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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. Have you changed the cfgs at all? Setting the referenceBody to something that's not the sun is a very quick way to break planetfactory.
  2. What about scaling the planets up to their full size? Everyone was against that and now oh look it's possible. (Note to mods and devs: This is a request, not a complaint. Bigger planets for 0.24 pls)
  3. In her dev thread she mentioned her name was Kimberly. And uh, miss Astronut Kimberly Phillips, can you please answer my questions on how you fixed Sentar?
  4. If you gave Cycles some attention you'd understand that you can get similar results with both engines with little difference. Get rid of your irrational fear of new and unfamiliar technology. With an attitude like that, you're going to learn nothing fast. It's like me refusing to use Photoshop because it has different keyboard shortcuts than paint.
  5. Watch some tutorials. Andrew Price has some good ones. Glad you're using cycles. BI is no longer being developed. It will stay in Blender, but don't ever expect it to be updated.
  6. A lot of people consider spamming air intakes "cheating". I don't, but you have to satisfy the purists.
  7. They are only small for gameplay reasons. When KSP was in its infancy, we didn't have timewarp or a map view. In the proper scale, checking to see if you were in orbit would have been hell. The small planets are vestigial from an older version. Just like how you can still find the pre-PQS terrain in KSP's API, or a ton of other strange, unused classes like asteroid fields and the WarpDrive. (They are all outdated, don't get excited.) Now that we do have timewarp and map mode, real scale planets are possible and they have been done: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-22-WIP-Alpha-Real-Solar-System-v5-2
  8. The music isn't Squad's either. It's free music by Kevin MacLeod.
  9. Krag can you please answer my questions. Even a pm would be nice.
  10. More screwing around with Planet Factory's source code. Don't be fooled by the artistic screenshots however. Since Krag hasn't updated his source to the most recent bugfix(WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE), the planet is still a buggy piece of crap.
  11. Hey Krag, do you know how to fix this issue? The big DEFAULT texture, the atmosphere is supposed to be orange, and the description isn't working. -snip- EDIT: It was a naming issue on my fault. Switched two letters. I'm still wondering how to fix the lighting issue though. This is really weird. Please help me. new PFBody("Dadga", "Jool", 360, new PFOrbit { inclination = 0.2f, eccentricity = 0.3, semiMajorAxis = 197000000000, LAN = 0, argumentOfPeriapsis = 0, meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0, epoch = 0, referenceBody = "Sun" }, localUpdate: delegate(PFBody body) { print("Updating Local " + body.name); var localGameObject = PFUtil.FindLocal(body.name); var orbitDriver = localGameObject.GetComponent<OrbitDriver>(); if (orbitDriver != null) orbitDriver.orbitColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.53f, 0.09f, 1.0f); var smallPlanet = PFUtil.FindScaled(body.name); var atmo = smallPlanet.transform.FindChild("Atmosphere"); var afg = atmo.GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>(); afg.waveLength = new Color(1.0f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.0f); afg.invWaveLength = new Color(1f/Mathf.Pow(afg.waveLength[0], 6), 1f/Mathf.Pow(afg.waveLength[1], 2), 1f/Mathf.Pow(afg.waveLength[2], 2), 0.5f); var cb = localGameObject.GetComponent<CelestialBody>(); cb.atmosphericAmbientColor = Color.red; var rimTexture = PFUtil.LoadTexture(DataPath + body.name + "_rim.png"); if (rimTexture != null) { //print("loading rim"); LoadScaledPlanetRim(body.name, rimTexture); } cb.GeeASL = 0.0962500333786; cb.CBUpdate(); }), I'll tell you how I made this rim texture if you help! EDIT3: Seems to be the same thing that causes the DEFAULT texture bug on Sentar. Makes sense because I'm using your old code. How did you fix this bug?
  12. I know this. I'm asking about the planets in the stock game.
  13. Hopefully this won't be drowned out in the sea of ridiculous suggestions. Krag, in your dev thread you talked of deleting/editing existing planets to free up memory. How could I make a planet such as Minmus cofigureable as much as your planets are?
  14. Well I guess I can shift my focus elsewhere now. Time to get rid of Minmus. EDIT: Tried your script and it doesn't seem to work.
  15. I already said: good reason. When reading posts, it's always good to read the entire post. -------------- Back on topic, I got impatient and decided to edit the code to use configs before Krag does. If you have any spare items such as "Wishful Thinking" or "Prayers" please direct them to me. Here's a picture of my current status:
  16. Aftokinito is still working on his mod. He linked the git page over on Facepunch's KSP thread. He's still pretty pissed at Kragrathea, though he does have good reason.
  17. ????? https://github.com/Kragrathea/PlanetFactory
  18. I was kind of hoping for a more behind behind the scenes, but still an interesting video nonetheless. @Dooz, it has nothing to do with 3D models. The objects are spawned with the plugin* and the rest is the configh file and the textures. **To change next version. Download the source code and open the csproj, you'll learn a lot.
  19. Huh. Oddly enough, the ctrl 9 editor is harder than editing the plugin. I can export a planet, but then what?
  20. Well now I feel stupid. Oh well. The amount I've bastarrdized your code it probably would be better to start over. The skybox is shaking and Kerbin is inside Serious. god help me
  21. So uh can anyone explain why the sun is coming from the wrong direction? EDIT: Orbiting inside Flollop's map view object? This is the most boring planet. EDIT2: Oh the scaling issue is because I used Tylo as a template instead of Minmus. Fixed the terrain too.
  22. I reverse engineered the Planet Factory code. yey
  23. Well I've messed around a bit and now KSP crashes immediately at startup. I must be doing something right!
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