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Posts posted by Fractal_UK

  1. HMGUGFRG!!!!! Star Trek References! My childhood!

    Childhood? I'm offended, I'm sitting here watching TNG this very moment :P

    My sat is transmitting 6GW just fine, I am amazed your transmitting anything with just 1200EC storage. Apparently the small solar panels work differently then the large Kosmos panels.

    When you're using ElectricCharge from solar panels instead of Interstellar generators, making sure you have plenty of batteries on your transmitter craft is absolutely essential.

  2. Quick question: are you supposed to be able to reprocess the actinides in Th4 reactors while the reactor is running? If yes, I have a strange bug to report, if no then I would imagine a race who have mastered warp technology would have devised some way of dealing with the problem ;)

    Yes, you should be able to reprocess MSR/Gas Core reactors when they're running. Please let me know what happened.

    So, I saw all these comments about the new radiation reporting features and I was noticing the same in my recent game. Is Minmus supposed to be an extremely hot moon? I mean, really really radioactive. There was something like 1-3 Sv/hr at 30km up. I guess I've never looked at space-based radiation fields but that seems incredibly high. I mean, this is a fatal dose in humans in a few hours of that. Also, the Kerbal's accumulated dose seemed to be increasing such that it was providing 0 shielding. Is that intended? It was the very first 1.25m capsule.

    I'm just wondering how toasty we can expect our Kerbals in the next version where all this radiation actually has a game mechanic attached to it. I could cook turkeys in near Minmus orbit at these rates.

    edit: If I read this presentation right (assuming the Russian PI is changing Sv to Zv), then our Moon's radiation rate at 30km up is ~0.1 mSv/day (last page of this file http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/leag2009/presentations/Day-2%20AM/11-40_Litvak.pdf ).

    I need to investigate the excessive rates around Minmus, I'm not really sure why that is occuring at the moment but that will certainly be revised downward by a lot. Minmus is not planned to be particularly radioactive by any measure.

  3. The new techtree seems to cause some problems to me at least. I get the correct information that newer tree is available and i even made it active, although it was missing some things i use, but for that i have tree edit. Unfortunately, game seems to forget my techtree every now and then, and yes, i did restarted KSP as instructed, but still techtree got lost. I used treeloader but that loaded older version, although i haven't tested if that has been updated? For most of the time i have used a highly modified techtree from treeloader that has bunch of other mods added as it served my needs quite well. I am now simply wondering, if there is any simple method of keeping the once picked techtree?

    You shouldn't need to add parts to the tech tree manually, tree loader will let them place themselves in the node they should be in. Use tree loader to pick the original Interstellar tree, then update.

    If you're using some other tech tree that is wildly different to the stock one then updating will just replace that with the new interstellar one.

  4. Congratulations on the new release, it sounds great - the new refinery especially will make resource harvesting a lot more viable I think! And thanks for the toolbar integration too!

    Won't be able to test it for a while as off for a months holiday!

    Probably too early to be asking this, but would love to see power input limiters for microwave receivers so our little probes aren't overloaded by the 400 GW power network available!

    That feature is included but I think I (stupidly) left it out of the changelog.

  5. I have a question:

    an I update game mid-save? Or will it corrupt my saved game? Or will not change tech-tree?

    I never had any problems upgrading an ongoing career mode save during testing.

    The most significant change will be if you update having already researched the late nodes (Antimatter Power and Ultra High Energy Physics) because there is a new fusion tech node, which you'll need to go back and research. This might mean you temporarily lose access to certain parts but it won't do any harm to your actual save.

    If you're worried, just make a backup before doing it.

  6. Also a general question - is 0.11 compatible with 0.23? and will It mess up the save?

    In all honesty, I don't know. It will definitely work properly if you recompile 0.11 from the source but use the 0.23 KSP .dll files.

    I updated from version .10.3 to version .11 and loaded the game, at which point it told me that an update to the tech tree was available and to install it + restart KSP.

    After applying the update to the tech tree, KSP crashes after loading resources and trying to proceed to the main menu.

    Is this new or did I miss something on the update?

    I don't know why that would be, taking a look at your KSP.log file might shed some light on the matter. As other things to check, 1) make sure there is nothing wrong with the installation of the mod and 2) make sure you aren't running out of memory (as always).

  7. kerbin shuttle orbiter has one

    by the way, wasnt this upate supposed to have some antimatter generator?

    its even on this screen, this round object


    but it is not mentioned in changelog.

    edit: ah, its probably just new inline rafinery

    AArtisan in dev thread told us that this was supposed to generate antimatter, but plans changed, right? or this rafinery CAN generate antimatter?


    does that mean that ships will receive only as much power as they need from microwawe grid to prevent overheating?

    Since AArtisan is working on a radial collector for antimatter, I thought it was more important to get a really nice looking refinery model out there because the existing ones aren't ideal in many ways. It's quite an important part afterall.

    Microwave reception hasn't been changed, it's purely the transmission end that has been altered by the direct conversion fix.

  8. Version 0.11 Released!

    Version 0.11.0
    -Toolbar Integration
    -Updated tech tree with additional fusion power node
    -New Computer Core Model (by AArtisan)
    -New 0.625 Pebble bed/dusty plasma reactor (model by AArisan)
    -New Large 3.75m Refinery which does processing and resource extraction (model by Aartisan)
    -Added Haber process (to produce ammonia) to Refinery
    -Improved impactor mechanics
    -Direct conversion max power fixed, fixes problems generally experienced with fusion and microwave transmitters
    -Fixed thrust transform with small arcjet engine
    -Default generator Electric Charge set to 1000

    Download links on the first page have been updated. Enjoy!

  9. Fractal, I would be grateful if the fission reactor off-center model position is fixed in the upcoming version :)

    It has been fixed, don't worry.

    Git forks are the easiest way to do this. How usable is the "develop" branch right now?

    It's completely useable, I just need to find a way of applying the updated tech tree.

    There is nothing wrong with the updated tech tree .cfg that has been posted here but manually copying that kind of file around is not a viable update mechanism, I need a mechanism that works automatically for people who play with the interstellar tree (which is probably the vast majority of the people here) and those who don't.

  10. Could you please elaborate on how does this system work?

    I understand that different modules offer different protection against radiation, but what value does it take in consideration when providing said protection?

    In the previous interstellar version i barely got 2 mSv/yr at Kerbin surface, but now i got 224 mSv/yr, which is extreme for Kerbin's surface radiation level.

    Also, does the persistent radiation levels on kerbals reset after being recovered?

    Thanks in advance :)

    The Kerbin surface radiation level isn't fixed, it varies depending upon the uranium and thorium concentration in the area. 200msv/yr is about the maximum you'll see on Kerbin and 1-2 is probably the minimum.

    When Kerbals receive more than an equivalent 50msv/yr the dose will build up but should they return to a safer area they'll start to run down their accumulated dose.

    I'm still not putting in actual consequences yet, it's all just extra information for now.

  11. Fractal, may i ask if laser drive which model is showed in plugin development forum thread will be included in upcoming kspi update?

    Probably not, I've run the numbers a few times and I think I need to change the concept slightly because a nuclear photonic (even an antimatter photonic) rocket just doesn't have a playable thrust. I don't really want to introduce a part that is only playable with the largest antimatter reactor because it's too specific.

    I can probably switch it over to represent some other kind of electric drive in the future and actually it get it into a niche that isn't already covered by existing parts and is interesting to use too.

  12. So, it seems that with the very minor addition to the tech in the new version, I'm left with two options:

    1) I can shift the asteroid grabber into the old tech tree and continue with the existing Interstellar tech tree


    2) I can find a way of revising the tech tree should I need to make updates.

    Given that SQUAD are obviously happy to stick nodes in here and there, I think option 2) makes more sense because it will allow me to future-proof Interstellar and make me more capable of adapting to future updates. I'm going to try and take this opportunity to make some much needed tweaks to the Interstellar tree as well. Hopefully the result will be a nicer technology progression in career mode, this will allow me to incorporate some much needed balance changes - such as stopping the likes of gas core nuclear reactors from appearing in the same node as the DT Vista, which are really on a completely level and thus don't really belong in the same node.

  13. Nailed a bug from 0.23.5 for you Fractal

    Ok.. so I've tested several variations with the thermal thruster (plasma seems fine). I have 10.46 T:W on the launchpad.. and about 23.5 T:W in orbit. Which is NOT the same 2.5 factor of improved ISP from Atmo to vacum with LFO which is what I first thought it might be. But it's doing 2.25x. So I'm not sure where it's coming from.

    Should be an easy fix... or something.

    It seems the Methane thruster is having a similar issue at around 2.25 multiplier. Doesn't make sense since that's not the ISP difference. But there it is. Odd, since the plasma thruster seemed fine.



    25 T:W is cool and all... but I'm tearing my own ships apart. And that's with the 1.25m thermal+AM.


    There's also an old typo... for some reason your 3.75m AM tanks are labeled as 3.5m. Might want to toss the 7 back in there.

    The methane engine is just a stock .cfg edit so if you have an isp problem with that, you have found a KSP bug rather than an Interstellar one, I suspect.

  14. @neo Nothing specific to KSPI, what I can use asteroids for is prety much KSP in general and mod neutral. Prety much you can use em as an intrestingly shaped core part for any space station design you want. Makeing an AMF around an asteroid isnt fundamentaly different than makeing any other station around an asteroid so I dont consider that a KSPI thing. Untill we can mine resorces from them or something asteroids are a KSP asthetic item if you make a base/ship around them.

    Looking at asteroid mining is something I plan to do when I have a bit of spare time, I'm sure it can't be that hard to put something together!

    I was hoping I'd be roll out the current update this evening, unfortunately the new tech node with the grabber is going to be a pain to incorporate neatly. I'd far rather keep the new node than shift the grabber out of it to fit the existing tree. I guess I'll start looking for a good solution!

  15. I proposed radial-mount thermocouple modules to put on the reactors. Thermocouples are a lot less efficient than generators, so you'd lose total lifetime output, but they're light and double as radiators, so they should make for good probes. If you poke around the source code you might notice that there's an unused module for simulating simple passive decay of radioactive heat sources as well.

    That code is there because I was shooting for a recent concept that was discussed involving thermal rockets using decay heating as a heat source to make small hops across the surface of Mars but it looks like you need a high output/shorter half-life radioactive decay source than the general purpose Pu-238 to make that work effectively. That limits the general useage of those parts, it does let you use the higher efficiency with RTGs which is potentially quite handy.

    The code works fine though so I'll probably introduce all of that in the future when I get those features polished nicely.

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