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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. No matter what, always ask for release dates on the forum. The Devs know when it will release to the second!
  2. My first Manned Duna landing without return I don't like having Kerbal's outside LKO
  3. Why would't I? Press the button to be ANYTHING you want. But you will experience pain for eternity
  4. I believe this is planned. I remember reading about this in 0.18 from a suggestion. It got a devs attention I believe and they said maybe. I also agree with you
  5. I just bought Door Kickers. It is a wonderful game
  6. Whoo! That was a wonderful episode, and spoilers in white And Tom Bakers appearence was the best. Personally, he was the best Doctor. And also, with them NOT killing the Time Lords, that was a plot twist
  7. So, this is made possible by Dell? Noooooo. Dell is wonderful! [/sarcasm] Anyway, good bye, see you whenever
  8. Granted. By chance, you are under the main booster due to kid napping I wish for more Science! in KSP
  9. Granted. The planet "Eeloo", somewhere in the real universe now has Cry-Volcanic Geysers I wish for Science!
  10. I want to see Tom Baker. I don't care if he's 70.
  11. Granted. The skys on Mars are torn asunder I wish for the SOL system to be destroyed by a giant black hole
  12. Granted. But time travel isn't real I wish that this wish won't be granted
  13. Also, if I sound rude, I do not intend to be. Just being helpful Edit: What is Vube.com? It sent it to me when I downloaded to see. Edit2: Vube is a mediafire thing. Don't worry
  14. Don't Do Necro Posts, kids. Also, how does one report post? Besides the exclamation mark thing.
  15. Granted. This causes mass population, causing riots, more deaths, and no room I wish for nothing, cause I am not a greedy person
  16. Did you get the KWRocketry guys permission before making this?
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