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Everything posted by rsgm123

  1. I seemed to have fixed my modifier key problem. The modefire key was set to left and right alt in the settings, so I changed it back to right shift. It fixed fuel transfer, but I am not able to copy parts in the vab any more. I am not sure about the other modifier key related problems I was having.
  2. Also is the x64 executable still buggy? I remember mods making it crash a few versions ago, and I have never tried it since.
  3. With the new "update"/patch, I have noticed problems with the modifier key. I haven't been able to copy parts or move the ship with the shift in the vab, but I am able to use shift+wheel to zoom which is strange. I am not able to bring up the debug menu either(in vab or flight scene). Now the most bizarre. At some time as I was flying my controls switched from normal controls to trim controls(without using shift, I am not sure if I can trim normally). I fixed this by going to the start menu and back to the game. You can probably see how this is could be very challengin if you have not gotten into orbit yet(to be able to leave the scene safely). Got to go, have to land this ship.
  4. Put the struts on the welded part, instead of welding them. This may use a bit of cpu though.
  5. Don't forget to reload th database in the debug menu(I forget which tab, it should be there is you are on the space center screen).
  6. There is an annoying bug while using this on linux. Any time you create a weld, it puts the part in ~/Desktop/GameData/UbioWeldingLtd/Parts/... with ~ being the home directory. Probably either a bug with file paths, or it could be due to linux using '/' as a path seperator instead of '\'. When I get the files/folders moved to the correct places under /UbioWeldingLtd/Parts/... and hit reload all, the welds loose kw-rocketry fuel tanks. kw-rocketry engines are fine, but float in the air a bit away from what they are connected to. Everything else works.
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