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Everything posted by Mufasa

  1. That is funny, but really, is your C key broken?
  2. That moment when you are picking your mission flag and when you click on it you actually click a part on your ship, and then you have a mess. Happens to me every time, they need to fix that bug.
  3. That moment when land on a new planet so excited, you press EVA: Exit Blocked
  4. It may not be a 'Classic', as 'Classics' have to be of mass popularity, but it will be a forever remembered gem. Much like certain games are too us now. Do any of you know Chrome Hounds? That was a glorious gem that died a terrible SEGA death. Examples of 'Gems' but not 'Classics': -King Arthur's Gold (PC) -Robot Arena 2 (PC) -Chrome Hounds (Xbox 360) -Battle Zone (N64) -Battle Tanks (N64) -Neo Scavenger (PC) -Supreme Commander (PC [First one NOT the second])
  5. Good luck man, if you really want to return good ol' Bill to Kerbin, you will be taking on one of the hardest challenges of KSP. Eve is a cruel maiden, and doesn't like giving things back. I know because I just tried to send what I thought was a lander capable of a return trip, and now I have a 2 million fund ship sitting on Eve, unable to return.
  6. I didn't forget my chutes... I put them too close to the bottom...
  7. WOW, wish I had know about this like... 3 days ago when 4 of my rovers disappeared. Thank you so much for finding this!
  8. Eh, I don't clip at all because it just makes me feel bad inside. I don't hate on anyone who does clip. Some people are really talented and make beautiful looking rover / planes / rockets by using clipping. But using it to cluster engines or clip fuel tanks just feels wrong. Feels like I'm pulling out the debug menu and just turning on infinite fuel. So for me personally I don't use mods and have a strict no-clipping policy when it comes to actually achieving things in game. However if I'm doing stupid stuff in Sandbox mode, nothing wrong with a bit of fun
  9. I rage quit the forum for awhile after the wipe, hence the low post count
  10. The sinking happens because your struts are getting broken. I actually recently found this happening on my landers also. Some just seemed to want to sink into the ground more than others. If you send a Kerbal on EVA, you will see that it will say the strut is 'broken' and it'll sink into the ground (Which is really incredibly annoying). The only way to fix this I've found is use more struts, a lot more. And locking the suspension doesn't really help, in fact I think it breaks them easier (Try jumping and landing without bending your legs). What I had to do was simply send out a Kerbal everytime I landed and repair the legs one by one. You have to be careful doing this as the legs will spring out of the ground as soon as they are repaired (Also ridiculous). It's an annoying problem, but not impossible to fix
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