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Mark James

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Everything posted by Mark James

  1. I Am Putting This Mod On Hold For A While Until I Finish My Current Project Sorry
  2. JW If anybody knows were I can find someone to texture parts for me ?
  3. Its cool And I Took Down The "So Yeah" didn't mean it to be insulting.
  4. Look I know I Screwed Up But I Will Finish This Mod I Am Devoted The Link I Put Out Was Like A Temporary Like To Give A Taste Of The Mod My Parts Were not Done And are not done like I said I was in the hospital I forgot I had bigger problems im sorry wont happen again I apologized to all the authors.
  5. Like I said Not Finished Yet Im Doing Touch Ups And Getting Permissions
  6. the parts I made myself I haven't put in the mod yet(im am adding a tri engine and a few fuel tanks for a satellite type launcher) also I am getting permissions now and already have them from frizzank.I will also add communication parts and deco type parts.
  7. My Bad Again I Am Sorry And I Put That Out There Because Its Been A While Since I started work on this mod im still kinda learning 3ds max and what not
  8. Also This Was A Pre release I haven't put my parts in yet there not done.
  9. I am not using nova punch as far as I know the mods I used were a couple fairing and quad engine from KW rocketry the Soyuz parts by bobcat(sorry I didn't contact you I was in the hospital for a little while and it slipped my mind)I mean seriously im a 14 year old new Modder I don't know the ropes as well as everybody else its not like I was trying to steal credit plus on the mod parts I used that were not mine I left the authors names there. But whatever I don't get upset over a misunderstanding. Also I have not put all my parts in yet there not done.
  10. I Will Post Pics In a sec but keep in mind that everything also isn't finished this is the first release things will be properly textured next update.
  11. -LINK REMOVED UNTIL COPYRIGHT ISSUES HAVE BEEN RESOLVED_ There Are Still A Few Bugs That I will Work Out Also For The Mobile Launcher But a Few Batteries On The Base And Careful Cause It Handles A Little Weird.
  12. I have a question I am currently trying to post the first release of my mod and I am having issues with the uploader this is probably stupid but can someone tell me what this could be
  13. Look To Clear Up Any Confusion I Am Using Some Parts That Aren't Mine And Some That Are No Need To Argue It Is Part A Mod Pack And Part Mine After I Release the First One When I get better at 3d modeling I will be adding more parts that are mine and a weapon guidance plugin.
  14. Yep it is I personally like his pack so I figured why not also after the initial release of the mod I will attempt to make a plugin for romfer(don't remember how to spell his user name) weapon mod
  15. Andrew123 im just wondering when you were going to post your finished part version also
  16. Its been awhile iv been kinda quite so figured hey why not tell the public that there's only 1 part left on the mod then im done.
  17. Also some is my work and some is the work of other authors so don't forget to check them out to.
  18. Good News: The Mod Development Is Comeing to an end so an overview of the mod is that it will feature the R-7,Titan,R-36
  19. If any body would like to help speed up the production I can always use help with the mod what I need is someone who knows how to write part.cfg files Also I need someone who knows how to texture parts. I do appreciate suggestions and listen to tips.
  20. do you know how to write configs for parts I haven't quite got that down
  21. If Your any good at texturing models I could use the help
  22. Dose Anyone Know How To Get The KSP Texture Files So I Can Texture My Engine?
  23. this is the almost finished titan 2 engine. just have to add a few details and texture
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