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  1. Terrific! Only a matter of time before I blast almost off the pad!
  2. Wait a second, if Kerbol has mass, then shouldn\'t Kearth be falling towards it (or the baricenter?)? I take it that 3-body physics haven\'t really been implemented yet?
  3. I just realized that if you splashdown with the 2 LFT and LFE attached, your crew will KIA; you need to hit land (not water).
  4. What as I see as the difficult part is the landing... no way you can do this with standard parts since you\'d need to, essentially, be on a very slow descent the whole way down.
  5. Nevermind, if I had RTFM I would have realized that it is I J K L. 8)
  6. Is there a way to use RCS thrusters for translation (forward, backward, side-to-side) and not just for rotation (pitch, yaw, roll)?
  7. Which part is being used as the adapter/decoupler between the S-IVB and the CSM? (It doesn't seem to be in the parts package...)
  8. One thing you can do with the heat shield is to play a sort of astronautical billiards with it... after you jettison your last stage, shoot off the heat shield in the direction of the decoupler and the last stage, see how much damage you can do to it. I've made a couple of spent boosters explode this way, lol. 8)
  9. I'd also like to do something like the Dyna-Soar... but my experiments so far tend to lead to very unstable rockets.
  10. One of my favorite ways to go to the moon in Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space (and now the http://sourceforge.net/projects/raceintospace/) is EOR with the 'Titan with boosters.' I love me some Titan rockets. Especially the Titan 3, which launched the Viking and Voyager space probes. This is my first stab using some mods to make a Titan 3-like booster, the Titanic 3 v. 1.0. I'd eventually like to do a better Titan 3 clone... if anyone has ideas please let me know! For example I'd like to use bigger SRBs and proportion the stages better. Anyhow, my v. 1.0 can get you past 45k with the first stage (well, second, if you count the SRBs as a stage). I burn about an eighth of a tank on the second (or third) stage to maximize altitude and then do the turn-over into the horizontal for orbit... more than enough delta v to get into a good orbit. The third (or fourth) stage is good for orbital changes as well as for the de-orbit burn. If pointed straight up, burnout is at around 500k going around 3k m/s (using v. 0.9) Mods used: Moach's heat shield. MTS Tuned automatic stabilizers (small blue) Sunday Punch's parts pack.
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