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Everything posted by Andersenman

  1. More buttons and manual cycling would probably save space, but at the same time would turn things into clickfests. I like having the parts all for quick grabs so a rocket can easily be thrown together. Granted, I do not play with any part-intensive expansion packs like KSPX or Sceppie's Minipack, so your mileage may vary. I would still like a better display, but elaborating on that would derail my own thread, haha. As for the Intermediates, I do agree that they are nice, but I somehow like the limited range of stock items. It makes the game "Kerbal" for me, you have got to make do with the items Jeb scrounges together in his junkyard, and sometimes you just have to steal someone's pool frame. Also, to get back on the specific case of 24-77/48-7S: As said, I don't mind small discrepancies such as the one in weight, as in "beefier structure" vs. "nice black shroud". It was the rather noticeable and inexplicable difference in Isp of something that looks like it had the core engine identical with its radial brother. It's those inexplicable differences that raised my eyebrow, not the small and explicable ones, if that makes sense. Balancing for balancing's sake is what breaks the immersion: KSP is a sandbox game, not a PvP MMO.
  2. Bear in mind those items are used in the stock space planes, simply tweaking configs may well make them fly even wonkier. New or corrected spaceplanes would have to be built, at least for presentation's sake, and that takes time. Way more than just 15 minutes. Personally, I would dislike this sort of compensation. It's like paying in apples and getting the change in pears. It doesn't feel right in the sense of the KSP theme "Ok, we've got this burner here, let's slap it somewhere and bend the pipes a little to make it fit". Just my two cherries.
  3. Hello, It's been puzzling me, and the forum search didn't help, either: Why are the MK1 and MK2 Fuselages so inconsistent in their values? We have: [table=width: 300, class: grid] [tr] [td][/td] [td]MK1[/td] [td]MK2[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Image[/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Dry mass, tons[/td] [td]0.35[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Fuel, units[/td] [td]150[/td] [td]160[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Impact tolerance[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]50[/td] [/tr][tr] [td]Cost[/td] [td]550[/td] [td]550[/td] [/tr] [/table] Why is the bigger MK2 fuselage lighter and more durable than MK1? Is this a typo in the stock config? (I assume their prices will be reviewed with the projected career mode changes, so I'll leave those one alone.) Next, the newly stockified in-line brother of the 24-77: [table=width: 300, class: grid] [tr] [td][/td] [td]24-77[/td] [td]48-7S[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Image[/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Isp[/td] [td]250-300[/td] [td]300-350[/td] [/tr][tr] [td]Mass, t[/td] [td]0.09[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Cost[/td] [td]240[/td] [td]300[/td] [/tr] [/table] I'll attribute the extra 10 kilos of weight to the nice dark shroud instead of just having the engine hang by its pipes, but why these big differences in Isp and price? Shouldn't they really be equals, or are these typos again and should I rather report them as bugs? Many thanks for reading and your input. A.
  4. I would appreciate an option to make any last-minute staging changes on the launchpad/runway persist through restarts and going back to the VAB/SPH. I have very often found myself restarting launches or going back to the VAB/SPH to tweak things but forgetting to include any changes in staging that I made just before that last failed launch, so I would appreciate if such staging changes would, for instance, keep saving to "Auto-saved ship". Alternatively, a "Save staging" button on the launchpad/runway would be nice that appears when any staging is touched. Many thanks A.
  5. I have just tested that, and you seem to be confusing manual crossfeed (Alt-rightclick) with automatic crossfeed as in "count this tank in when an engine requests fuel". Even with the option you mentioned disabled, manual crossfeed ("refuelling") was still possible.
  6. Yes, I'm digging out this old thread, for I have the same questions. Is there any documentation available on this feature? I am familiar with dynamics processors and their terminology, but this one leaves me rather clueless due to its arbitrary and unitless values and ranges. Squad? Anyone? Any answers would be most appreciated. Thanks A.
  7. It's the Hiigaran people's logo from the 1999 game Homeworld.
  8. Needless to say, I have found my flag's image.
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