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Everything posted by Mick2

  1. Thanks for that as well Sandworm. That sounds like the issue is truly put to bed now. I like the idea of the term "fair-use". Possibly turning the tables here a little I would consider it "fair-use" that if something I created was taken and used in any form by squad for KSP. As an Alpha/Beta User or Tester of KSP I would not expect them to acknowledge my input but I would be happy to have inspired something. That makes me feel confident that if what I create gets printed by someone and let's say put on a notice board in a lunch room for instance that it wont be a problem.
  2. I am confident I have my answer. I have PM'd a member of the Squad team and they informed me that so long as there is no commercial incentive that there should be no problem. I can now set about making stuff like this.
  3. Yes yes Aphox, this is something that would be going between friends. the only reason I said workmates is because that is where most of us know each other from. I have no "business" plans for any of this , it's all just for the fun of it. I would like to use the pictures from the web site, if allowed. I thought I might be able to make a sort of flyer for my proposal. something I could pass around in email a bit and ask my 'mates' if they would like to participate. I plan on doing the mission and asking my mates if they want to participate. I can do the documentation without the pictures but I think it would look great if I could use some pictures that squad have created though. I was thinking of maybe a watermark background (maybe squad logo, KSP logo, or a flag picture), somehow work in the kerbalcomic of the guys lined up at the pad waiting inline for launch ... on this mission. I can play more with ideas if it's ok to use them but it's all going to be fun and trying to inspire people to play KSP.
  4. Thank you Aphox, I am not going to sell anything here and will not be making any money. I did look at the fan works forum and thought this may be for there but I do not have a video or stream and was a bit lost as to where to ask. I would like to post something here about what is happening with the mission ... maybe as we go or simply as a mission report as the idea winds up (maybe because of lag or hopefully mission complete.) I think the during or end report(s) would suite the fan works area, with this post I just wanted to ask if it was ok to use some pics from the site in reports and like for the players to spruce them up.. im no artist I am thinking of a long term mission though so it may take along time to finish, what with everyone doing 1 bit then posting the save game along to the next person to do their bit. I am trying to generate interest at my workplace I hope to be able to involve new player, which means I may need to have a variety of simple and complex stages within the mission for people to work on. Any further info would be great.
  5. I hope I am in the right forum for this question. What I am thinking of doing is creating a mission statement/report thingy for a group of people I work with. I would like to use the logos and pictures already created by squad on the documents I create and use for the period of the mission and I do not want to breach copyright or anything. The documents I am thinking of creating would simply be to state things about the mission, mission statement, mission progress and the like. I would disseminate the documents amongst my fellow workmates that play KSP only. I am thinking of using things like the KSP logo, Squad logo, maybe even a strip or 2 from kerbal comics and other images. I would like to make a mission statement and offer that my workmates join in on the mission. I would like to propose swapping the persistents file between mission administrators, engineers, pilots and spectators. I am only in the very early stages and have not actually created anything so far, everything is up in the air at the moment. I just though I could use some images from the KSP site to spruce up the paperwork and I don't want to breach any rules I may have skipped over when I read all the rules (cough). So I guess my question is can I use Squad images in documentation I create and distribute them ?
  6. I would just like to take this opportunity to Thank Squad for their efforts. They have told us that the problem was caused by external entities. They have told us the action they took (if a little sparse on detail for some) upon realising the problem existed. I think they have done quite a professional job with resolving the issue. I will admit that I was at a loss at to why the forums were not up during the issue, but that fact in itself eluded to problems and all I need do is wait for a resolution to be implemented. I can understand that people have questions like Why? and How was it fixed ? or possibly even How can this be avoided in the future ? I think that hackers motivations will be lost on most of us and really I don't think it matters who (as that will never really be know unless some admits to it) or even why they did it. In some cases simply discussing the motives may only end in the result they wanted.(propagation of propaganda) For those after a more detailed after action report on the hack or server migration (from a professional standpoint) may be appeased by such a report in the Dev Blog Entries on the right side of the main forum. (I have seen mention in there of web server work in the past) Once again Squad, Thank You for your diligent work and I am sure if it is pertinent to us you will detail what you can without compromising security when it is appropriate. Rest easy for now team, you've done a good job.
  7. I like big butt's and I can not lie, tra la la la la doopdey doo, dee de da de da deee. sorry sorry, couldnt help myself. Bad Mick. That said, I like to have the station parts nicely lined up too. I just rotated the docking craft manually with Q, E keys. A bit finnaky but I usually got it good enough. It would be nice to have it line up to something but till then I will cope.
  8. I think you need to put the Plugin file named "Mechjeb2.dll" into your GameDir\Plugins folder. That may resolve the problem of the "tab" not being there to use during flight.
  9. @innsewerants I know how you feel getting mentioned by someone else. Thanks for reading my post. I realy do like mapsat and thank you for that. one of the required mods as far as I am concerned. I just want to be clear about the Eeloo thing I experienced, not sure if I need to clarify anything but here I go anyways. My Hilo.dat file did exist but when I opened it there was no entry for Eeloo. Thanks for letting us know what to expect if its missing. In the version I downloaded from the spaceport (uploads_2012_12_ISA_MapSat-3.3.4.zip) there is no Eeloo entry in the hilo.dat file in it either. It may be worth just checking the Dev copy so the new version has it, maybe .. i dont know .. im not a modder and know little of the magic you wield.
  10. I had a look at the How to section on the forum here and quick search came up with 2 posts that may help you with rendezvous and docking. here and here may be helpfull. or you could try Mechjeb ... *flails head side to side looking for the snipers* it's what i use. Dont Panic ... I have found docking slow and even with Mechjeb I have panic moments where I feel the craft is about to smash into the station, nothings perfect .. especially if I'm in controll ! Allways good fun, sometimes even real flashy with lots of fire and loud booms.
  11. I personally have little to no experience with Alpha release titles. For me an Alpha product means it is still in development and testing, some parts will not work properly, other bits will change, some parts removed and hopefully many new bits added. I am having fun playing KSP also. I don’t think that there needs to be a dated schedule for the game. You have stated that you have experience with other Alpha titles, eluded to the fact that you don’t want to be a prat and you want to get things moving in the right direction. That said I don’t think it fair to ear bash anyone, let’s try and keep it positive. You have some questions which is fair. There is the WIKI which sets out a basic plan for updates. I also feel that squad are using the mod community, if at least for inspiration for updates and content. I think that it is great that squad allows us to have so much input into their game. (to me it sounds like "mining resources" are inspired by the kethane mod!) As Alpha product owners, having bought the game for the excellent value that we did do we now have some responsibility of what the final product's form takes ? If we don’t like the way some part of the game functions now, we are afforded to opportunity to speak about it and have some input into its development. If we have an idea about additional content we can speak up and get some discussion happening with a view to get enough attention that the devs sit up and say "That's something we could implement". These things will push back and release dates. I don’t think at this stage that dates would be useful. It sounds like you are enjoying KSP which is fantastic and completely understandable, I would not wait for an update before doing something. Give your missions/ideas a go. If you want to try again after flags are released then you should, even if you only look at it as a test of the Alpha product to ensure it can handle 50 mission flags deployed. It's just a different way of looking at it. It may be more appropriate at this stage of the dev cycle to ask - How can I help progress this game forward? What positive input can I have to further this game ?
  12. hehe here we go again Hoy. It looks like there is some confusion about your post...... I know for a fact that it is stock and have put it in the VAB to check. Maybe you could edit your original post and add a pic at the top of what people will actually get when they download the craft.I think people are "reading" the pictures and not the words ... me included
  13. Ahh, I stand corrected, and apolagise. The craft file you posted is most certainly stock.The craft file is for the lifter and not the pictured rocket.The picture has your payload attached which is the part with the mods on it causing my confusion. I have downloaded your craft file and loaded it. I have mechjeb and mapsat installed. Your craft loads in my install fine and upon inspection I can not locate any mods parts on it as such it is most certainly STOCK. Sorry for my confusion and thank you for your contribution. I feel this vechicle would make a nice platform for launching small payloads, as you stated.
  14. The mod parts make this rocket not stock. I do like the design. looks great. but to call it stock is not correct. if you do a fresh install of KSP and do not install any mods on the new install would you be able to load up this rocket ? if not then it's not "STOCK" ie uses only stock parts and no mod parts. Still a great rocket, just rename the post so people that dont use mods (at least the ones on this rocket) dont think it will work for them.
  15. Possibly the mod is not completly installed correctly.It sounds like he has the parts in the correct game directory (and knows how to edit them so they show up in a different place ingame). To me is sounds like he is missing the ISA_mapsat.dll file. The .dll file should be placed in the "game directory/Plugins" folder. ie: game directory/Plugins/IsaMapsat.dll There should also be a directory for the data collected (plugindata). The "PluginData" folder should be placed in the "game directory/Plugindata/ folder. ie: game directory/Plugindata/IsaMapsat/hilo.dat (and mapgen files) I think if the mapsat button is missing from your flights then its the dll file thats missing.I think if your maps are being created as all white then its the hilo file thats missing. I could be wrong but that's what I'de try .. if it makes sense.
  16. Thanks for that Unistrut. I have had a similar issue with mapsat mapping Eeloo as completly white and the altitudes listed as 0 and 0. Checking the Hilo.dat in Wordpad there was no entry for Eeloo so I have made the change you sugested. I am running KSP V and mapsat V 3.3.4. I had ended the flight of the satellite that was mapping Eeloo, I will send another and see if the change has had any affect I can confirm that this worked for me. I did delete the false map files before remaping, I dont know what would happen if I left them but it seemed logical to remove them first. Thanks for all the advice
  17. I present for the stock pile the Mun Rover Bomb. It features completly stock standard, stock parts and can achieve launch(barely) for a landing on the Mun. Once landing is achieved the craft can deploy 4 self sustaining rovers based on satellite cores. Notes and Tips for using this craft: Dont let Jebediah fly it, thats too dangerous. It's slow at launch and part way through the heavy lift I was losing altitude but I finally managed orbit. Apply the brakes once a landing is achieved. Use number one to activate the science equipment and deploy the rovers, after applying the brakes. You can remove the sloar panels as each rover has 2 power rods and then there should be some space for mod parts if you want (like MapSat). I hope this bit works ! The craft file should be here: http://pastebin.com/jF6LDwzA The launch Vehicle looks like this: http://imgur.com/sPN82iM Once Landed on the Mun she looks like this: http://imgur.com/6qFCzyG And finally deployed looks like this: http://imgur.com/wo6b52o
  18. Awesome video, just goes to show the massive power that gets put into launch vechiles. Some of those launches look like they had a similar flight path to some of my KSP missions. I can just see the KSP crew singing along at launch. "Were leaving the ground, will things ever be the same again." While Jeb looking out the front view port stops singing sand says. "Is that the ground?, Where did that pot plant come from?" As the radio chirps into life with a crackle and the call comes out from the command centre. "Jeb, it looks like we have had an anomaly!"
  19. HAhaha, that's some hillarity right there. Had me in laughing at his creations a few times. His design process is just so wrong, makes me think of learning KSP for the first time again. SRB's under Liquid fuel, whats up with that. And those planes ... aparrently we are getting a new airline "carrier" start up here in Australia, or not. Maybe a language warning on the external link is warrented for the younger audience, that aside it's quite funny.
  20. Banned so I can raise my rep faster
  21. False, I am having fun making my own craft and watching them fail. Thanks for the offer though. The user below me spreads the word about KSP in a social environment.
  22. Thanks Squad. KSP is a fantastic game. I realy enjoy it. I love making rockets, such engine-ooity Really well done everyone.
  23. Hiya Kerbals, It's good to be back. I have had KSP for a while and just love it. I havnt had many, if any actual problems with the software so i haven't posted much in the past. Of course I have had plenty of problems with rockets and those darn plane things but thats all part of KSP I feel. Those "problems" have had me giggling at the screen so they're fun but there's nothing like a sucsessfull mission. I have spent a bit of time on these forums in the past as they are a great resource. The community is fantastic and reading about there experiences has had me trying many things myself to see if i could replicate the experiencce in some fashion, great fun. The mods are huge and you gotta love those modders for all their ninja skills and input. Squad have done a great job all round in my opinion. The only posative I can think of to take away from the past events, as drastic as they were is that a clean out may give the community to start fresh, some of the old possibly now irellevant posts arent going to be there to confuse the, more easily confused among the community.If that can be a posative. Anyway it's great to have the forums and spaceport back. Happy Kerbaling everyone. Mick
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