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Everything posted by Asheron04

  1. I know this may have been asked before but does my drilling rig still collect kethane while not in control of the vessel? I know the scanners do not continue to scan the surface so I would assume the drills would not collect either. Anyone know for sure?
  2. That my friends is a union break.
  3. Youtube is your best friend. Just find a good tutorial like the pheonix project and follow it step by step. After you accomplish that you will find doing it on your own much easier. This game is one of the best out there and its still in Alpha. Dont give it up, trial and error.
  4. Mechjeb also is not very fuel effecient in my opinion. I do my landings manually.
  5. Start using quicksave (f5) and reloading to try again (f9)
  6. I have done this several times by accident and for awhile didnt know you had to go to the space center instead of end flight. If you happened to quick save and havent quick saved since then you should be able to re-load your save.
  7. 149. Why cant my kerbalnauts have a hunger, hygiene, fun, health, etc bars that I have to micromanage. I thought this was space sims ;-)
  8. Well I had plans to take pics of this whole mission. But I only remembered to snag a few along the trip. I have a mun base in progress that consists of a communications tower, my Nova Base rover, and an MOLAB for extended operations away from the main base. Jeb along with his trusty sidekick Bill had been running the base operations for just over a year. I figured a year on the mun was wearing down on Jeb and Bill so I decided to plan a mission to bring them home. Operation Homecoming was a success although it did take the two Kerbalnauts quite some time to re-adjust to gravity again! Here are a couple of the screenshots I managed to snap of the space programs heroes return. Here we have Jeb maneuvering the Nova Base Rover to where the return ship landed 2km away from Mun Base Alpha Here we have Jeb and Bill hastily making their way to the return ship. Two more Kerbalnauts rotated with Jeb and Bill. There are six kerbalnauts stationed at Mun Base Alpha The return ship breaking through the atmosphere. Due to an engineering problem not addressed before take off, the parachutes deployed too soon. Luckily they didn't burn up and they were able to slow the decent of the craft. And finally Jeb and Bill coming in for a hot landing at the KSP launch facility at Kape Kanaveral. With the Mun Base mission a success Jeb has handed over command of that mission to Munski Kerman where he will continue to conduct experiments and prepare for eventual resource mining of the mun. Jeb and Bill are being assigned to a new mission to be the first Kerbals to set foot on Duna and begin colonization. When asked about the Duna mission Jeb had no comment.
  9. This will make a great addition to my permanent moon base. Will edit with a pic once im done landing this beast!
  10. Great. Thanks for the tips fellas. Ill give it another go later and let you know how it goes!
  11. I have never used the calculator before...ill give it a shot after work. Quicksave is always your friend! Also I have been placing my craft in a 500 km orbit around kerbin to fast forward till duna intercept window. Is this a good practice or is there an easier way of doing it?
  12. Hello everyone. Im not sure if there is a how to already posted for this but im having some issues planning my duna intercept. I always seem to overshoot and cannot get a close enough encounter to get into its soi. And after I do im not sure how or if I should do an aerobrake or just burn retro. Any tips would be appreciated.
  13. Well I personally havent ventured past minmus because I have been so busy with experiments on it and the mun. But I have a mission in the works for a manned flight and eventual base on the surfacr of Duna so ill have to try my hand at some magic boulder experiments. Thanks again for the great read.
  14. Thanks bud. Im going to test her out when I get off work tonight. Back to your post, im just curious about how long this mission took. Seemed pretty strenuous.
  15. This was an awesome read! And I like the spacecraft, its simple but gets the job done! Could you possibly send me the craft file?
  16. I nearly quit because of this exact same problem. But like stated above, just place the tank anywhere it will fit and then it will fit on those decouplers perfectly.
  17. There are different ways to do it. For my design that I posted earlier I used the landing struts to make the rover base stationary and to gauge how high my docking port needs to be. For fine tuning I launched my rover base and drove it off to the side of the launch pad. Then after I designed an addition I moved it to where the base was and made sure it could dock before sending it to the mun. Like I said before, trial and error.
  18. To answer your first question, you can use the 2x 4x 6x symmetry to get your tanks lined up easier. Also I almost always leave angle snap on, there are only a few cases that this isnt useful. Also if you are having trouble placing something that you know will fit, put the part anywhere it will stick. There is a bug that messes with part placement so if you place it in a random spot, it resets. Then just take it off and place it where you want it. You can make fine tune adjustments to your parts by holding down shift and pressing w, a, s, d, q, or e depending on which way you want to tilt your parts. I use this most for getting my lights at just the right angle. Your second question is not as easy to answer. Do some research and maybe find a design you like and modify it to your purposes. Or since you like sending up something that is your own design, just keep testing your designs and making corrections. Ksp is a whole lot of trial and even more error. But hey thats the fun of it all! Hope I could help. Happy launching!
  19. Well this is my second attempt at a large rover. The first was terribly difficult to maneuver and was scrapped. This is my NMRB, (Nova Mobile Rover Base) program using all stock parts. As I said before this is the Mk 2 of the NMBR program. The team will continue to make improvements and modifications in hopes of eventually creating an interplanetary version. Here it is semi-deployed after touchdown. Jeb and bill are moving to the first staging area. Where they will then lower the legs to make the base stationary. This will also make it easier to gauge the height of docking ports. And here we have Jeb and Bill exploring the surface for a second time, but just excited to be here as the first.
  20. I just landed my 'mobile mun base' last night. It took a few launches to get it down but was worth it. I made the base of the 'base' a rover to make it easier to dock to and move about the mun. I used asparagus technique with the launch rockets to save fuel for the trip as the base is pretty heavy. Once landed I use landing legs to make the base stationary and I know exactly how high I need my ports for docking. I made the mistake of trying to send a massive base the first time and it just doesnt work out. Asparagus staging works wonders, you can youtube it for an idea on how to work it out. Also check out tworocketguys channel and view their munbase series of vids. Helped me tremendously. Good luck!
  21. Peenvogal took the words right out of my mouth. Except my favorite was Medieval Total War. I have been playing ksp since it only cost $5. I have always had a deep facination with space and this game helps to satisfy some childhood dreams that could never come to fruition. There is so much to do now since when ksp first came out that I cant make up my mind! I just landed my all stock mobile base on the mun (pictures to come) and I have to say it was one of the mosy satisfying accomplishments ive had in Ksp. After I have sufficiently satisfied my mun curiosity, its off to minmus and beyond! Happy launching my fellow kerbalnauts!
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