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Jean Deaux

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Posts posted by Jean Deaux

  1. Okay, that took too many attempts, but was fun. I played with making an actual helicopter but couldn't get the top to spin like I'd seen in some other videos. Didn't feel like downloading and installing a mod that had a chopper, so just built a flying can in the end. Video of the successful helipad landing for you.

    Next up...

    A new GPS invention has just been released and we need 3 satellites equally spaced on a Kerbin equatorial geosynchronous orbit. Get to it, the product is scheduled to ship next week!

    (hint: Geosynchronous orbit is at 2868.75km [1009.019 /ms])

  2. doesn't it logically follow that rockets don't breathe air, especially because they cant on earth? It seems to make no sense to have air breathing rockets, might as well allow space planes... Airbreathing propulsion has insane isp especially when you consider the low dV requirements of kerbin. I don't think air-breathing engines should be in a grasshopper challenge.

    Perhaps I should wait until you guys are done playing with the rules of the challenge before I participate any further.

  3. Alright the first contender, however somehow I neglected to state that the idea is to land on the launchpad. I did not realize the runway is also a 100% recovery zone.

    If you don't want to do it again I will give you a special mention, sorry about the confusion.

    Well, I watched the video of the SpacEx vehicles and noticed those were all landing on a runway, so I mimicked that. Perhaps I'll have yet another go for the new change in rules.

  4. I'll try Gilly. Hopefully, someone won't do it before me. (I had that with the pool challenge...)

    I was about to give it a go to put up something a little easier, but I'll let you have at it. It's good to let others get in there and play.

    Had that happen to me with the Minmus landing...

    heh, and me with the mun.

  5. So I guess people should adjust their play style to please you then? I mean it is not like their enjoyment is that important or anything....right?

    What? You mean if we have the freedom to play any way we want to play that we should not worry about how somebody else is playing it? What a crazy concept!

  6. So, basically you're only respectable when complaining about the wasted potential in this game if you're a modder or a Youtuber or someone else who brings content to the community? Maybe you and the the rest of the Super SQUAD Defenders could remember that next time you're on the case?

    Not at all. It's easy to have an opinion, as you can see, everybody has one. I'm challenging people like yourselves to step up, stop saying you know better, show us you know better. Write the program, create Regex's Space Program. Show us all how much better you can do things. Squad, for better or for worse, is at least putting in an effort. Agree, disagree, it's all just words until you do something about it.

  7. Bottom line, this is Squad's baby. They have put in the time to learn how to do this, they have put up the time and money to write and publish this game, and overall this is their plan of action (and it's good to have a plan of action). If you're still here in the forums, complaining or supporting, it's because you enjoy this product they've made. If you don't like this product and you're still here, then you're just somebody needing some desperate attention in order to fulfill some need for attention you're not getting elsewhere. Could the game be better, yes, what game couldn't? Could the game be worse, yes, what game couldn't? The world is full of complainers, the Squad team is filled with "doers". Doers are people that see a need or aren't happy with something and go out to "do" something about changing that as opposed to complaining how someone else needs to do something to make that complainer happy.

    So to any of you who complain, I'd invite you to become a doer. Show the world you're more than just talk, prove to us you actually know what you're talking about. Prove to us our tax dollars have not been completely wasted on the education system.

  8. Theres a bit of hassle with the air intakes, see the "fuel flow rules" topic Here

    I assume you built the entire thing with 4x symmetry on, the best way to fix it is to grab the whole side-assembly, put it back on 1x symmetry, take it back off, then put it back on on 4x symmetry. That should fix your issues. :)

    I've found doing symmetry in the manner you describe creates a symmetry bug that's been around for some time. It doesn't always bug out, but I can recommend saving a 2nd copy of the ship before doing this, just in case.

    Symmetry bug report I made some time back, pictures are gone but descriptions are still relevant.

  9. Yesterday I was continuing my Jool 5 mission. Landed on Tylo. Not enough fuel to return to orbit. Rage deleted the save.

    Bill and Jeb touched down yesterday on Tylo as well, though they probably wished they hadn't run out of fuel prematurely. Their ship is a wreck, they no longer have a means to generator power, but their capsule survived. They too now await rescue on Tylo.

  10. My rover *is* my lander :D



    I've used that approach too. Landed like a rocket, retracted the front gear and dropped down to drive. Works great in low-grav, just pop a wheelie, hit the jets, and you're heading back to space.


  11. I typically use a drop ship style approach, and detach my rover after safely landing. This allows any bumps to be absorbed by the lander and not the rover.

    Here's a picture of a medium sized rover and you can see the dropship in the front right.


    And here's a larger rover, same style dropship (not shown) but was a little bigger in design.



    Found a picture in my archive with the rover still attached to the dropship...


  12. That's a sweet base man. Can you clean out those science juniors with that setup? I figured they had to be docked or something.

    Cantab is correct, there are structural plates underneath the surface that bind all the pieces together. This allows me to basically "drop a base" in one mission. I was surprised to find that the plates become hidden by the surface when I first created the design but find it a very nice effect. Glad you like it.

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