Not 100% sure what you mean by the snapping part, But i don't think the landing gear is snapping off the plane. Maybe the wheel getting stuck in the runway bug i have heard about but not sure that is what is happening. Ah thanks, good read that link is sad i never found it myself. Thank you for it, I'll have to look and see if i have wheel wobble on the troublesome models. And i've spotted troubles like what is explained in that before with wheels burrowing making the plane wobble tipping side to side after having to correct a plane moving toward the edge of the runway. thanks again guys I'll see what is going on, also the red arrow is the direction of the torque movement right. Not 100% clear as that as i have read this a few times and confused some still. Unless I missed the explanation of the colors of each arrow and what the represent. Unless that is hidden away in a readme file i have overlooked or in a post here that i did not read close enough. I guess what i am saying it I am shoeles. . . clueless as to what the different arrows mean, red, green, and the red circle arrow. Some i can understand but maybe my old brain just can't wrap itself around this . . . Sometimes being a "have to do it, to learn it" can be a disadvantage most of the time.