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Everything posted by CleverClothe

  1. That is so far removed from feasible that we would have to invent a new term for it. I bet those jets could operate on the moon simply due to the gravitational anomaly of all those intakes sucking up oxygen from Kerbin's atmosphere.
  2. I am sorry to inform you, but that is asparagus in the middle there. Parallel staging with cross feed.
  3. Oh God no. Please pick an real board game if this were done, like Settlers of Catan.
  4. Great post, but one minor thing. This sentence is not true. Since orbits are round, the only way you could have zero relative velocity and be on the same orbit as your target is if you were directly inside your target. If you have zero relative velocity, then you are on a slightly different orbit and will drift over time. Orbits being round is also why burning strait at your target from a distance away wont quite get you exactly at your target.
  5. Exactly. This is something that has been true since the first calculating device was invented (do you realize the lag when running KSP on an abacus?), and will continue to be true unless we event some kind of device that can calculate all of eternity in an instant.
  6. The answer IS to "rebuild" your craft. You have the wrong root part and you need to re-piece it together. At the very least you will need to disconnect everything from the lander can and remove it. Then disconnect everything from the pod and remove it. Then add back each in reverse order and connect everything together. The ingame craft editor is the best tool for this. I had to go through the same process to fix a rover I made so I could put it in sub-assembly loader.
  7. Ever heard of a parking break? Remember that when parking on a hill, please turn your wheels toward/away from the nearest curb so if your parking break fails, the curb will stop it. (Rocks can be used in lieu of a curb). You can also lock the steering of the wheels while each side is pointing in different directions.
  8. Very nice piecing together of the stock components. I haven't thought of using the radial engines like that.
  9. Unfortunately that is now how virtualization works. You can't make a CPU any better than what it is.
  10. That will not make a difference at all. This is a simple physics problem. You need the line between your CoM and the center of the gravity well to pass inside the area of your landing gear. If that line is outside you WILL fall over. Having a lower CoM makes this easier.
  11. I wish the devs would fix universal time warp already.
  12. I like to call them gratuitous silhouette shots.
  13. I agree with your analysis of the problem. But I would suggest just moving the strut connections from the adapter to the docking port. Right now you are transferring all the stress of the lander to the connection between the adapter and the port, rather than between the two ports.
  14. I was looking this craft as well. Here is some of the source material I gathered. Orbiter Add-on http://www.flickr.com/photos/virtualspaceflight/ http://journalofcosmology.com/Mars105.html
  15. You did not contradict my point that cheating is possible. You just provided an example of something that is not cheating. My thoughts exactly. But if you want to cheat, go for it.
  16. This seems to be a relatively common delusion around here. You can cheat at any game or any contest. The real question is, does it matter?
  17. I always ignore ratings in forums. Most posts/threads don't get a single rating, so the sample size is much too small to tell you anything. And when you do get a rating, it is either a 5 or a 1. That is one of the reasons that many community sites use a simple up or down vote.
  18. Here is my manned lander from my Kerdessy program (Kerbal Delivery System). Below are publicity images of mission KDS-10, the first to successfully land on Mun. Jeb is currently heading up the test team for the attachable rover program because he doesn't like walking, so his cousin Jedory commanded this mission. Here is the unmanned portion of my exploration right now, the Mun Explorer (with Beagle rover).
  19. Your box is finite in size, and thus not the Universe.
  20. In reading this thread, I have been trying to figure out what version of propaganda SecondGuessing grew up with. But maybe there isn't a right answer to that question (i.e. trolling). However, this has started an interesting discussion. I would of course vote "definitely worth it" to the original question.
  21. I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners They don't stop* *Until I timewarp.
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