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Everything posted by Fractal_UK

  1. Cheers, it might just be that I need to revise the number of consecutive frames the reactor can go without power. Usually a change in timewarp speed results in one or two frames without power due to power being produced and then consumed at different time warp rates.
  2. That shouldn't be the case in KSPI since the important resources use my resouce manager which keeps track of all the power being produced and consumed and updates the resources only with the net change. You can still have tricky situations if the net change becomes huge for some reason or if the amount of power being produced and consumed keeps changing really fast. It's worth checking in this case if the fuel isn't just running out because there is only a tiny bit of tritium in the fusion reactors by default so a bit of timewarping could easily use it all up.
  3. You might be missing fuel? The large fusion reactors only have Lithium now, they need an external supply of Deuterium/Tritium fuel. If you right click on the reactor, it should tell you if you are missing fuel.
  4. Some have asked about the ISRU system and the refineries and what's going to be done in the future with the system. As is pretty much generally the case at the moment, any new system is pretty much going to be done from scratch so I can architecture the system a bit better. One of the things that bothers me most about the current system is that the refinery part context information is way too busy and the status information that you get in the part isn't really sufficient to give you very much information about what's going on behind the scenes - you only get to see one rate even though multiple resources might be being consumed and produced at the same time. I'm going to move this stuff to another window so that you can see a lot more pertinent information and a lot less clutter. I'll also be implementing in such a way that it's trivial to add loads more functions to the refinery if I want to do that in the future. Here are some images outlining how this new system will work.
  5. TreeLoader is not exactly functioning brilliantly at the moment, I'm looking into ATC and whether new techs can be added with it so that I could replace TreeLoader in the future. I'd be happy to make something like that at some point, though getting my hands on suitable 3D models for that could be tricky!
  6. Interstellar already has these things, except for a Project Orion analogue because there was already a mod for that - I don't know if it's still in development or anything though. You already have nuclear thermal rockets which are pretty faithfully recreated according to their real life statistics, you have the DT vista which is a (high repitition rate) pulsed fusion engine, you have an antimatter catalysed fission-fusion reactor which can power thermal rockets or electric engines. These things, I would say, are already the core of Interstellar from my perspective and you definitely could use some of these propulsion systems for interstellar travel in KSP, it's really just a matter of patience when accelerating - especially with the DT Vista which has a constant power consumption so as thrust goes down, Isp goes up. The main thing I'd really like to do in this area now is draw a real distinction between thermal rockets and magnetic nozzles but I'm waiting for a good model before I do that. It's pretty unrealistic to harvest enough for an antimatter thermal reactor, the only hope for that kind of thing in reality would be to produce the antimatter ourselves using fission/fusion power or fantastic amounts of solar arrays deployed closer to the sun. Enough antimatter for an interplanetary antimatter-pion based propulsion system is sort of feasible, assuming that you're okay with collecting the anti-protons from Saturn's magnetic field. Such drives aren't very interesting in KSP though due to the incredibly high Isp and consequently incredibly low thrust so I decided a touch of compromise with the amounts contained in the magnetic fields was in order. I don't really see the point because it would literally just be Interstellar with a couple of parts taken out, I have nostalgic reasons for not wanting to as well because the alcubierre drive was essentially where Interstellar began and the premise grew backwards toward more realistic interstellar technologies. The vacuum plasma drive is probably the most unreasonable thing in Interstellar and it's just a propulsion option, if you really want just delete that fuel option from the ElectricPropellants.cfg file and then you'll only have the standard fuel options for the electric engines. At which point, it's really just the alcubierre drive and the easiest thing to do then is probably just to not use it, if you really don't want to. I don't know if you've used it much but it's actually pretty interesting to play with because of the way it translates you across space without actually changing your velocity. The drive is valid conceptually in that it's a valid solution of Einstein's field equations but whether it's actually realisable in practise is a different question.
  7. Version 0.12.2 Released Version 0.12.2 -Fixed Electric Engine nan bug -Fixed Antimatter Initialised Reactor -Fixed smallest fusion reactor -Removed precooler integrated intake -All atmospheric engines now shutdown correctly when non-precooled (they no longer explode) -Added resource deprived message to reactors -Update to ORS v1.4.2 Download links on the first page have been updated.
  8. I think you can fix this yourself while you wait for the update by adding "consumeGlobal = true" to the part.cfg MODULE { name = InterstellarCatalysedFissionFusion ..... consumeGlobal = true }
  9. Are you sure it isn't your reactor producing no power? I'm adding a fuel deprived warning to them which had previously been missing in the update. I had a problem like this because I forgot to add a cryostat to my fusion reactor. I'm virtually certain there is nothing wrong with the thermal rockets.
  10. It's fixed in my development version, will hopefully release that later today.
  11. The fusion plants are already set to maximum priority for drawing their power so changing the priority wouldn't make a difference. The microwave transmitters are set to draw a little less power from fusion reactors compared to other types anyway but I've revised that value down a tad more for the next update, that should help.
  12. Here are the high res textures. Sorry I didn't reply to your post earlier but I was working on bug fixes and I wanted to get those finished before working on anything different. High Res Science Lab Internals
  13. This change should be considered long overdue but going to the fast inside the atmosphere without precoolers will no longer result in explosions, instead it will cause the activation of well-engineered safety systems that will prevent your engine from exploding by shutting it down at the last moment! Hopefully this will prevent a lot of unneccessary reloading.
  14. Version 1.4.2 Released -Fixed caching of atmospheric/oceanic resources -Added logging of atmospheric resource loading exceptions This would need another plugin change, at the moment it can't be changed via a cfg. Currently the shader used is always "Unlit/Texture", to make it semi-transparent you would need "Unlit/Transparent". I could add the option to select a custom shader in the planetary resource defintions in the next major update, that might add some flexibility.
  15. I think I've now crushed all the bugs that have been reported for this version so far so expect another update in the next day or two after some further testing. Could I ask that people keep an eye out for anomolously high or low radiation levels while you're on your missions. I'd really like to expand upon the existing system of radiation belts, solar radiation, etc. The model Interstellar uses to approximate all of these things is pretty primitive so it's never going to be extremely highly accurate but it'd be nice to get close to some sensible values so that the experience is about right. Once we arrive at globally sensible values, we can look at introducing parts to protect the crew from radiation and consequences for Kerbals and technology that are unshielded in high radiation environments as well as rolling the DT Vista radiation mechanics into the main radiation system.
  16. It does not require treeloader however TreeLoader is required to get the tech tree. It doesn't matter that it won't load the load up the trees, you can just copy the tree.cfg in the WarpPlugin folder into your savegame folder. I'm looking into alternatives to TreeLoader for the future.
  17. The number of days is currently shown in real days but the game is now using Kerbin days as the standard measurement of time, so it actually lasts 2712 Kerbin days.
  18. I think the Warmup methods might be key to setting the graphics objects but I'm not sure. There is a warmup method in the RDNode class which takes RDTech as an argument and an RDTech warmup method. I'm not sure how they tie together though.
  19. It's worth trying anyway, sometimes people do end up with versions that don't work correctly. I've seen cases where people corrected problems only after redownloading and reinstalling. What are you seeing in the reactor diagnostic window with regard to breeding rate?
  20. Can you try a reinstall, making sure to delete the old WarpPlugin folder? Edit: I'm not sure at the moment why that intake module isn't being removed - it is supposed to be!
  21. The rate of tritium breeding is just quite slow (you do need Lithium to make it work, just to check you have that?) but it is enough that it will be produced just slightly faster than your tritium is used up by a reactor. You can see the current rate on the reactor control screen. It was definitely working before I uploaded the update and I didn't change anything since!
  22. Version 0.12.1 Released This should resolve the bugs reported so far. Version 0.12.1 -Wrote new resource referencing system to avoid resource name bugs (fixes cryostat, etc, bugs) -Rewrote magnetic field system for planets and fixed abnormal radiation values -Types of radiation can now be distinguished internally -Fixed Tritium breeding in reactors -Fixed power consumption in inertial confinement reactors -Tokamaks start with tritium breeding turned on -Improved atmospheric intake code -Added turn off reactor button for nuclear reactors to the control system interface -Fixed prices -Added Taverius additions to B9 cargo bay radiators -Some code reorganisation Download links on the first page have been updated.
  23. It's caused by some resource name bugs due to some changes I made to some of the fuels in the latest update, notably trying to correct a bunch of resource densities and building the new reactor system. I've fixed the bugs and I'll be packaging and releasing the update later this evening.
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