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Everything posted by Rainbowtrout

  1. Early happy 10k posts?

  2. The topic of the thread is automations. An animation about automation...
  3. Maybe move the rover off of the runway, break the runway, and do a distance test?
  4. Trackpad. Because of old potato non-gaming laptop. I'm planning on upgrading, getting a decent keyboard/mouse, and possibly a joystick.
  5. So's a mainsail. Now that pedantic me has been forced back into it's cage, I use it because it looks nice
  6. The highest I've dared to go is 600. I think small, so my normal projects are 200 parts at most.
  7. For online gaming, the connection is the question if you want it smooth. The technical specifications are good though.
  8. xXx_2_qUiKsCoPe4u_fAzE_SwAgGeRzZ_xXx (because of darude-sandstorm) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2PEpB8gaws
  9. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AnDjQa78LZo/UITSUOK0bYI/AAAAAAAAAkU/X0ASbqGJIl8/s1600/RTM_thumbsup.gif
  10. Interesting theory: Females are extraordinarily rare, we just haven't seen them...?
  11. I support addition of female kerbals. I would like them quite innocent, as a cute little green creature with an excess of lipstick/eyeliner will be worse than having none at all. (Off topic, I'm suprised that this thread hasn't devolved into a classic argument yet. Well done!)
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/49816-rbray89 Another member! Now, to become magically light green.
  13. This would be a great addition. To be honest, mine would just be the entire structural tab.
  14. Yeah, uh, no. This can go South (or North,if you are from the Southern Hemisphere ) very quickly. Locked.
  15. Inb4anticursestuffcausesalock. On topic, you should talk to Kaelten, like DYJ said. SQUAD isn't in control of Curse. Yet.
  16. Alaska? Subsuebusbushusihiagyagjbhbsybs
  17. I've also been looking at laptops. I should have stated that video editing wasn't overly important, but it would be a nice bonus. Is there much difference between 6gb or 8gb, if I'm just going to be doing gaming? http://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/HP_250_G2_Core_i3_6GB_750GB_Windows_8.1_Pro_-_Windows_7_Pro_Laptop_F0Y94EA/version.asp ^Any good? I'm looking towards low cost, but I could buy a USB mouse instead of using the trackpad. Yay for noob questions.
  18. Or thank chu? I'll let myself out. Good job OP!
  19. Kerbals. jfuenjenfenfjnfjenfurfksjdiejaiksonvurnr
  20. I might give it a go this weekend.
  21. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/2495754.htm#pdpPromotions Not hardcore editing, just basic cutting and adding. I've been looking for a decent, compact PC to play KSP on without 5 FPS due to potato Compaq. With it, I'm looking to run minecraft, KSP, and other similar games, like Space Engineers. Is it a good choice? I haven't brought it yet, it might be a self-treat for Christmas, or birthday.
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