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Everything posted by LazarusLuan

  1. Not sure what happened to the ships between setting up the distribution folders and compressing them, but I've fixed and reuploaded the files. I'm not following the "legacy install" question, which makes me think I missed some change they made in Kerbal while I was busy working on the new updates. What do I need to change?
  2. The new 2.0 updates for version .21 have been uploaded to LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack 2.0 [KSP 21.1] and LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack HD 2.0 [KSP 21.1]
  3. Yes! I just saw this last weekend and am modifying the attachable landing gear after I finish my .21 update.
  4. I had to make some last minute decisions on how certain parts are configured and am finishing my testing tonight. Following this, I'm putting up the new packs in low and high resolution versions. As requested, here are more pics:
  5. Thank you - I'm also considering dropping the 3.75m version of the pack since the 2.5m version seems to have the correct dimensions for the Kerbal universe (I also need room to expand for the creation of the super heavy lifting Falcon X series). I'm interested in others' thoughts about this.
  6. I'm putting up high performance low rez versions and have pulled out all the MechJeb parts in favor of the new ASAS/reaction wheel system. The latest update of MechJeb posted yesterday works perfectly with my new parts using the little MechJeb remote boxes attached to the different sections, so there is no longer any need to build in MechJeb functionality.
  7. In addition to the Dragon 2 mod, I also have a Red Dragon version ready as well... aiming to have everything up before the weekend!
  8. Thank you! I decided to wait until the .21 update hit before updating the SpaceX launch packs and am I glad I did after seeing the extensive changes made to certain key components. I have new versions of the SpaceX packs in testing right now for release in the next day or so, and used the time waiting for the .21 update to create the parts that complete my SpaceX set:
  9. These are 20.2 updates with support for MechJeb 2 as well as legacy support for MechJeb 1.9.8
  10. I've updated the SpaceX Launch packs to version 1.1: SpaceX Launch Pack Large SpaceX Launch Pack Small
  11. Not sure what happened with the link - I just copied and pasted it from the first page of this thread, but the link didn't come over correctly. It's fixed and I'm working on getting MechJeb 2 to actually self-land the booster and second stages before releasing the new updates.
  12. My apologies on the expanded fairing problem. I've fixed that - http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazTekSpaceXLaunchPackSmall_1.0.zip - and the MechJeb 2.0 update and low-rez pack are coming next.
  13. I'm getting the .20 update with the lower-rez textures option ready for upload this week, so hang in there!
  14. The Small pack actually does use lower textures on the main tanks, dropping from 65MB to 12MB each in size and cutting the number of textures used on them by 50%. This brings the total percentage drop in texture images needed by the Falcon 9 by almost 50% and the Falcon Heavy by over 66%, which all but eliminated the extra load time for me. I don't have any lag with the small pack on the computers I've been using for testing (i7 PC, i5 PC, Dual Core MacBook Pro), but I can make a third version of the pack with lower textures all around if enough people have issues with it.
  15. Thanks - I'm still refining as I go... the latest version of the craft files fix the strut connector medium issue. The new 2.5m version of the mod kit is at http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazT...kSmall_1.0.zip.
  16. Not certain why the links I updated for the mods weren't set up correctly before, but I've edited them and they seem to work now. The new 2.5m version of the mod kit is at http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazTekSpaceXLaunchPackSmall_1.0.zip.
  17. The new 2.5m version should fix the problems you've mentioned. The artist's concept that SpaceX has on their website does indeed have the upper stage reentering the atmosphere "headfirst", which would occur after ejecting the secondary payload system, I would have to guess - the animation doesn't show that actual transition. The system I've designed allows for more complete reusability, even though it is likely way off the mark of what SpaceX will actually have on their future ships. I'll update these packs as SpaceX unveils the real things. You can fly the stages in headfirst if you prefer, of course - KSP doesn't care. I might make a future version that ejects the SPS and the first stage fairing, exposing PICA-X heatshields underneath on the rounded tops of the tanks.
  18. Space_Coyote: Please try the new version I just loaded to http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazTekSpaceXLaunchPackSmall_1.0.zip and see if this works better for you.
  19. Good_Apollo: Quite right - the original purpose for making these models to begin with was to create realistically timed physics for a video project I'm working on and I did not take into consideration the difference between the size of kerbals and humans. I've redone the pack into two versions: large (3.75m) and small (2.5m) with lower-res textures for faster load times on the smaller version. Here are the new links: http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazTekSpaceXLaunchPackSmall_1.0.zip http://electrictomatoes.com/ksp/LazTekSpaceXLaunchPackLarge_1.0.zip
  20. You're not stupid at all - the vehicle assembly building is simply too short! In order to make these replicas as close to the actual dimensions of their real-life counterparts, I had to make the rockets taller than the VAB by starting with either the Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy FCS base and then building the first stage out below that before pushing the first stage down through the floor and then building the upper stage on top of it. This will allow you to build a rocket around 1.5 times as tall as the VAB can visually accommodate. I can post a video of how this is done if requested.
  21. Yes, exactly... I just fixed the craft files in the download and it should work correctly now.
  22. Thank you for your feedback! Sorry about the lag - it is related to the number of actual physical model parts, which I've tried to simplify in Unity as much as possible. The Falcon 9 v1.1 ship doesn't seem to lag on my PC, nor does the Falcon Heavy seem to without all the landing gear attached. I'll continue to try to reduce the lag as I go forward. My apologies for the medium strut connector issue, as I mistakenly used it instead of the stock strut connector to tighten up the connection between the two parts of the main tanks. I've fixed the craft files and updated the download file. The spaceport link won't actually be active until the mod gets approved and added, which may be as soon as tomorrow or as late next month, from what I can tell. I built in the MechJeb flight controller for those who wish to use it, as I typically fly these without any flight control myself. I've built in a heavy SAS into the first stage interstage fairing to allow it to be flown back separately and controlled either through Mechjeb or manual control, and did the same with the FCS that connects to the top of the upper tank. I can add ASAS to those components if players want better stability control through the gimballed engines. The long load time on the parts is due to the hi-res textures I created for the main tanks to keep them looking consistent with the other parts of each ship. If this becomes too much of a problem, I will release a lower-res version of the pack.
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