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    Curious George
  1. It would be hard to generate interesting things procedurally, but crowd-sourcing Kerbal backstories like with the science log project would be a great way to do this. Then people can create their own backstories and share them, while not being able to alter the identity of each individual Kerbal. This is a good opportunity to give more depth to the Kerbals with historical names, too.
  2. Great ships guys. Pretty awesome stuff. My space program operates on the following general payload lifecycle: launch->rendevous with fuel station->assembly->transfer->rendevous with station(if any)->assembly->landing. In order to accomplish this I have several different "craft roles". Mine are: * fuel station - place to dump excess fuel from launch/transfer or fill up if low * orbital tug / assembler - RCS powered craft for assisting in moving modules around in orbit * interplanetary tug - very efficient, low thrust pusher (or puller) for moving modules between planetary bodies * lander - specialized atmospheric or vacuum craft with efficient but powerful enough engines to touchdown & liftoff * lifter - method for getting off the launchpad & into space So when planning out a mission I consider what I will need, what I have currently in LKO, and build up the mission craft from these modules. At least... that's the theory. In practice I often get lazy and just launch giant, inefficient ships to do whatever I want because Kerbals currently live in a pre-scarcity universe. I'm seeing a lot of awesome ship assemblies doing awesome things here, but are these just one-off assemblies or can we share and compare modules? I'm tired of reinventing the interplanetary wheel.
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