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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. Well here comes a new enemy.
  2. Granted you die at takeoff. I wish that earth was taken over by advance pony race.
  3. It is to unsafe to go out with out your paper shield.
  4. Granted but you die I wish that my dreams took over earth.
  5. Granted you lose it. I wish That i owned Sweet apple acres.
  6. Welp it ends here with the tanks.
  7. Granted but it ends up being kill you. I wish for the SUper speedy cider sqeezy 6000.
  8. Banned because this forum part is epmty.
  9. Granted but kills you. I wish for a mlp pony.
  10. You got to go through the battlefield.
  11. Granted but it kills you. I wish I had a magic mirror that can take me to the alternate universe were humans are ponies.
  12. Granted but he is on it when it deorbits I wish for a pony.
  13. Pinky.exe stopped working
  14. Well it eats your face off. I wish that every human became a pony.
  15. Well the kraken will get him
  16. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/260/e/b/derpy_hooves_vector_by_durpy-d4bwgwf.png Well if you let her in well lets face it.
  17. Granted but it is filled with "cupcakes" I wish for a muffin.
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