Hi, im from brasil and I find space simulation games very interesting I have being playing the Kerbal for while and im think about buying the game, but somehow im afraid of not being happy after all. I have not found much of the BRasil community in this game, and I might start one with portuguese videos. The problem is; The game is sooo complex i will never get master on it, there are so many add-ons that i fell completely lost, I dont know where to begin. I think i might just wait. The game is on beta, and i think it misses a lot of info for the beginners, info about the specs, about about the interface and the spare parts for building, I just felll the game is so incomplete and that the community is so engaged in completing it that the game will soon be free. So, im in love and hate with this game and I want to know how will the career game mode will be and if there will be any kind of multiplayer game!