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Everything posted by Jatwaa

  1. A track I made after I launched my probe heading to Eeloo, will be a long journey. Sail on lil buddy https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/target-eeloo I'll take a break after this one, lol. Sorry about the influx of music again.
  2. Thanks Destroyer, I made a newer one for my long ion powered journey to Eeloo. https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/target-eeloo A bit more uptempo and traditional (for my style at least)
  3. That one is by my good friend. I enjoy his music. My focus is usually more on theme marches. It seems like an entertaining challenge though
  4. Thanks for the honest feedback. I am always open to ideas. You are right! It sounds too kiddie and could use some industrial effects. I think I will revamp this one. If you get bored, and since you have given great insight, check out some of my other tracks and let me know what you think. I am always in need of critiques
  5. I created a little something to listen to when creating a new craft. Probably will listen to it as well when we get to train Kerbals (sooooon I hope) Hope you all enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/training-green-men As always, let me know what you think. I love the feedback
  6. Jatwaa


    Pretty awesome, I am also working on a game in RPG Maker VX Ace. I am working on a storyline as well. I write on my offtime and know a few authors that write storylines as well. What are you looking for in a story? I may be able to drag something out of one of em.
  7. Take a listen and let me know what you think. I have been getting some reviews from other places that range from "Meh" to "WOW!" I trust the KSP community since I bring a good number of my music to you guys and gals. https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/reign-of-the-dragons
  8. https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/return-to-kerbin "It was a long journey my friends," Bob spoke into his headset as looked out the window to the slowly approaching blue dot in the distance. His heart swelled with pride as he looked to his fuel gauge. Bill, to his left, smiled half grin and nodded his head. They both knew there was still a dangerous re-entry to face as well as the ever merciless landing back at the KSP fields, but that blue dot called to their hearts and souls. Bob looked ahead intently. Soon the moon sailed by, another near miss well calculated to save on ever precious fuel. The small blue dot now coursed with flowing clouds, magnificent blue seas, the verdant greens and white icy tips of brown mountains. This was home. Down below was danger, but also love, life and Kerbin, beautiful Kerbin. "Let's do it" Bill chimed with a painfully hidden glee. Bob steadied his hand and gripped the throttle. "Ready to rock." Bob confidently proclaimed. Nothing could stop their triumphant return. Nothing could prevent them from landing on the this minute blue dot in the great ebon abyss they had returned from. They had witnessed the glory of Jool from Laythe and left their mark on history. A flag that told their story of patience, pride and success. Bill maneuvered into his final approach and leaned back into his seat. Bob watched the altimeter, counting in his head the seconds he would need. They had but one chance, the last of their fuel in their tanks. Just enough for one pass at landing. At the crucial moment, he throttled up slowing their descent while watching the last bit of their fuel drain into the fire that flared rich red beneath them. As he held his breath watching the last gasp of fuel combust in his mind he heard a faint cheer and the words "Touchdown." Bill slowly released the throttle and steadied his hand as he looked over at Bob. Bob was already looking his way with a grin that reached across his face as he flipped the lid to his helmet up and said to him "We're home Bill. We're home." The sun crested from it slumber on the horizon to greet them with rays of light that kissed them warmly. Through the speaker a static filled voice echoed in his ears, "Welcome home heroes."
  9. Hey Custard, thanks, I make the music myself. The main tool I use is FL Studio. It available on Amazon (Fruity Ed) for around $100, although I use the Producer Ed. which is quite a bit more costly (I think it was 400 on Amazon.) Then there are addons and additional sounds that I like to use. They are each separate costs such as Philharmonic Orchestra have higher costs. Music is more expressions of the heart and soul. Feel the music and it will come to life for you. I stand by FL Studio. It is an absolutely great tool. If I can help you learn it, let me know. I am always willing to help fellow artists.
  10. Jool lives up to its name. Beautiful when viewed from Laythe. Here is music to commemorate the successful landing. https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/jool-in-my-night-sky
  11. A montage of some of my activities to Orbital, one of my favorite tracks
  12. When I started in KSP, I built rockets. But spaceplanes...I love spaceplanes Also, often times I post music here. I was asked by one of my friends "why not show people your music and let them see what you do." I never thought of that, so, here is a recording of one of my newer tracks. If you enjoy it, leave a comment. If enough people like it, I'll start to record more. Or perhaps show a work in progress of being made? Thoughts? Without further ado:
  13. Here is an awesome bit from a friend of mine. Very talented individual, give it a listen https://soundcloud.com/jonathon-rivera/adventures-in-space and here is my latest. It's more adventurous than my last few https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/bleeding-dreams2 Let us know what you think! Thanks --Jatwaa
  14. For those who want to hear just the song https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/cliperlude
  15. Computer problems and all, managed to get a new track out after replacing my motherboard. Different style song, let me know what you think. About the music AND the jet, lol
  16. Welcome back KSP Forums! To celebrate, this track is for you guys for your hard work on the game and forums, https://soundcloud.com/billy-winn-2/kerbin-heroes Rock on!
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