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Everything posted by AppleJacks69

  1. Haha! Thats so cool... Its like a jet airship thing.
  2. What is one of your most beautiful/incredible moments in KSP? Well I have quiet a few but I haven't been able to take any pictures of it... but I have to say they really just make me think how beautiful how space can be. Like a probe on eve or sending a rover probe on lathe. Anyways just share your favorite moment in KSP maybe with some pictures.
  3. Well I have quiet a few but I haven't been able to take any pictures of it... but I have to say they really just make me think how beautiful how space can be. Like a probe on eve or sending a rover probe on lathe. Anyways just share your favorite moment in KSP maybe with some pictures.
  4. I'm pretty sure I installed it correctly because some other mods are installed the same but the new physics don't work. Everything seems the same really...
  5. I dont even know if the better physics are working but the gui when im building shows just not when i launch
  6. Yeah... I download the ferram correctly but I dont get the FAR Flight System when I launch... please help
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