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Everything posted by MaximilianPs

  1. I wonder WTF the Squad did to this game, airplane with keyboard are a mess, impossible to pilot and land 0.2 was much much much more fun that this 1.1.2
  2. Well I guess under Administration Building could be added 2 buttons, "Loan" and "Sponsor Scouting" Loan should be just a button, I dunno if it possibile, maybe on the side description could be added a button instead the slider, so when you click on it, you could open your Kerbal Bank window. Sponsor Scouting could work a bit in more standard way, with the slider you could set how frequently or the minimum amount of credits the sponsor should pay, then from time to time, when the user are in main screen (where you see all buildings, a pop-up could appear with (or maybe a flashing icon?) with the offers. I was thinking that we could name the Sponsor (like Kocakebal, Nikerbal and so on), and add some banners around lunch platform or on the runway if the player agree with sponsor. In this case I could help with 3D Modelling and texturing. Also, based on reputation we could add some terraces full of spectators (based on reputation) and Kerbals will pay to assist to the lunch ... maybe we could try.
  3. Facebook Emotes are free there are emoticons from Cut the Rope, so why not from KSP, Kebals are so sympathy ... much more than many other horribly emoticons currently in store
  4. I guess the better way to improve money without cheating could be to improve the administrative building, "administrators" could search for sponsors to help the agency to avoid the bankrupt or maybe the sponsor could cover part or a total of the current vessel cost ! Also, could be interesting to have a Bank system so you can ask for a credit, to lunch a rocket and, on this way recover some money that in future will be used to refound the bank.
  5. Hello there, I've seen many users around the web playing in career mode and whining for money, and some of them are forced to cheat 'cause wrong decision or exploding things. What I was thinking is to create a mod, or maybe the Squad could take it in consideration where the administrative building could search for sponsors to help the agency to avoid the bankrupt or maybe the sponsor could cover part or a total of the current vassel cost ! Also, could be interesting to have a Bank system so you can ask for a credit, to lunch a rocket and, on this way recover some money that in future will be used to refound the bank. .... this will give some chance to the players, and keep the current match Alive ! Hey modders, think about it
  6. I guess some artist can/should create some animated emoticons for Facebook, it would promote the game a bit. and I would love it
  7. Those are amazing, did you made something like this for male too, if you didn't you *SHOULD* ! ? =)
  8. It shouldn't become boring, 'cause when you reach the experiment, it will not notify it again, but just the next one. By the way an option to quiet him/'em would be usefully
  9. hello After all this update, and the career mode (that I really like) I still think that this game still too complicate for the mass, reaching the science point isn't so easy. I've a bunch of friend which have purchased Kerbal and latterly bombard me with question on how to gain science points. That's Why I guess you should think about have some interactive characters, that will briefing before the launch, that will tell you when do what... or something like that. Maybe something a la Civilization with his Councillors ?
  10. there are a cupple of problems, maybe bugs ? it didn't identify the object, why ? (structure not found !) https://www.dropbox.com/s/jvdddyfk21nuhle/Screenshot%202013-12-14%2000.45.57.png and the second, looks like we have a difference with logitude ! (it say 128 while it 231) https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6wrfccla7his1o/Screenshot%202013-12-14%2000.49.23.png
  11. what about Kethane ? would be interesting to scan it, I will prefer it much more than how the Kethane plugin works with the in-game overlay mapping system
  12. Would be possible to close the main map with ESC key ? I guess, the ScanMapTraq should looks different from the scanner, 'cause it's a computer which made analysis from other scanners, don't you think ? ... maybe something with geek aspect
  13. I'm using this plugin to find anomalies and to have a map, obviously :-) I guess more the other things you should work on fixing bugs (none I've found) and extending the database. you should definitely release it, cause it's amazing
  14. I had the same bug flag = Squad/Flags/Max3DSpaceDev the file D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Flags\Max3DSpaceDev.png the bug I dunno why, appear don't know when bug the flag in the main view of the KSP Center, is the default one, while in other parts of the game it works fine... strange 'cause I've searched in the persistent for "default" bug nothing was found
  15. Minmus scan fail with multispectral sensor, but not with altimeter, while on the Mun it works, ... what happens ? O.o
  16. Confirmed, ScanMap is at the 4th level of research on the bottom line (where you find the first battery) thank you
  17. I'm sorry if Ask it again, and if there are many other posts on that but that's a very specific topic 'cause... I'm looking for a mod (or not - developerssss !!! ) to scan in Career Mode I've tried ISA but actually fail (at least nothing appear in science component), and I'm not a coder so don't ask to me do edit files any advice about that ?
  18. Smidge204, thank you for translating me the last time I was so bored by that, that I've made an *eva* for all crew, directly on the ramp
  19. Please, if I set the cockpit *MUST BE EMPTY* when save a rocket, 'cause I've installed on it an AI too, made the cockpit empty on the saved File !!!
  20. Thank you, that's a great tips now it is also a bit more clear... i guess I've lost a bunch of report...
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