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Lyze Of J

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Everything posted by Lyze Of J

  1. The intricate detail you put into this project is amazing and greatly appreciated!
  2. Since we are so far along in the build progress, could we get an ETA? Or do you have a BobCat-esque policy on ETAs?
  3. I just need a moment to wipe up the tears I left when I saw that cockpit...
  4. I would personally think, just as a matter of opinion, that it should have a name taken from a British navy vessel, like the Space Shuttles, or a name taken from a Mammal or Bird.
  5. ohhh, I like this one, I wonder why...
  6. About the name... can w change it? could a poll be opened, what about Valiant or Grafton
  7. Hooray! The common folk can influence he mod devs!() Also, the orbital engine layout could be different and simpler...
  8. Thank you for that, however, I was referring to something like the the dream chaser adapter to the Atlas V so the shuttle would be able to be launched vertically.
  9. Hmmm, Interesting, and the thought food is quite tasty....... On a more serious note, what about the top-of-rocket adapter and what diameter would it be?
  10. Alright, can't wait for the shuttle to be out!
  11. Is private testing up yet? How high is the maximum operational altitude with non-refueling?
  12. Also, what about the single, center rudder?
  13. I know, i accidentally deleted the part that made it a quote. Also, dang it, I was hoping for solid fuel boosters, I guess when I get the mod, I can change the configs, but it wouldn't be the same.
  14. -The EFT and LRBs are designed to be large and imposing. They aren't mini, I don't want them to be. This should give you plenty of power and fuel for other orbiters such as B9 kits or if you make your own. -If possible I may install a nozzle into the LRB, making it an engine+LRB all in one with gimbal capability (but not vector). Will wait for feedback from ZRM if that is possible or if we should You said LRB, does that mean the boosters are liquid fueled?
  15. Wow, gone for 3 days and this is the beauty I come back to, wow guys, great job on that stack. Just wondering, could you give us a few updates when you move on to a step in testing? Also could you give us som TWR and ISP specs for the stack?
  16. The ET is slightly thinner, but longer thean the regular space shuttle, possibly balancing the stack, also, the ISP will most likely be higher at higher altitudes, just like the space shuttle, burning more fuel at lower altitudes, plus the burn rate will most likely be higher to get the TWR to carry the ET after booster separation.
  17. I went to go see the last flight of Endeavor, STS-134, but it was scrubbed because of APU failure, and it launched the day after I got back. However, I belive we got a little off track...
  18. Discovery was my favorite, but I loved all of them, the decommissioning was a shame...
  19. Handsome ET, do you plan on having the Boosters having straight noses, like the space shuttle, or slanted to the side of the ET, like the Ariane V. or
  20. My guess is the OMS engines will have a low thrust-to-weight ratio but have high ISP, and may also work off of monopropellant.
  21. Have you ever thought of a shuttle with just oms engines on the rear, and the main engines on the launcher, like Buran? Just a suggestion though, I've always preferred the space shuttle style SSME's. Also, that little avionics compartment in the nose could have an avionics package, ASAS, or even Mechjeb Functionality, just change the configs.
  22. Oh my, what beautiful internals, it looks very similar to some of B9's stuff, and could you release an image with a single rudder design, I read that you can use a v tail or a center tail.
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