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Everything posted by DirtyHarryE

  1. Hey there. I recently started playing KSP 1.2, but I'm seeing these weird black lines around the edges of the island runway that make it look really cartoony and horrible. Looking at them up close, I don't think they're supposed to be like that. Obviously this isn't the biggest deal in the world, but I would like to play the game the way it was intended to be played. The Graphics card I am using is : NVIDIA GeForce 840 M Currently not running any mods. Thanks,
  2. Use the GPS Coordinator, as shown in . It doesn't show the cruise missile itself, but it works the same.It's annoying that not all the descriptions of the missiles say how to target them. But I'm pretty sure the cruise missile uses GPS.
  3. I think the only way that works is with the GPS Coordinator. It would be nice if that was in the description. Anyway, what you have to do is the following; Send a plane over with the Targeting Pod, then use that to select your target, as if you were about to launch a laser-guided missile Click the "Send GPS" button in the Targeting pod window. In the BDArmory tab, select the "GPS Coordinator" button under the "Modules" list. There should be an option there called "Target" with the GPS Coordinates. If you click the co-ordinates, the GPS Coordinator will target those Coordinates. You can also click where it says "Target" to rename the targeted co-ordinates. Now, you should be able to drop the cruise missile and watch it home in on the coordinates. It seems like a faff, implementing an extra step in the laser targeter instead of just using the laser targeter, but don't forget that GPS coordinates are persistent between flights. So presumably, say you wanted to blow up a heavily defended KSC, you'd be able to fly over a spy plane with the targeting pod attached, grab the coordinates and land all without engaging the enemy, then land and with a new flight, launch the cruise missile from a safe distance using the GPS Coordinates the Spyplane grabbed. If you've already tried this, then I dunno. Maybe the cruise missile makes a beeline straight for the target- ie; through the planet.
  4. What exactly is going wrong? If you provide details BD can diagnose the problem and work on a fix. Otherwise, he's going in blind.
  5. Sounds nice, but how do I download that? MEGA is asking me for a Decryption Key... :S
  6. That's great, man. Congratulations. This is a great mod, and you've clearly put a lot of work and care into it, so well done.
  7. Hey, everyone. I'm a long time lurker and have always found this forum useful. But maybe you can help me, because I am completely at my wit's end. Here is a link to an album, demonstrating my issue; http://imgur.com/a/gh7Ge Every time I make a plane (and it does seem like EVERY time) the wheels have this strange problem where they just... fall off. When the plane loads, it's fine. It's only when I begin to build up speed that the wheels begin to wobble and bend around, causing my craft to veer all over the place and crash. I've tried everything it feels like. Speeding up slowly, turning on and off SAS, pull up and down constantly on the runway. In terms of construction, I've tried more lift, moving the wheels both nearer and farther from the CG on the fuselage, moving the wheels down the wings... Nothing seems to work! The stock craft that come in the game and in B9 don't seem to have this problem... What am I doing wrong?! Please help me, I haven't been able to get my SSTO off the runway in months! Thanks,
  8. Hey, man. This mod is really cool, but I've had a few problems... This mod causes my game to crash whenever I try to revert a flight that has any parts of the mod in it. If I try to revert the Kerbal X it works fine but with a craft that has parts from Ordan Industries this it causes it to crash when I revert to VAB. Also, it seems that the large telescope has crew capacity. When I select crew, say when I launch from the launch pad or crew roster in the VAB, there are apparently three seats for the Kerbals to sit in, although they don't appear in the lower-right hand of the screen in-flight. I don't know if these things are related. It would be nice to get some insight into what I could do to fix it, because this mod is super nifty. Nice work, hubbazoot
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