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Everything posted by Floki

  1. Thanks for the info Sal. I've done some basic posting on other websites and tend to do some "power posting", but not for post counts. I usually do it because I only have a limited amount of free time and would like to get as much done as possible. I hope this isn't a problem, but if it is just let me know and I'll do the best I can not to most likely by being selective.
  2. Wow. That's a lot more information than I expected, thanks!
  3. I made this corvette (not the car) a few days ago using the B9 aerospace and KW rocketry packs. I'm still working out some flight issues with it, but other than that it works pretty well. This is my ICBM I use just for fun or to launch a bunch of target decoys into orbit for blowing up. As you can see it contains six MIRVs which actually can be moved for different impact points.
  4. I made an ICBM using the nova punch pack which was equipped with 6 MIRVs and I do have to say, it worked well. I tried basing the missile off the Minuteman III (LGM-30G) which I eventually derived a SSTO from and used that as an ICBM. That thing was waaaaay over powered, it could reach the Mün... one engine... some how, I don't think normal missiles could do that.
  5. I'm pretty new to forums and would like to know the ins and outs on them. So what can you guys/gals tell me that isn't blatantly obvious?
  6. Oh no. A pop up... "Hello World" I'm somewhat new to forums. Hope I can get the hang of this quick, I want to contribute to the community and plus I've got some neat pictures.
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