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Posts posted by xZise

  1. JDP is from one of those freaky countries where they use periods to split up large numbers and a comma for decimals. :P So KSC has a range of 5000 kilometers, not 5.

    The SI recommendation is to use whitespace to group decimals and comma or period as a decimal seperator. Sounds logical to me. Or avoid grouping at all and use the SI prefixes (5 Mm), which may be weird units for some people.


  2. Because the Rovers on Mars are controlled through Communications Relay. […]

    So? Should they add everything else, because Rovers on Mars are controlled through communications relays? This think makes a connection, what you are doing with it is up to you and your mods. For example Chatterer uses this plugin to calculate latencies. But should Remote Tech implement Chatterer because it simulates communication?

    On another note I don't think it is possible to a second craft far away and watch what it is doing there. And in fact I could understand that remote controlling something might be in the scope of this plugin, but it sounded simply as you (not you EmissionGeneration) wanted a camera mod.


  3. I'd love to see a remote camera in these tools, kinda like the docking cam. This way you could use it to drive your rover w/o actually being there. It would feel more real.

    And what does this have to do with RemoteTech? This is about creating communication relays.

    Yes and I did all that before I lost contact with the sats.

    I'm wondering what happens over time: As the inner ring is "rotating" faster you need to point at least two antennae from the outer ring to the inner ring. When you only point one satellite in the outer ring at one satellite in the inner ring, it is sometimes on the opposite side of Kerbin. When this happens the outer ring satellite should contact one satellite in the inner ring on the other side of the other inner ring satellite. Of course this satellite then has to communicate with the outer ring satellite.

    It really would be nice if you could target multiple satellites at once, and it selects automatically the most suitable one.


  4. Just active vessel. Someday the life support will drain in the background but let's burn that bridge when we come to it.

    Isn't that something different? This is an alarm clock so time based, but you are asking for a resource based alarm. What if the craft's solar panels suddenly produce energy for example because it leaves an planetary shadow?


  5. ok so, i've set up an entire network arround kerbin and its mun.

    it was working perfectly until i noticed that all my sat dishes and antennas magically retracted again(the stock probes, antennas and dishes compatibility)

    so now my entire space network is down :(

    is this a bug or has it to do with my 20 other mods?

    You can activate the Infinite RCS cheat and reactivate the network, as this cheat deactivate the connection testing and you can control the craft anytime.


  6. ok so...I get this when I go to launch. My mechjeb button is Red, I have a RemoteCommand on there and a remotetech macrodish sr. I also have mechjeb 2.0.8 on board (AR202 case).

    But everytime I launch and try to use my mechjeb panels, it doesn't launch, even if i manually hit space. Why is this? It's almost like remotetech has disabled my mechjeb from operating.[…]

    You need to install at least one omnidirectional antenna, because the parabolic antennae need to be pointed at another antenna and this is only possible when you can control the craft, which you can't because you need to communicate in both directions.


    PS: You may change your post so we can see the links to the images without replying to you.

  7. Hi, yesterday I wanted to start a few small interplanetary probes (like Scott Manleys ion engine driven ones), but your new 50 Gm parabolic antenna where so huge, that they halved the ÃŽâ€v while the 0.5 Mg antenna where to large and still cut one quarter of the ÃŽâ€v available.

    I don't really what you can change, but maybe you have a idea? Maybe a lighter 25 Gm antenna or so which would satisfy any location within Kerbin's orbit or with a relais network maybe up to Duna.

    Or with the future version don't only qualify a antenna by it's signal distance but instead by it's bandwidth something like this?


  8. Well after posting in all the wrong places I think I've finally found the right one. Only got into Kerbal etc al recently but I'm having a great time especially with RemoteTech :) Unfortunately since I installed RemoteTech, MechJeb2 which I was using previously seems to have completely stopped functioning. On a ship with the MJ part I am not getting any sort of MJ window or menu and the MJ Control option on the comms interface seems to do nothing.

    In addition I'm finding that even with very small delay (0.08s) the flight computer is having trouble tracking a target, it will point at it then appear to stop tracking until I cycle the appropriate button on the flight computer. This is under Local Control, MJ Control or neither - perfect signal to control or not. This doesn't happen all the time, at the start about 50/50 but now more often than not.

    Grateful for some ideas as I love the mod but miss MJ and I'm sure there's something I'm doing wrong with the AP not staying on properly.

    I'm successfully using MJ 2.0.8 and RT together. Try deactivating RT (by changing the extension of the RT .dll file) and check then if MJ works now.


  9. There is an option for that. If you're seting realy necessary alarm - choose the pause option, not the warp stop. So when game suddenly pausing, you'll know it's time for something important...

    I don't think this wasn't the point: When you have multiple entries in your list and select one think you don't need but actually (s)he deleted the wrong one.


  10. […]The mod also features signal delay. If the signal has to travel far, then the craft will take longer to react to your commands. This is only a few miliseconds in orbit around Kerbin, but can be several seconds long (and therefore quite annoying) when further out in the solar system.[…]

    To be specific: The signal travels with the speed of light which is exactly 300 000 000 m/s so to Minmus you get a 0.3 s delay, because RemoteTech uses the round trip time (signal from A to B and back = doubles the time). Outside the SoI of Kerbin you already get 0.48 s delay (at least).


  11. Nice, is there any chance of getting the camera in? For others it is kind of dull to see those graphs changing.

    One thing that is not very helpful is that the y-axis is always centered on MET=0s, because when you are a few hours/days into flight the actual data becomes pretty small. Even worse, when the craft was loaded later and the data before is only a straight line.


  12. It appears to me, that it won't check if there is a connection when the information window is closed. I had the window closed and got to a ship which was most likely out of range but it still worked. So I opened the window and it said no connection and I was unable to control the vessel. Now of course it could be possible that this was a coincidence but it happened at least twice and in one case I forgot to add an omnidirectional antenna, so it shouldn't even be able to lift off. (all unmanned)


  13. Hello, I also found a glitch in the closest approach implementation. When I searched for 11 orbits, it found an approach after one orbit while with 10 and 12 tested orbits it only found one after 10 orbits.

    The line wraping is also strange. When the seconds of the time to closest approach or alarm where below 10 and consists of only one digit it didn't wrap them.


    By the way is it possible to show minutes and seconds always with a leading 0?


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