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Posts posted by MircoMars

  1. @Dizzle I established some rules of thumb for quick builds, KER / MJ instabilities and stock stuff:

    Payload + drymass pusher stage - drymass pusher stage tanks = Fueltank pusher stage wet mass      gives about 2km/s average atmo/vac dV

    plain english: just use the stock mass readout to get the mass of your payload including drymass (without tanks) of the stage you're building, add fueltanks until you double that number and you have about 2000 m/s deltaV. Add half that much tanks to get about 1km/s. For atmo the dV is a bit lower, for vacuum it might be higher, depending on engine Isp. 

    for TWR > 1 just take the last 0 off the engine's thrust and have that number be higher (for liftoff with a nice margin) than the total mass  of what it is pushing (of course including itself).

  2. @Combatsmithen I wish I had the spare 950 - 1200 €, depending on which dollar you're talking, to invest in new hardware. right now I'm calculating 600 € for a low end rig, but without a timeframe. ironically when I was in school, it took me 3 months to save the money for my "700MHz monster pc that will last me ages!". But today I have to pay for my food, rent, installments, transportation and want to save for vacations and improving my/our home... 

    so my tip for people with no money to invest in gaming: look if friends are getting a new rig and get their old one. desktop is better than laptop, because you can easily 'update' single components. over time try to get the best hardware that you can afford and fits in the machine, start with graphics then RAM then CPU then SSD then new computer, because a 'new old' mainboard is nonsense if you don't start with it... most important read a lot and plan ahead, so you don't build yourself into a corner (looking at you, RAM modules which won't play with the others because of timing problems or wrong capacities or too few slots on MB). and always compare to current hardware, so you know when an update is inevitable and cheaper. pro tip: look for 2 - 3 years old PCs that broke down because of busted capacitors, buy for low price, replace capacitors, profit!

  3. 50 minutes ago, sumghai said:

    Actually, KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt -OR- KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which version of the executable you're running) is much more useful than KSP.log

    actually not for this issue. output_log.txt only contains info on the graphics, KSP.log's header has info about OS, CPU, RAM and GPU, which all are needed to help this poor fellow. 

    54 minutes ago, sumghai said:

    I strongly recommend not directly copy and pasting the log contents into the forum reply

    I explicitly wrote "down to Log started", so s/he only pastes the header here. and yes @Corey D, only paste the header, don't paste any lines starting with [LOG hh:mm:ss.000]! or use the OS' info as sumghai described.


    30 minutes ago, Combatsmithen said:

    find some 400-500 dollar computers

    sadly this is not an option for all of us. 400 $ or € is a lot of money for many people, me included...

  4. if you need help and expect answers instead of questions, please open KSP.log in your ksp folder (perhaps someone with steam needs to explain where to find it) and copy the first lines down to "Log started: ..." and paste them here. Only paste the header and not the stuff below "Log started: ...", use spoilers if you can! these should contain enough info to help a little more.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Cucco-Master said:

    Yes, I have used LV-Ns on a spaceplane myself, but at ~25km+ I didn't really feel like I would have needed gimbal capability up there (my spaceplanes keep failing for various other reasons, though :rolleyes:). Well, different players play differently :wink:


    right click on the engine to open that little window, it shows the current thrust and isp. then you can decide if using that engine is worthwhile.

  6. a quick google search gave me this: http://venturebeat.com/2013/11/05/moonshot-how-kerbal-space-programs-creator-launched-an-indie-darling-from-out-of-nowhere/

    HarvesteR pitched KSP as a simple 2D build your own rocket game and then it all took off. First they had a 3 week schedule, with a playable game every 21 days. this was only possible with a pre-built engine and unity was both easy access and free of charge (home version, if you don't make lots of profits with the results). Squad was no software development company and I guess the starting staff had a hard enough time to wrap their heads around 3D modeling, C# scripts and frickin rocket science. when they had a new idea or just wanted to try something out, unity let them do that with relative ease. so, nobody should blame them for starting with unity and then sticking with it!

    but KSP has grown, a lot. the players are both ambitious and demanding. constantly bringing KSP, it's framework and their hardware to the limit. Unity has become one of the weak links, as plenty of workarounds integrated by Squad, the way too long 32-bit area and the post U5 update bugfest proved. so my feeling is, if they'd start building KSP as it is now, they would look hard for a better engine than unity.

    What I read out of your answers what I agree with:

    1. don't change the horse mid race
    2. building an engine from scratch is really, really hard and takes a lot of time and skilled programmers, duh
    3. building an engine for only one game is not worth the effort
    4. the API for mods and assets in general should be changed as little as possible

    But this is more answering should they do it and if yes, how...

  7. Hi there,

    here's a topic that I fought off thought of for a long time:

    How hard would it be to program a custom game engine for Kerbal Space Program?

    Could this be an option for 2.0? What would improve, what wouldn't? How many (wo)manhours would this approximately take? Is it even possible to build a proper custom engine in a reasonable timeframe today or are all game developers dependent on having this outsourced to specialized teams like Unity, Unreal etc?

    Disclaimer: this question is meant as a discussion starter, totally hypothetical and does neither represent a demand towards SQUAD to port KSP to a custom game engine nor state that the Unity engine underperforms and needs to be replaced.

  8. 5 hours ago, regex said:

    something that the real world doesn't give a single damn about: game balance.

    Yeah, we should really call the devs to nerf radiation damage and buff tolerance to gravity changes! this is game breaking, like they never thought about a late game. if they don't change that I'll go play something else! graphics are still outstanding, but not everything! and please add savegames...

    OT: magnetic docking ports, really practical in-game, but totally unrealistic. in RL they have to be spot on, in line and pretty slow for docking. we'd need a lot of stuff (i.e. docking alignment indicators, more precise spacecraft controls, hours of RL time approaching) to pull a "real docking" off consistently and without hundreds of failed attempts. chasing the docking port until both crafts wobble in place is ... appropriately kerbal.

  9. some Wagner was mentioned earlier in this thread, but I prefer Beethovens Munlight sonata:

    1st movement "enduring the load - visualizing the built"

    2nd movement "joining the parts - graceful ascent"

    3rd movement "docking on the dark side - Jebediah has control"


    if you like this piece, look for alternative interpretations: Horowitz, Barenboim, Pletnev, Synthesia... they all have their unique style

  10. - long wobbly rockets? use the small fins as anchor points for one strut going straight down and one straight up, use a symmetry >3 that fits the rest of your design. (will add a pic later)

    - need another few m/s during ascent? put some tanks on top of your SRBs and connect them to the core. play around with SRB thrust and tanksize until you got a timing that makes sense.

  11. I think he should also get a job somewhere in ksc and be a reliable companion for new players. dunno what he would like to do if he was a kerbal and employed by the kerbal space agency. perhaps someone in mission control or the science guy or just a member of the ground crew, his choice. 

    beside that, I would also like the addition of a saturn analogue named Felipe, his favorite parts being manufactured by HarvesteR Corp. or a new part like the Falanghe Phalanx Space Telescope. 

  12. the "ships get eaten by the giant kraken" is a historical naval myth. in olden times there was no way to figure out why ships went lost on high seas and plenty of ways to scare young midshipmen. the kraken was one of them.

    in ksp "being attacked by the kraken" referred to many bugs that messed up the physics of the flight scene and lead to confusing and hilarious results. mostly because of either going beyond the realms of what was programmed yet (e.g. trying to leave Kerbin's SOI before there was anything to go to) or overrunning floating point numbers by going too fast, too far, too anything.

    if you want to find out more, look for really old youtube vids about crashing ksp (like 3 or 4 years old, anything below 0.18).

  13. 3 hours ago, Batmanpuncher said:

    So I can use any mods that don't provide info?

    that's how I read the challenge rules, too. this also applies to VAB/SPH of course! calculate by hand, informed guestimation or trial and error are your only building aids! muhahar.

    OP, did you post an entry, yet? what u up to brah: grantour, joolV, eeloo colony all by hand?

  14. Let's look on the bright side, Harvester has accomplished a lot by developing this game and convincing a not software company to develop a game in the first place!

    and the first thing I thought was "hey, the guy who said 'absolutely no chance of a stock deltaV readout' is gone". someone else mentioned it earlier, the mental father of a project can hold on to obsolete ideals. by leaving he's not only freeing himself from KSP and all the work that has surpassed his expectations and perhaps even become chores, blocking all the other crazy genius ideas in his head from getting realized (<- no sarcasm here, just hope for another great game). he also has freed KSP from himself and his initial vision and beliefs of how the game has to be.

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