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Everything posted by Stevincent

  1. Im actually going to build the F-1 for this pack but it wont be added till the other things are done. I figure since they are testing for potential use with the SLS I may as well build it too. So expect F-1 greatness from this. Im so jealous I want to stand next to an F-1 such a fine piece of engineering.
  2. I think you need to learn to UV.
  3. Not quite done yet but I figured I'd post an update on the RS-25 texture, so you have an idea of what Im going for when it comes to texturing. Im posting here the 512, 1K and 2K maps, though a lot of the detail in the 1K and 2K maps are lost in the rendersize but you get the idea. Let me know what you think and if you want to see any changes. Still working on the pipes and what not, but its coming together. Also there are no normal maps yet so this is just straight color map. 512 1K 2K
  4. also Id take down some of the sketchfab stuff and post jpegs or something this page takes forever to load.
  5. The one you have textured looks like you just applied it everywhere there isnt any continuity it looks cool but doesnt make a whole lot a sense and doesnt look very much like an engine especially when you have textures on one part bleeding over onto another piece. Also the texture on the base seems to be heavily stretched. looks like you just placed a texture straight onto your UV's? I think thats what supervip means
  6. Its too crude, your cube shape should encompass the tip of the pyro sprayer thing instead of being separate geometry, als as a recommendation you should bevel or chamfer the edges just to give it a lil bit of life.
  7. Here is a clearer image of the pretty colors, here is the low poly RS-25 with and without the maps applied.
  8. are your normals flipped? or do you have a texture in your transparency channel?
  9. Ok, just finished UVing the RS-25, a few minor tweaks and I should be good to go with the texturing. Here is a render of the 512MAP with normals, ao, and color baked down onto the low-poly model. Ill be texturing on a 2K map, so I may release 512 1K and 2K maps.
  10. I believe they are looking at possibilities of not using SRB's
  11. http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/systems/sls/f1_sls.html#.UgPZzm3BMRZ
  12. I will always think the Saturn V will be something too look on in awe 5 F-1 engines are you freaking serious! Thats some power!
  13. Will that ever change? Or is that a Unity Engine limitation?
  14. There seems to be debate here, thats why I said "textures probably more so." but i cant find any sort of official documentation on this. I'm sure we will be able to hammer out the performance issue during testing. But I believe you're right I think the issue with geometry comes with part counts when there are tons of collision meshes interacting with each other, if you have poor collision meshes it can bog the game down. But this is speculation I'm not 100% sure on any of that.
  15. What I have been thinking, it will be more work for me, but having both available like you suggest. I should be able to bake everything down just fine texture wise with some minor adjustments. Yes, thats why i have been torn because I know how much performance can be a severe drag when there is more geometry present but textures probably even more so. When i get these part into KSP and we start testing everything out I think the we will be able to gauge where I need to make the changes. And if the high poly models will be usable, if they arent at all Ill adjust and make the changes. I have no issues with the extra work, Im a student and all of this is a learning experience for me. The bottom line is I want to get the most accurate SLS that the game can handle but still be playable, if that means having two versions of some of the parts so be it, no skin off my back more practice for me. My computer is not a good computer to judge performance though I'm Running 2 6 Core Xeon Processors with 64GB of ram and 4 gigs of Graphics memory. Which isnt much use when it comes to this game but its going to be hard for me to judge how well my mod will perform on more realistic computers. Thanks CapFlyer for your response and I think building both parts high and low poly versions is going to be a reasonable compromise, and it will make everyone happy lol
  16. Ok guys, I've decided to go the higher poly route vice the low poly and depending heavily on normal maps. Id rather have the geometry what inspired me to make this choice is Cardboardboxprocessor's RD-33NK engine which looks absolutely amazing. If you want you can stop by his thread and give him props. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24970-0-20-Kosmos-Spacecraft-Design-Bureau-Updated-(7-30-13)/page39 Here is his RD-33NK.
  17. Nice, Ive been working on a mod, and trying to get a lot of the detail in there is difficult with a 1000 poly limit that everyone keeps telling me to use. Looks great though, sorry for the double post.
  18. Should fit just fine BobCats ARES fit just fine in the new VAB with no problem and with room to spare, so there should be no problem with the SLS.
  19. first is the 1:1, middle is the 5.37 and the right is the 5
  20. How many polys is that? I should say how many polys is that going to be ingame?
  21. Right now everything is High Poly, Im in the middle of converting everything down to more KSP manageable low poly versions. I'm using maya right now to build everything.
  22. Damn that is a pretty big difference. All these decisions lol.
  23. Yeah that was my thought was compatibility. I think I'm going to go with the 5m so people can use what I have on other mods.
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