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Posts posted by Gristle

  1. "Additive" ranges (which I'm now calling "symmetric" ranges myself) use the geometric mean of both antenna ranges in the link to determine the nominal and maximum ranges. So if you had a hypothetical antenna with max range 8 and another with max range 2, the max range for the linked pair would be sqrt(2*8)=4. By doing this I can now improve link range as you upgrade the KSC tracking station, and put a little more variety in the gameplay behavior as you progress.

    "Simple" ranges dictate the range of the link based only on the transmitting antenna. So if you have an antenna with range 8, your range to every other antenna is just 8. It winds up requiring much longer ranges on all three antennas.


    This is unintuitive and confusing. So my big dish antennas in orbit have their range more than halved because my planetary probes have shorter range antennas? Why would I ever want additive range? Additive range would also seemingly make any values shown to the player in the VAB meaningless as the actual range would depend on what the other components of the link were.

  2. That's the case, correct :)

    The discussion on this is... maybe 20 pages back, sorry it should have been more clear how things change.

    Situation is:

    Use new names: confusion (But,crafts may be recovered and transferred).

    Overwrite old parts: broken craft files and sadness.

    The proportions are nice :) how does it compare in capability to TantaresLV Proton?

    And yes, the NERVA is included this release.

    You can get previous versions on KerbalStuff. Download the previous version, remove affected parts, and then rebuild! May want to take a screenshot or two of your old craft to help you update.

    EDIT: Oh, wow. That update just about broke everything. Anything that used the Vostok MP spheres or the Vostok hoop antenna is now broken. Was there any reason the part names had to change? It's a really prolific amount of brokenness. What's your current naming convention?

    Could be a while until the craft files get updated. :(

    Sorry, I'll reply to all others later - this is an urgent one.

    En masse request to not break old craft files, a new naming convention was used - this means the old parts can be used with the new parts with no clashing.

    I.E. Almach_Crew_A and Vostok_Crew_A may be present in the same game save.

    I.E.2. You can load your crafts with the old parts, swap in the new and then delete the old parts (awkward I know, but prevents truly broken craft files).

    Many thanks! :)

    Is that right? I thought the 3 month figure was in Dormant mode while berthed to a space station?


    Yes, mistake there.

    Will fix.

    Glad to see it used so quickly! :)

    Nice little jiggery-pokery craft there!

    Hmmm, odd. This is a new one.

    I'll have a dig around :)

    That's great that we can load old parts with the new, but it would be nice to let peeps with careers and missions in progress know that things would be broken. Good thing I have some persistence back ups. Is there a list of the parts that have changed names?

  3. I'm so excited for the Big-G! Gemini is definitely my favorite NASA program. If you're going down the road of what-if crafts, General Electric's Apollo D-2 is interesting... :wink:


    It was GE's proposal for the Apollo CM. The Soyuz follows the same principle with attachable, customizable mission modules onto a standard reentry capsule. It had more internal volume and would have supposedly been cheaper than the NASA design, yet NASA eventually went forward with theirs.

    Also, I might have found a bug with the "prosper" probe. I was making an RT network using the new "prosper", and it seems that the modeled-in solar panels act directionally, no matter the actual in-game sun exposure (only one side of the model actually generates electricity). The exposure % peaks at one certain angle, then tapers off when rotating in either direction away from that angle. I'm not aware if you already knew about this or not.

    Must be new here. Beale had already created this spacecraft and has since pulled it from the Tantares roster because of issues with the fairings. The only Spica pics I could find in these 800 pages of awesome

  4. Question about using CKAN/KerbalStuff. Since my mods share common assets (templates, decals, etc.) I understand that for CKAN they need to be placed in a separate mod. But what about KerbalStuff? My concern is that by breaking up the install into separate mods, users won't download the WildBlueTools from KerbalStuff, and I'll get a bunch of support requests. I want to make sure that if I separate out the tools from DSEV/Pathfinder, that users will have the complete download if downloading files from KerbalStuff.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Great, glad to hear. :) Thus far, I've had no issues with the reworked Saddle. Next update will have a small step on the Saddle so that you know which way is the front door when you mount up the Ponderosa.

    Might be best to ask this in the CKAN thread ( CKAN Thread ). I know other mod authors have common asset packs also and are on CKAN, Toadicus for one. Never mind Angel-125 is already on top of this.

  5. Nice! :cool:

    Those Grid-Fins look a little hazardous though!

    Huh... That was quite easy actually.

    I feel silly for getting stuck on the door before now.

    Only is needed to add the handle.

    <snip pics>

    Edit: Big-G! Or some approximation!

    <snip pics>

    Tantares - 1.25m Soyuz

    Soyjuice - 1.875m Soyuz

    Corvus - 1.25m Gemini

    Spica - 1.875m Gemini

    This is why I drink.

    You forgot about Angel-125's MOLE



    Have another drink!:cool:

  6. Did you delete Tantares, redownload it, redownload and reinstall Firespitter and ModuleManager.

    Click on the most recent link I posted to the TMA pack, download it again, reinstall that. I'll double check the configs but I think it might be something with how you installed it because I fixed that problem already.

    Remember, this requires Tantares to be installed.

    EDIT: I'm 90% sure that you have the old bugged version of TMA installed.

    Do these exact steps:

    1) Delete your Tantares folder in Gamedata.

    2) Redownload Tantares. Make sure it's the newest version.

    3) Reinstall Tantares.

    4) Install Firespitter and ModuleManager. Links are in the ReadMe inside the TMA download.

    5) Download Tantares TMA again from the link in this post.

    6) Reinstall Tantares TMA.

    The issue you are describing is the exact one I fixed with TMA 0.3.6, so you must not be using the most recent version.

    Here is the Dropbox link.

    I'm getting the same thing as Gunslinger. Duplicated parts and no new textures. There are some config changes, KIS enabled on the original parts for one. Tantares, as is most of my mods, are being managed by CKAN. ModuleManager and FireSpitter are up to date although looking at the TMA configs i don't see this utilized for them. I don't have procedural fairings installed, and did not copy the fairings folder to my GameData folder.

  7. NP.

    Okay, initial release of alpha on KerbalStuff.

    Version xx Jun 2015 - Initial alpha release

    - Roster interface based on Roster window from Ship Manifest, but greatly enhanced (sorting, more detail)

    - In flight controls removed. These will stay in Ship Manifest. Roster Manager will not be visible in Flight scene.

    - Kerbal manager Tab buttons for various areas to manage.

    - Support for DeepFreeze cryo canisters. Frozen kerbals are displayed with assigned vessel.

    - Attributes Tab, contains kerbal editing found in SM. However, all kerbals can be edited.

    - Training Tab contains ability to edit kerbal skill and experience

    - History tab contains kerbal's flight history.

    - KSP-AVC aware and CKAN listed.

    Long way to go, like I said, but this much is working.

    Should I go ahead and make a release thread, or leave it here for awhile...?

    I'd say leave it here while still being fully developed and start a release thread when you are comfortable with it being feature complete.

    - - - Updated - - -

    A little confused by the history tab. I have a Kerbal named Girina who is lvl 0 1XP that has an extensive flight history, Kerbin orbits and EVA, Minmus Orbits and EVA's. Another Kerbal named Alelyn who is mymost experienced Kerbalnaught at level 1 XP 7 has no flight history.

    I see now. Available Kerbals have no flight history, History only seems to be available for assigned Kerbals. What do the numbers in front of the history items represent?

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