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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. So it is possible to do that with kerbtown objects. Wasn't sure. That should make things simpler. That's an interesting concept in that video. Originally, I was thinking a single path that swung between two others, which might need to bend in the middle to maintain a nice curve. But another option would be two paths which slide in and out of place. That could be simpler to animate, but need a more complex part. Not for a while yet. There's still the scaling issue, which may mean things need to be resembled in unity. I also need to play around to get the wheels working in KSP, and probably should complete that texture. There are also a few improvements in kerbtown's placement system to wait for, that would make track placement simpler. But, I might put out a test release, with just the bogie, and basic track parts in a few weeks, if things are working.
  2. The Z4/ZX rescue rocket. First thing that reliably returned from the Mun. Its sturdy, many legged silhouette has been a welcome sight for so many stranded kerbalnauts.. Used to have this this big transfer stage, which sometimes survived landing. But it was pretty wasteful. Infact, a lot of the getting to the Mun part was wasteful. The Z4 is no longer in use. It inspired a far cheaper, and more efficient craft, the ZX, which is still been able to return from the poles of Mun and Minmus provided it is well piloted. Which it normally is.
  3. You could change the connectors CFG so it overheats at a super low temp, load it up, and *poof* (literally..). All unwanted parts gone.
  4. Oh wow! This will be awesome when used with my WIP railway mod! Looks roughly the right with to fit on the bogie too (It's wide track, they are 3.84M wide), but I might have to add a special piece so bogies can properly swivel.. Edit: My post count has reached the Eighties! A decade that would be interesting to check out if time travel is ever invented.
  5. I agree. An update will generate interest again. Perhaps try PMing the people you haven't heard back from.
  6. I'd be very interested to hear any ideas about how switches/points could work. Having them would make a lot more things possible. Not sure about a system for lifting them of the track, as people could build pretty much anything on top of the bogies, so such a system would need to work for a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Interesting idea, but if working junctions could happen, a more practical system would be railyards. You could have several sidings, and store the trains you've build there, then, when you need that one, set the points, and bring it out on to the main line. Lately, I've been thinking about how train segments will join up. Lose connections like KAS pose possible problems with braking. Instead, I'm planing a specialised train coupler part, shown in the middle in this concept diagram. (A.k.a, drawing I did in my field notes while waiting for a quiz to finish.) Currently having a few problems with getting the part to scale right in KSP. Might be something to do with the file type I'm exporting from Blender. Messing around with RescaleFactor, I can get pretty close to the needed size with it set to 0.25. Otherwise, the results can be a little amusing. Got to get that sorted, or things might not run so smoothly when wheel finally meets track.
  7. Perhaps you could shave of a little Delta V by just lowering the periapsis to Munar orbit, then tweaking for a reverse gravity assist. Then, more tweaking, an aerobrake and circularisation burn, you could return to LKO.
  8. I've been exporting as a .dae from sketchup to blender, then after doing UV mapping and stuff exporting as a .3ds from there. It wouldn't show when I exported as a .dae from bender, so I picked one of the others and it worked.
  9. I'm wondering if there is a trick to getting a part to be exactly the right size in KSP. Though the measurements are correct in both Blender and Sketchup, and the scale settings for the model and game object are set to 1 in unity, the size is only close to the correct size when I use a rescale factor of 0.255. (Measured with "Jeb's big stick") As this part needs to be exactly the right size, have I made a mistake somewhere? How could I get it to be exactly right? Your advice and help will be much appreciated.
  10. I have treated my game as pretty much the one program from the start, despite the odd save breaker. As the majority of my missions are just "I'm going to space today for X" I'll stick to ones that were significant events. The Tester program- These were piles of SRBs that could impact the Mun. The Tenor program Bigger stacks of SRbs, under liquid engines, that eventually landed Kerbals on the Mun and Minmus. Some even returned. A Tenor later achieved Kerbin orbit, rather than just going up. The Alto & Soprano programs. Tried to make a Tenor-like rocket that would hold a three kerbal capsule. Didn't work that well. Z-Rescue rocket development. First time calculating delta V. Made it to the Mun and back, rescued kerbals from tenor, soprano, and early Z-rockets... Continued on the side throughout the early space program. Modified version installed Mun satellite network. W-planet explorer. Modified Z rocket, put Bill and crew on Duna. Delivered four (cart mod) rovers, none of which lasted a week, and a satellite network. Mun and Minmus exploration vehicles. Cart mod based. Not that stable. Minmus one cruised a month. Dres exploration vehicle. "Malteaser" Prototypes tested on kerbin and Mun. Return stage launched separately, arrived before manned section, and deliver a satellite network. Jeb became first to step on Dres, and eventually returned home. Duna recovery mission. Giving Bill and crew a way to get home, with a recovery system specially designed to make use of one clamp-o-tron junior I'd fortunately stuck on the side of the W-planet explorer, which only had the Delta-V to get to orbit. Also Delivered the Duna Explore-o-pod, and 4 sub-rovers. Travelled to the pole and back before returning successfully. Mun base one. Included the Munbase relocation project, and first kethane experiments. Moho rocket "Mojo" Actually assembled in orbit. Made it to Moho. Bob became first to step on the innermost planet. Counter-Kerbin telescope mission. Adam and sons Eve system robotic mission, and Eve return module delivery. The return module turned into a sundiver mission, partially as a glitch put the whole thing in a retrograde kerbol orbit... Moho recovery mission. ("Getting my Mojo back") "Mojo" had a spontaneous unplanned disassembly after making orbit. And it was orbiting the opposite way to the original return module... --First hiatus--- Joolus Xena, the Jool system probe. Visited, maped and landed rovers on all Jools moons with style. Also deployed a Jooldiver. Actually, I didn't finish that, should re-visit some time. Eel0oman. An Eeloo probe and rover, that didn't glitch out, unlike its predecessors. Two stage to the Mun tests. Space shuttle development program. Starfighter development. And accompanying adventure, and patrol/survey missions. Kerpollo. ZX Munship development. And associated rescues, survey missions, etc. Construction of Mun Prograde City Ongoing. Construction of Moho mission II Manned mission to the bottom of a mohole. Planed/underconstruction Eve one/Oceans of Eve. Planned. Waiting for a certain mod to be working... You may get a story out of this one, so stay tuned! The adventures of Sh'tuule, the re-usable space ute. Ongoing. And that, is my space program history summed up.
  11. My first Mun mission.... Cool looking solar panels! Each stage capable of lifting of on Kerbin! So much SAS! Moar struts and boosters! (I still get this monster out from time to time- it's like a ceremonial vintage car to my kerbals) Also: If it lifts the stage above, it's working, right? I now do regular Mun rescue pick up trips with a very similar upper stage, using about a third of the orange tanks.
  12. Nice to see you've been able to get things working. This will make it seem more like actually needing life support, not that pods are cursed to become death traps. Looks like I'll need to set up some outdoor chairs if I want to keep leaving Kerbals outside at my Mun base. I notice the scrubber thing is still a part of it. I'm interested to know why a specific switch is needed, and CO2 scrubbing isn't just automatic. Is it just for when you use a recycler, so you can stop it ejecting the CO2? Could it be made so CO2 dumping is toggled automatically when you activate, or deactivate a recycler in future? With more ah, imaginative designs (crew parts clipped inside) it can be harder to get to them. But, now they persist, having to click. Lots of them on a station or base should be less trouble. Of course, what you do is your call, you're the one making this. One more thing, what bits changed in the way things are stored in the persistence files? I get the impression it's more than just part names? A hint so we know where to look when file editing would be nice, thank you. I look forward to seeing the next version when you've finished!
  13. Here we are. Haven't done this before, was tricky to remember/decide what to put. Oops! forgot my probe that impacted the sun. Never mind.
  14. I tried to make a magic school bus. Jeb liked it. It didn't work real well though.
  15. No -snip- Sherlock. I think her point was more that games are full of sexism already, with a male=default bias. The thing is, the existing kerbals do look male. Look at the blocky shape of the face. They aren't androgynous looking things, they have an identifiable gender. I really don't get why you are so opposed to the idea of a girl looking one being added one day. Having them all guys is boring, and makes it seem like there is something missing. Edit: Oo, my post count is up to the Moon landing now!
  16. Welcome from Oz! Good luck with that Duna landing! make sure you bring plenty of fuel to get home!
  17. Mwa haha haha!, Mwa haha haha! I'm going to run over KSC with the Mun! *music from Psycho plays.* O_(O) So, I had an idea that if I hyperedited the Mun, so one bit would dip well in to Kerbin's atmosphere, I could build a sail powered rover. Turns out Kerbal physics don't work that way, and the game thinks everything is in the Mun's SOI. Things orbited the Mun, but passed through Kerbin as if it was not there. Time for hijinks instead. Then the game crashed.... The Mun is scary so close to KSC.
  18. As I said earlier in the thread, I'd find that a cop out of a solution. I have a Milly Kerman. Her name sounds like a girl's one, but she looks the same as all the guys. As a human, looking at a human like species, it's a little jarring. Implementing female Kerbals (not just male ones with longer hair-and whatever) would be a worthy use of time by one of the developers who is that way skilled, IMHO, but doesn't need to get in the way of things like resources. We can wait.
  19. I did have it with me, but wasn't using it for anything. Not that that matters with matters like that sometimes.
  20. What happens when the centre of the model is all mucked up. Kerbal part engineers needed go back to the drawing board, and re-assemble the whole thing. TWRail is still a very inexperienced manufacturer. Also got to make it shrink down to its proper size.. But, Jeb took an opportunity to test if falling is the same as zero-G. He concluded "Yeah, pretty much"., before the few seconds were over.
  21. Let's not go here. We've been here before. Many more issues than that.
  22. Tw1

    Kerbal Artwork

    That's awesome. Someone should make the statue of Unity as part of the Kerbin City.
  23. This happened to me a while back. I had set in up manually, and had an encounter, then it vanished. It was frustrating. I was not sure whether to do a burn, or just wait. I waited, and the mission was successful.
  24. Not possible due to limitations of the game, from what I heard. Eventually, your ship's centre of mass will approach the surface of the planet, and consider itself crashed and blow up. There's also the render distance issue, which, from my experiments, is measured from the centre of mass, and though you can have a vessel that exceeds that, other things further away won't be loaded. This not loading will make docking tricky. But there may be a way around it. Perhaps, by using a super heavy part, that can be undocked and moved along the structure, you could overcome the second problem. You'd need at least two of these, with at least one being docked at all times, so the centre of mass stays in position. The rest of the station would have to be very lightweight- trusses, docking ports, and not much else. Perhaps, the first problem could be overcome by assembling the station in two sections. The weighted section of one would need to be at the prograde end of one, and the retrograde end of the other. Then, you'd need to dock them. But, unless you were amazingly well aligned, you wouldn't be docked at the other end. I'd be very hard to zoom out and check. Perhaps, a better idea would be to build it in Kerbin orbit, adding bit by bit untill you go around in a complete circle, still using the weights to shift COM trick. You'd be able to see both ends to dock the final bit between them. Then hyperedit, or if you're even more ambitious, fly it into place. This way, you only have to cope with huge part count, possibly wobbly joints, etc. Gilly would be an obvious choice for doing this kind of thing, from the wiki's numbers, you could probably get away with a station about 100Km in diameter.
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