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Everything posted by Stevincent

  1. Ok, so I just started working on the J-2X and have been looking at the separate stages and started getting really confused, and I figure this is the best place to ask. Ok so there is a delta cryogenic stage, and on the Nasa site it seems they used the 5M version of it when it looks like it should really be the 4m version which will be used in the first two missions. So if thats the case fine, I can see how the 4M version will work with the 70T Block I Crew version. But for the 105 and 130T versions they are supposed to be using a Large cryogenic stage. I cant find too much information on this, wikipedia has it at 5M and thats what I have been able to find online. I just am not sure how it fits into what they have shown in the diagram is the entire stage housed inside a covering and those are jettisoned? I havent been able to find anything on this. So if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be very much appreciated. Also the upper stage of the 130T version has 3 J-2X engines now? Is that correct? Well thanks guys for the help.
  2. Maybe, when I get to that stage, still a lot of modeling to do before I want to get to testing.
  3. Just putting together what I have. I think Im going to start on the next stage and start building the J-2X which looks like it will be fun! Keep you guys posted!
  4. I was actually just about to ask about the nose cone. So yes, yes I will make the nose cone separate.
  5. Thanks! Im working on the SRBs right now. I will be doing 2 variations, the one used for the Space Shuttle Program which I'm assuming is being used for the 70ton variety, and the Advanced SRB which is going to be used on the 130 and 150ton. I will also be doing the 4 engine and 5 engine versions of the core stage.
  6. yeah I think thats what the number was on the wiki page.
  7. Im currently modeling everything at a 1:1 scale. But I dont have any particular scale in mind, I would be open to that. What scale do you think I should bring it into KSP with?
  8. Ok, so this is the first time I have ever baked a normal map before. How does it look? I cut it down to about 900 Tris.
  9. The later variants of the SLS are planned to have 5 for the 150 TON capacity.
  10. The later variants of the SLS are planned to have 5 for the 150 TON capacity.
  11. Oh thanks for the clarification! Is what I have for the here modeled is it visually the same as the SSME? I couldnt find a whole lot of references specific for the RS-25. I was a bit confused, I thought RS-25 and SSME were synonyms and that they were just retooling the RS-25 for the SLS.
  12. Thanks guys for the tips and advice. And I went ahead and bought NDo2 =P since it is indispensable, lol! Well I will keep chugging along with the modeling. Thanks for the encouragement!
  13. Also is NDO2 worth the purchase I've been looking at getting it.
  14. I've never modeled for a game before so low poly is greek to me. I've only recently learned how to model. I just started learning Maya in college about 6 months ago. Any tips on low poly construction would be great. And you were spot on then engines are about 10K a piece. I was wondering what the limitations were for models in this game are? Anyways any pointers and tips would be greatly appreciated. Even if I have to start over thats cool, practice practice practice. And thanks for the compliment it is very much appreciated !
  15. So I'm modeling a the SLS, Orion, LSAM, and the now cancelled manned asteroid mission. Currently I'm modeling from the bottom to top starting with the RS-25 of the core stage of the SLS. Ill post images of what I have here. I have never modeled anything for a video game so any help would be appreciated. I know many probably won't be interested in this mod, because many off these have already been modeled and textured already. But I think the asteroid capture portion might be something new, but I dont know how to make it work other than modeling part! Anyways encouragement and critiques welcome. 21JULY13 - RS-25 (SSME) High Poly 23JULY13 - RS-25 Low Poly Version (TEST) 24JULY13 SRB High Poly 24JUL13 - Its coming along, Im starting to get excited about this 26JUL13 - J-2X High Poly
  16. Thanks! I just installed ISMAP and its not showing up. Anyone know why?
  17. What are some good interface mods for when you're building your rockets?
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