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Everything posted by Juanfro

  1. I would love to see a scripted dev-stream. I asked about it on the chat before KSPTV launched and Skunky said it wasn't a bad idea. Some kind ot KSP Weekly stream would be nice, maybe monthly to have more content each time.
  2. Squad doesn't want us to play with achievements in mind. If you reach the Mün for the first time you should be happy because it is an awesome step, not because you get a message. They also don't want achievements like "first launch", "you have reached 15000 m/s" or "Kerbal Puffer: you have smashed 500 kerbals on the ground" I think the game is good as it it and achievements would spoil the value of many great moments.
  3. This would have been interesting some years ago, but now I think the internet is a better place for this kind of things. It's cheaper and easier, it can get to more people and it's more accessible. If you miss it you can watch it later. These are the reasons that have made contents on the Internet to grow while TV loses terrain.
  4. Candidates are strapped to Droogsters and participate in a race. The survivor assumes the power. But for some reason the Presidencial palace is still empty.
  5. It might be a placeholder for resources in the database.
  6. Hi! My mouse has started to behave weird with some games (The witcher or Darksider por example). Each time I move the camera with the mouse or even when moving the cursor in a menu my frames per second drop dramatically making the game unplayable. With some other games there is no problem (KSP, Assassin's Creed III, Planetside 2...) I've read something about similar problems related to Steam mouse input, how can I check it? This happens only with one mouse, a Trust GTX25, I've tried with an older one and everything was fine. What can be causing the problem? Any suggestion? Thank you.
  7. When we send people to Mars, after their triunphan return one of the guys from the mission will say in an interview "When I was a kid I used to play an awesome game called Kerbal Space Program"
  8. I think this is a keyboard-mouse game. It would be complicated to play it only with a controller. It would be interesting to see the VHB in the WiiU pad, but I doubt the rest of the game would work on its harware. Furthermore, Indie games can't self-publish on Xbox One without partnering with Microsoft Studios or a third-party partner, and I like Squad having all the controll on the game development.
  9. You know what me from the past? I regret nothing Full album if you want: http://imgur.com/a/XXXmX
  10. I think I'll sleep until the web is not collapsed. After that: SRB rodeo
  11. What is normal mapping? PS: Yes, I'm a noob and I love it!
  12. I use quicksave for the same reasons I use time warp. It's usefull, it saves time and it's there.
  13. Does this mean we are going to have an awesome stream this friday?
  14. Jeb is going to love .20 At least until he dies in a ball of fire and glory.
  15. Does the Mun cast a shadow on Kerbin?
  16. I was sceptic, but he earned a subscriber whit those "intergalactic space nipples".
  17. I have just seen this: How do you think the future will be if we begin going "outside"? There would be Space People and Planet People? Will we all end having littles bodies and big heads just like those awesome kerbals we play with?
  18. I think they have an idea of how the finished game will be. It has been said several times that the plan is to make an awesome space sandbox simulator, and the resources update will be the first of several steps forward to "construction". What does that mean? Orbital hangars? Colonization? Terraforming? We don't know, but they do. What they probably don't know is if what they want to do can be done, so they don't speak about thing that may or may not come to the game, because internet is a fast stupid beast, and as we have seen recently, few misunderstood words can cause havoc.
  19. If by "docking" you mean "crashing", and by "no RCS" you mean "I had no more RCS left" I think I have just done that.
  20. I can't vote But I would like to have some offbase buiding to make some awesome refueling stations.
  21. It is soonâ„¢ or just soon?
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