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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Suddenly realizing that the probes you just detached from your multi-part behemoth have no fuel because you forgot to shut off fuel-flow while burning for your destination *facepalm*
  2. I ended up going to Tylo first due to an accidental encounter. I tried to adjust my orbit when it happened but ran out of fuel and ended up getting slingshotted out of Jool's SOI. The first one I intentionally went to was Laythe; having the opportunity to aerobrake there made it easier to get into orbit on a tight fuel budget.
  3. I put most craft into orbit at around 80-100km to start. Stations I usually park at 150-300, satellites at either 500km or Geosynchronous. If I'm building in orbit, I place the core module at 150km and other parts at 80 to set up for transfer.
  4. 1 core module with 5 Sr. docking clamps on each end, 1 command module (the one with the cupola), 2 habitat modules, 2 return capsules (on the ends), and two supply modules (fuel, batteries, solar panels). I still have five open Sr. docking ports on the core module, but I don't think my PC would like it if I added more modules onto this station.
  5. So I was messing around with my space station today when I thought to myself: since we like sending Kerbals to space, why not make homes for them up there? Space stations are nice and all, but they tend to get large, unwieldy, and crowded. I wanted a small, lightweight 1-2 Kerbal permanent, self-sustaining (use your imagination here) home in space. Thus I bring you SpaceHaus: (Please note: While I have mechjeb modules attached in the photos, the .craft files below are stock) The first six images are of the complete SpaceHaus - 1 SpaceHaus module and 1 Spacehaus Supply Module. A total of just 52 parts! SpaceHaus 1: Contains the living space for up to two Kerbals with a splendid view from the cupola. Contains enough air and snacks to last 1 week on its own. SpaceHaus Supply module: Contains a hydroponic garden to supply food, oxygen, and waste recycling to the main SpaceHaus module (it's totally not a fuel tank, what ever made you think that?). It also provides solar panels, RCS for orbit adjustments, three extra docking ports, and extra batteries. But what's this? the last three images are showcasing the SpaceHaus Resupply module! This lightweight and fast robotic shuttle can bring up to 5.5 tons of additional supplies (snacks) and can either be discarded after use, or turned into a permanent storage module. With this ship attached, the total part count for the SpaceHaus hits just 90 parts. Both of the main modules are easy to get into LKO (I went to about 150km here), and I parked the ship in the images above in a 500km orbit. I would send up and position the main module first, as it does not have solar panels, just a large battery. The supply module should have more than enough fuel once in orbit to maneuver into position. The resupply ship can be hard to control on takeoff, and I will link a updated version once I've found a good solution that doesn't overdo it too much. To fly this one, use RCS as needed to keep the ship steady until the four outer fuel tanks drop off. The craft files: (right-click and save as) SpaceHaus 1 SpaceHaus Supply SpaceHaus Resupply Let me know what you think!
  6. I'm crash-free as well; the only performance hit I see are the loading times moving between scenes, with the Space Center being the longest for me as well.
  7. I wanted to mythological names similar to the early space program (e.g. mercury, Gemini, and Apollo), but I didn't want to use Graeco-roman gods. I decided to use Mesopotamian deities, with each name designating the type of craft used: Ashera series - unmanned exploration orbiters Enlil series - Kerbin-system satellites (weather, comms, etc.) Shamash series - single-occupant orbiters Sin series - single-occupant landers Anu series - multi-occupant orbiters Marduk series - Apollo-style Mun and Minmus missions The only ship so far that doesn't follow this pattern is the Kerbal Space Station. I think future stations will have a designation, though I don't know what to use yet. As for numbering, any time I make a significant modification to the design I increment the number of the craft, for example, my Marduk 1 was my first attempt to do an Apollo-style mission. When I revised the design I made it Marduk 2.
  8. All of the "extra parts" that they found once they finished building the module. The manufacturer included them for a reason, right?
  9. I had something interesting happen - the kerbals were terrified under normal conditions, but when I went on-rails, they suddenly cheered up: Unhappy Happy (I have no idea why the time-warp indicator isn't displaying properly in the image though)
  10. I would love to see IVA's added to the hitchhiker module, or at least make it so that Kerbals placed inside don't disappear from the crew. I also voted for more celestial bodies, as I'd like to see the second gas giant that Eeloo is going to be placed around.
  11. Floor 218: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.
  12. A few of my favorites from years ago: Dark Forces (And Jedi Knight I and II) Earthsiege 1&2 Stars! - a game very few seem to know about or remember (it's a 4X game with a very simple interface) wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stars!
  13. I've been winding down my current save file by returning all my missions, de-orbiting spacecraft (and stations - so fun to watch them burn up), and so on. In preparation I'm doing tests of new spacecraft designs to fit my new plan for when .21 comes out.
  14. The hottest temperature would have to be 'on' Kerbol, but how close can you get and still get a reading before the ship is destroyed?
  15. I plan on doing something a little more organized than I have done in the past (e.g. basic orbital operations before going straight for the mun), but probably not to the extent of the wiki campaign. Probably something like Orbiters -> satellite network -> space station -> Mun orbiter -> Mun lander -> Minmus orbiter -> Minmus lander. Beyond that, it'll depend on my construction skills
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