More buttons and manual cycling would probably save space, but at the same time would turn things into clickfests. I like having the parts all for quick grabs so a rocket can easily be thrown together. Granted, I do not play with any part-intensive expansion packs like KSPX or Sceppie's Minipack, so your mileage may vary. I would still like a better display, but elaborating on that would derail my own thread, haha. As for the Intermediates, I do agree that they are nice, but I somehow like the limited range of stock items. It makes the game "Kerbal" for me, you have got to make do with the items Jeb scrounges together in his junkyard, and sometimes you just have to steal someone's pool frame. Also, to get back on the specific case of 24-77/48-7S: As said, I don't mind small discrepancies such as the one in weight, as in "beefier structure" vs. "nice black shroud". It was the rather noticeable and inexplicable difference in Isp of something that looks like it had the core engine identical with its radial brother. It's those inexplicable differences that raised my eyebrow, not the small and explicable ones, if that makes sense. Balancing for balancing's sake is what breaks the immersion: KSP is a sandbox game, not a PvP MMO.