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Everything posted by kajoman

  1. Ok, here goes... So I had this amazing space station in orbit, and had attached two battery consoles, a fuel canister, and Jebediah Kerbin the command seat. It was all dandy ad well, until I tried to launch my second fuel station into orbit. What had gone so well the first time proceeded to explode twice while entering orbit (one the pilot survived, the other not so much). So once I finally got it into orbit, I realized it was incredibly difficult to move a heavy fuel tanker with my RCS port located on the front (I the command capsule was use both to guide the fuel tank to the station and then reattach with the engine). So after about 3/4 of my RCS being burned doing that, I turn around and managed to attach to my engine with relative ease. From their the mission went dandy, until I went back to check on the station. Surprisingly nothing went flying off while I realigned it, but instead of hitting space center, I hit end flight. Luckily, I had managed to have a quick save with it in orbit. However, this quick save did not have the fuel tank I had just painstakingly attached attached, and the other fuel tank was nearly empty. By then I was to burnt out to launch another, and so I left hoping some cats on the internet would help. They didn't, and I fell asleep knowing I was an idiot.
  2. I just started a post with my and some other people's tips on docking. Maybe it'll help: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26886-Docking-With-Ease
  3. I have found that using MechJeb's Rendezvous module, even when not actively fixing the orbit, gives you some highly detailed information for docking. I have learned how to dock solely based on the details it provides, and after two training maneuvers with it active I was able to easily attach a fuel canister to my space station without MechJeb's aid. Most notably, the 'Closest approach' time and distance helps you learn what you need to do to get near the target. Hope this helped! edit: Any other tips for learning with or without mods from you guys? Always glad to hear what the community has to say.
  4. The images of the two are perfect. "Where's the rocket goin Shepmon?" "I dunno Wehrdrin" "*oblivious*"
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