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Lyze Of J

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Everything posted by Lyze Of J

  1. Granted, now it is absolute zero, 0K. I wish for a potato.
  2. I am very happy with seeing dev photos for the mod, reassures me that you guys are still at it, fantastic work!
  3. Keep in mind ZRM probably has family and may may be spending the holidays with them.
  4. We are so close to December! Got my new computer built and up and running so I can see the shuttle in all it's glory!
  5. STOP COMPLAINING! He is very busy and I understand what he is going through, just wait, be patient, and the darn thing will be worth it. If you are not satiated by this masterpiece, go make your own shuttle...
  6. Oh, jeez, term papers suck... anyway, good luck!
  7. Been following this thread since it was 4 pages old, shame if it died now, like the other shuttle I followed...
  8. Or nukes if you want the job done EPICLY! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_(nuclear_propulsion)
  9. I know, I was kind of bummed too when I learned they were LRB's, and I gave my rant, but like the the stages off grief, I have accepted it.
  10. I agree, I want SRB's too, also, the liquid hydrogen is for the low density of fuel in the tanks, so you can get more fuel without increasing the mass.
  11. Horray! Can't wait for this little space shuttle!
  12. So what's the timeframe for this release, hours, days, weeks?
  13. I agree, I like to make somethings myself. Like don't attach engines to fuel tanks. (lookin' at you Bobcat...)
  14. Forget beer, Martinis for all! (shaken, not stirred)
  15. Back on topic, could we see some screenshots of some playtesting?
  16. Is there A posibility you are making a custom port for v 2.0 or a way to mount a regular 1.25m port?
  17. Jeez guys, you guys are really close to getting this mod released. I can't wait, also, what is the maximum payload parameters? Like width, length and weight? Also, is satellite retrieval possible, what is the reentry parameters?
  18. When the shuttle lands, will it need a parachute for braking, or are the onboard brakes good enough to land on the runway?
  19. ERMERGERD! FLEGHT TERSTING FAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm back, but I cant wait for this, i can already hear the rocket fuel turbopumps startng. IT HAS BEGUN!
  20. So, what's the cross compatibility with mods, and what is the TWR of the stack so far (or is that figured ou yet?)
  21. Beautiful IVA, will you be using Firespiter MFDs?
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