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Everything posted by Bacon_00

  1. Well, I solved the problem of the SAS not turning off. If I just back out to the Tracking Center and then back to the ship, it fixes itself. However, now that I landed on the Mun, I'm having a different problem. When I undock the top part of the ship from the base/lander, the engines no longer work. Everything is turned on and shows green, however, the ship cannot take off. If I keep it docked to the lander, the throttle and engines work fine, but if I undock it and try to leave the base behind, the engines don't work. Anybody have any ideas? Also, backing out to the space center and back again doesn't fix this one =/
  2. So I have a ship + base that I'm trying to send to the Mun. Once I'm in orbit around Kerbin, I need to undock it and redock it into a different configuration so as to be able to drop some empty fuel tanks that would otherwise be stuck between the command module and base/lander module. But, once I redock into the new configuration, I can't turn SAS off, and thus can't do anything but orbit the planet. I also can't seem to use SAS on the "lander" portion of the ship when it's disconnected from the main section. I have SAS modules on both halves of the ship. I have HOME installed, as well as RemoteTech. I'm using 3 RemoteTech dishes on the base portion of the craft, but otherwise the ship is from stock parts. Any clarification of what's going on here would be helpful, although I'm thinking that it's a bug, because not being able to turn SAS off is a bit of a game-killer, hahaha.
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