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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. 0.8-0.10 -Explode -Fly to 10,000 m -Try to use liquid rockets -Explode -Download Mods -Explode 0.11-0.12 -Orbit -Orbit the Sun -Miss the Mun by several million km -Learn about orbital inclination -Download more mods -Crash the game -Orbit the Mun -Crash into the Mun 0.13-0.14 -Land on Mun -Buy game -Attempt rendezvous -Get bored -Attempt to build Mun base -Crash into Mun -Insult mechjeb users -Install Mechjeb 0.15 -Complain because docking wasn't added -Wait, a new moon was added? All is forgiven. -Build a plane -Crash the plane -Build a rocket -Crash into Minmus -Roll my command pod around for a while 0.16 -LADDERS ON ALL THE THINGS -Download Probodobodyne mod -Config edit the parts so that they work -Land probe on Mun -Land Jeb on Mun 1km from the probe -Run out of fuel -Fly Jeb over to the Probe -Send Bill and Bob to rescue jeb -Land 500m from Jeb -Go home -Attempt to build Mun base, actually succeed. -Attempt to Rendezvous, actually succeed. -Download NovaPunch -Download KOSMOS -Download KW rocketry -Game crashes 0.17 -PLANETS YEAAAAAAA -Wait, going to Duna requires math? -Builds a bigass rocket - ksp.olex.biz goes up, bless this good Earth - Get tons of mods - Build a base on Bop 0.18-Now -Struggle to update my mods for 0.18 -Become best friends with C7 <3 -Struggle anyways because the universe hates me -Build a cool space station -Attach a rocket to one of my planes and dock it with my station -De-orbit plane, kill jeb -Discover that this guy who makes KSP fanart is a little too obsessed with Nazis -Call fanart guy out for acting like a douchebag, mods give me friendly warning -Call someone an entitled prick for demanding a mod be updated, banned for the weekend -Post off topic fanart guy's thread, banned for a week for being immature. -Fanart guy is a huge ass, I retaliate, receive a two week, all expenses paid trip to Casa El Bano. -Decide to make mods -I suck at making mods, abandon making mods -Check up on the forums -Some asshole decided to reveal all of fanart guy's personal info, oh man this is hilarious -The the mods are deleting posts and banning people left and right -2 weeks are up. Unbanned. -I quietly release an alpha version of my mod -Fanart guy banned, pretend to act sympathetic, but really I'm not. He was rude to many users and couldn't take criticism like a real artist. -0.20 is released! Lets play with rover seats! -Sent a rover to Minmus, and did some sick jumps -One of my Kerbals hit Minmus too hard RIP. ;_; -Got the Orion mod and went to Duna -Ran out of bombs around Duna -0.21 released, I suddenly don't care about those kerbals anymore -Build cool planes with B9 and fly everywhere. -Get really bored with KSP -0.22 released not bored anymore -Strand my Kerbals and more importantly, my science, on Minmus. And that's basically my entire Kerballing history.
  2. After reading the latest chapter I'm worried that I'm slowly becoming a computer. My command capsule snapped off of my lander on a Minmus mission and I was more worried about getting my science back than rescuing Bill, Jeb, and Bob.
  3. It looks like the doodles I make while bored in class. I would love to make it in CG! Sadly I have the same issue SolarLiner is having, so the best I can do now is annoy the .mu Blender importer/exporter dev until he adds it.
  4. Damn dude you're good. I think you should reduce the size of Jool's atmosphere though.
  5. Oh OK. Do you think you can send your Kerbal file to me? I'll see if I can get it to work in Cycles.
  6. Rewdew: Are you rendering in Cycles or BI? You should really consider switching to Cycles if you haven't.
  7. Fahrenheit and Celsius suck. Kelvin master race.
  8. Nice renders. What software do you use? Anyways, if you want to discuss and show off your work to other 3d artists check out this thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/45369-Your-Blender-Maya-3dMax-etc-fan-art-section-%28Animation-Pics-etc%29
  9. Yay you're back! I loved your previous art with the Kraken and the Mainsail.
  10. It could work, but there is still the issue of getting to/from the base. Also, someone is screwing with the timeline: Edit: False data has been expunged.
  11. How am I supposed to get all this science back?
  12. I guessing once currency is implemented gaining science points is going to be much harder. Now you can just slap a rocket together, no limit on parts. Once we have money that will be harder. I think the devs planned for this.
  13. I feel like the Europa landings and colonization is a little too far-fetched. The radiation belts around Jupiter make exploration of Io, Europa, and Ganymede impossible unless there is a breakthrough in radiation shielding technology sometime between now and then. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonization_of_Europa#Possible_problems edit: The Alcubierre drive too. Exotic matter doesn't exist and the warp bubble would fry anything inside of it. Plus, while the Alcubierre drive doesn't violate Relativity, it does violate Causality. Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive#Causality_violation_and_semiclassical_instability http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive#Mass.E2.80.93energy_requirement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive#Survivability_inside_the_bubble
  14. Scientists from KSC are reporting a system-wide solar flare, K-022 class. The crew of PlanetLab realizes they only have one option as they approach Duna. Attempt landing. Jebediah wakes up in a cold sweat. He realizes it was just a dream. His mind wanders away from his nightmare and he begins to wonder if his training application has been accepted by KSC. Well, Jebediah, welcome to 0.22.
  15. Make your own! https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Hammer_Editor Or just download some: http://www.myapertureinnovations.com/
  16. I'm used to automatic but I would love to give manual a try.
  17. The first time I landed on the Mun I made a huge mistake: my lander was RCS powered. I made it to the surface, but poor Bill Jeb and Bob didn't have enough fuel to get home and ended up crashing into the Mun after running out of fuel. I also had a metric duckton of fuel in that transfer stage. All that wasted deltaV that could have taken my boys home.
  18. No, the only reason they're confirming the release date is to build up hype and because it is tomorrow. The last time release dates were confirmed the entire forum was filled for a week with complaints because the release was delayed.
  19. 0.22 isn't out yet, so time to do more fake science! Introducing SUNLIGHT:
  20. Phobos: Or, more specifically, that big-ass crater. Imagine the view standing on the rim of the crater! Mars huge in the sky, the vast irregular expanse of unexplored ground in front of you.
  21. As bad as the forums may get one day, hopefully it will never be bad as the days around when 0.10 was out. There were no rules against reaction images and memes, causing a lot of threads to be filled with giant images of rage faces and ponies. It was horrible. On the plus side, we didn't have a swear filter back then. I miss my cuss words.
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