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Everything posted by Fractal_UK

  1. This is something I'm trying to implement - it's tricky because it's done across resource types. The resource manager supports prioritisation across a single resource, so I can say that if you're using up Megajoules, Plasma Engines and Antimatter tanks should get the first slice, as an example. For the fusion reactor, the only way I can do the same at the moment is by increasing the power priority of the generator, that will ensure the reactor always gets its power but it will also mean that anything else the generator is doing will take power away from the thermal engines. I have a possible alternative solution that requires some more investigation - hopefully more on this soon.
  2. Yes, all those fields have been loaded by the time OnStart is called. I used a scaled down texture because a lot of people were having problems during the loading of that final science lab texture. I've been meaning to put up a download of the high res texture. I'll sort that out soon.
  3. It does this, they can also be seen in the map view and are visible further from the planet this way.
  4. This issue will finally be resolved in the next update. I'd like to also incorporate the improved thermal mechanics into this update, that part needs a little bit more tweaking (I've got it working fine but I don't have the balance quite right yet). Resource storage doesn't actually matter very with resource managed resources, in principle, there wouldn't be a major issue with having no storage at all. Radiators running at 0 WasteHeat but still having an elevated temperature is an example of this. The stock game's resource system does function in the way you describe however.
  5. Yeah, that's a good call. Using Thorium fuel will give you some more thrust and a tiny bit more specific impulse. I'm cheating a bit because I'm using my latest dev build that has some atmospheric optimisations in but this is my early/mid-career mode fission plane. This thing is still by no means quick and by no means powerful but it will fly and deliver experiments all over Kerbin without having to worry about refueling.
  6. Add a couple (or even four) more intakes, fission reactors are very very greedy when it comes to air and can be limited even at very low altitude, especially when stationary or moving very slowly. Once you get them moving, they will cope better. Do you have the latest version? I fixed, as far as I was aware, the only two ways this could happen in the 0.8.2 update.
  7. Your problem appears to be occurring when the B9 intakes load - the same B9 intakes that I use on almost all my ships. A modification is made to all the air intakes in the game to permit them to make them produce IntakeAtm in addition to IntakeAir, after that you're getting a whole load of NullReferenceExceptions. I fly those same intakes constantly with no problems. There are a lot of errors in your log file though in other places, particularly all this stuff, so I think Interstellar is highlighting a problem for you, not actually making one. [ERR 20:24:07.705] Cannot load Module FARControlSys because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module [WRN 20:24:07.706] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.707] Part B9.Cockpit.S3 cannot load module #17. It only has 17 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.707] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.715] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.715] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.723] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body.Fuel cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.724] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.730] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.731] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.745] Part B9.Cockpit.S2.Body.Tail.2 cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.746] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.749] Part B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.3x2-75m cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.750] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.753] Part B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.3x2-75m cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.754] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.757] Part B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.3x2-75m cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.758] PartModule is null. [ERR 20:24:07.774] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module [WRN 20:24:07.775] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.775] Part B9.Aero.Intake.RBM cannot load module #3. It only has 3 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.776] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.821] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #6. It only has 6 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.822] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.822] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #7. It only has 6 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.823] PartModule is null. [ERR 20:24:07.839] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module [WRN 20:24:07.840] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.841] Part B9.Aero.Intake.RBM cannot load module #3. It only has 3 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.841] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.886] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #6. It only has 6 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.886] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.887] Part B9.Engine.Jet.Turbojet cannot load module #7. It only has 6 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.887] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.908] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.908] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.909] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #3. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.910] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.930] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.931] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.931] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1AL cannot load module #3. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.932] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.944] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1A cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.945] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.945] Part B9.Utility.Landing.Gear.HDG1A cannot load module #3. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.946] PartModule is null. [ERR 20:24:07.961] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module [WRN 20:24:07.962] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.962] Part B9.Aero.Intake.DSI cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.963] PartModule is null. [ERR 20:24:07.979] Cannot load Module FARBasicDragModel because the associated module on the part doesn't match the saved module [WRN 20:24:07.980] PartModule is null. [WRN 20:24:07.980] Part B9.Aero.Intake.DSI cannot load module #2. It only has 2 modules defined [WRN 20:24:07.981] PartModule is null. If you're using a saved ship that was designed with an old version of one of your mods (B9 looks particularly likely), I'd recommend rebuilding it - it could be a problem with the ship you have saved. You'll note that the B9 intakes are some of the parts that can't be loaded but Interstellar has tried to load modules on to them - that's why it's breaking. Edit: It could be a leftover craft somewhere around KSC too, the same B9 intakes being loaded onto a different vessel in the sequence with no issue.
  8. Can you provide more details? Particularly screenshots and KSP.log files are most useful. I have a testing install with FAR, RSS and MFS and that works fine.
  9. Yes, there's probably a need for some different sizes. I haven't checked those figures but I certainly expect it to be along those lines. This is one area where I very much threw out reasonable transmission losses for the sake of trying to make the large amounts of power available near the sun accessible to vessels in the rest of the Kerbin if you put the infrastructure in place, without making it overpowering. Some other type of power transmission is probably more reasonable over extremely long distances, you could imagine having a direct transmission range cap and then needing relays with a different type of power (maybe some kind of laser) for long range transmission but I don't really want to overcomplicate it. If people really like that idea though, I'd obviously look at it in more detail.
  10. Check the decay heating, you can't do anything with it when it has just been turned off. Or try, standing closer.
  11. Have you updated to 0.8.2? This was a bug with 0.8/0.8.1, it should be fixed in the current version.
  12. You can do it without FAR, though FAR will help. I do quite a bit of my testing without FAR installed and I've built a lot of fission planes - they key is to build small, you don't have a lot of thrust to play with so don't carry any extras, you want a cockpit, wings, reactor, radiator and engines (you can afford to carry a generator too but you'll have a faster plane without). You can carry a few science instruments but don't try to carry any more payload than this.
  13. You only need one extra part to start a fusion reactor - a microwave power receiver. It's well worth building some kind of rover at KSC with a nuclear reactor/generator and microwave transmitter, then every fusion plane has a receiver, switch the receiver on, start the reactor, turn the receiver off, job done. Then, if you ever need to turn the reactor off all you need to do to restart the it later is turn the receiver back on, point it at a transmitter and wait for the trickle charge.
  14. A few people have had problems at that point in the loading sequence, as far as I know it has always been a sign of running short on memory. You can also always try deleting the WarpPlugin folder and redownload/install and see if that helps you.
  15. You can't really, the thermal turbojet is coded in such a way that you can't really trick it into giving you more energy than your reactor produces. Your only option is messing with the propellants file to change the isp ratio, which will give you more thrust but it will kill your fuel efficiency in the process. The 1.25m nuclear reactor isn't really designed for building spaceplanes (though it might be just about possible if you really go for it), it's there for making long duration aircraft that can operate in any atmosphere. If you want a very competent orbit capable spaceplane, you'll probably want to wait for fusion tech or better.
  16. If you look at the first page and the tech tree, you'll see there are some items in brackets, that is when you will find those upgraded items will be automatically available from launch in the VAB. My major big hope for tweakables is the option to switch between Uranium and Thorium reactors in the VAB and similar things. I've talked about wanting to make He-3 options for the upgraded fusion reactors in the past so that's another where it'd be nice to be able to switch between options. There are also different types of generator that it might be nice to simulate - the existing kinds for generating power from heat but also direct conversion technologies for power generation methods that produce lots of charged particles. But, we'll see what can be done when 0.23 comes out, whenever that is.
  17. I haven't changed anything for part upgrades, are you sure you haven't just unlocked a tech that gives you some automatic part upgrades? Or not unlocked a tech required for the upgrade option to appear? Using one generator with one reactor is the only supported combination. Other combinations may provide some limited functionality.
  18. There shouldn't be any period where you have solar panels but don't have radiators good enough to deal with the heat they produce. I was fairly careful to put radiators in the same tech nodes as the electrical generating equipment that required them. It needs Kerbals inside the lab, yes. Be careful when creating them in the VAB because the game won't fill secondary crewed modules by default.
  19. I'd guess this is caused by installing the mod in the wrong location. You should be unzipping the file into your main KSP directory so you have: [KSPMain]/GameData/WarpPlugin, [KSPMain]/GameData/TreeLoader, [KSPMain]/GameData/HexCans folders. If your directory structure doesn't look like this, it won't work. There is already a 0.625m fusion reactor, making a .0625 turbojet is easy. Just make a copy of the part.cfg file, call it part2.cfg or something, open this file change the "name = ThermalTurbojet" line to "name = ThermalTurbojet2", change "rescaleFactor = 1" to "rescaleFactor = 0.5" and change "radius = 1.25" to "radius = 0.625".
  20. You don't need a science module on any ship, upgrading parts is done based on the tech tree, or, in the case of manual upgrades, done by spending science from the R&D centre to complete an upgrade. I'm not entirely sure why it sometimes says that when you don't have sufficient power - obviously it shouldn't. I'm working on it.
  21. You just need to account for the different efficiencies of the propellants, which alters the thrusts of most of the plasma engine propellants, it doesn't change any of the specific impulses though. If you multiply the thrust by (new efficiency percentage)/72 and waste heat production by (100-new efficiency percentage)/28, you should get the right answers.
  22. Apologies, I think I need more caffeine, I read the 1.000x as 1 rather than 1,000. Yes, the bar jumping all over the place at high time warp is nothing to worry about, it's nicer if it doesn't but so long as everything works, that's fine.
  23. I've not seen that behaviour, what kind of ship design was making it do that?
  24. I haven't tested it but the magnetic field code doesn't contain anything that's specific to particular planets, it's just generated based on the properties of the current planet, so I'm about 99% certain it will work.
  25. You and anyone else who wants to try it is welcome to try this highly-alpha development build that may resolve this issue. It also incorporates the thermal equilibrium code I was talking about so the heat mechanics will be a bit different. I've only tested it a limited amount so I'm not confident about making it part of the general release but it's good enough for testing by volunteers. Can you try this dll please? Feedback about how this performs would be really good.
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