I think the only way that works is with the GPS Coordinator. It would be nice if that was in the description. Anyway, what you have to do is the following; Send a plane over with the Targeting Pod, then use that to select your target, as if you were about to launch a laser-guided missile Click the "Send GPS" button in the Targeting pod window. In the BDArmory tab, select the "GPS Coordinator" button under the "Modules" list. There should be an option there called "Target" with the GPS Coordinates. If you click the co-ordinates, the GPS Coordinator will target those Coordinates. You can also click where it says "Target" to rename the targeted co-ordinates. Now, you should be able to drop the cruise missile and watch it home in on the coordinates. It seems like a faff, implementing an extra step in the laser targeter instead of just using the laser targeter, but don't forget that GPS coordinates are persistent between flights. So presumably, say you wanted to blow up a heavily defended KSC, you'd be able to fly over a spy plane with the targeting pod attached, grab the coordinates and land all without engaging the enemy, then land and with a new flight, launch the cruise missile from a safe distance using the GPS Coordinates the Spyplane grabbed. If you've already tried this, then I dunno. Maybe the cruise missile makes a beeline straight for the target- ie; through the planet.