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Everything posted by BrainDeZa

  1. Thanks, This answered a lot of questions.
  2. Since I relearned how to play again with lots of help from the drawing board (Thanks Specialist290) I am proud to say that I landed on both them moons of Kerbin as well as duna. Next step will be Ike and Eve.
  3. Thanks for the tutorial page. Really helping allot.
  4. What a truly inspiring game. I have been playing it for about a month or two (since KSP I have lost all track of time) and my wife has given up on me when she hears the KSP music. Really cool game. For any new players out there. If ever you plan to stop using addons, do not get MechJeb. I played with it for a while and I now have to relearn almost every thing about flying.
  5. LOL. I agree. The whole time I am watching it, I am thingking "Esc, End Flight, End Flight, Restart Flight" and "Oops there goes another one".
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