastic mod. This mod has been with me a while. I love the glowing blue on the tanks. Some people say it's overpowered, but no, it makes you think about building crafts in a bigger and better way. All my biggest craft, hovercrafts and satellites use II. This is one of my "essential" mods when I play.
  3. LOL, I think at that point I lost it laughing. Words were beyond me LOL
  4. Strange things happen...but this is a NORMAL day in KSP!
  5. Kinda speaks for itself eh?
  6. This is what keeps me humble in KSP
  7. I love this craft, it is problematic but awesome in the long run! Bonus video!!!
  8. Nice! I had my first recording in game. My skills are not as good as I recall in flight sims. For those on the fence... I had an absolute blast
  9. This is almost the same as my rig actually. If you can, splurge a bit on a 700 or 900 series Nvidia. I am running a 650Ti and getting low frames when recording with ACTION! But if you stream via Shadowplay to Twitch you should be ok, but the 600 series take a hit when capturing. If you are going to capture locally, look to a bigger storage drive also. I have some videos over 1GB with MP4 and over 3ish GB when AVI. Other than that you should be good. Like I mentioned, it's almost the same specs I am using. But now with other games coming out I need to upgrade my 650Ti to capture with better frames. Good news is I think the 960s are coming out soon. But I am leaning to the 970s. All in preparation for Oculus Rift
  10. Thanks Dispatcher! BTW all, updated the Carol of the Bells to the final version, better mixed and more staccato less note bleed. I plan to have it on Youtube today or tomorrow. https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/carol-of-the-bells-jatwaaified-2014-improved-final
  11. VATO or Voice Attack To Orbit. A project made possible by Voice Attack. I configured the system to work with Kerbal Space Program and managed to get in orbit and safely return. How would one get to orbit with just his\her voice? Watch and find out! Program links are in the description!
  12. Also, if you all do wish, check this one out. It's rather relaxing https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/pax-serena
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