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Posts posted by MircoMars

  1. Dear Modders of Kerbin

    I'd like to have a Kerbal Crash Test Dummy for VAB/SPH. The only thing it has to do, is sit in the commandchair and change the CoM accordingly. Also it would provide a collisionmesh to check whether the helmet would fit the surrounding structures. It's most conveniently activated by rightclicking on the seat.

    Deluxe mode would be a dummy you can drag&drop "freely" on your craft to check ladders etc.

    Tell me what you think.

  2. Many mods add big features and parts to the game, that squad never thought about. And I mostly really appreciate both, the Mod existing and it not being stock. But sometime I see a feature and think "oh that's so kerbal".

    This thread is about what raisins you'd pick from the community to add to the stock game.

    Please don't suggest whole Mods or even Mod-Packs (don't wanna hear: "RSS need to be stock soooo badly...").

    My nominees are:

    1. Seismic Impact Science as in "KSP Interstellar"

    Put an accelerometer on the ground, lithobrake something harshly into said ground, profit.

    2. Grab, carry and attach parts as in "Kerbal Attachment System"

    Forget solarpanels much? What's more Kerbal than having Jeb repair your craft literally on the fly.

  3. Hi, I did a quick search for this bug but didn't find any report. sorry if I missed it.

    in VAB when the staging overlaps the "Exit to KSC" button, pressing the latter sends me to a wierd perspective. exit to main menu sends me back to VAB. ending the game is only possible with Alt-F4 (or harsher methods).

    anyone else got that bug?



    dunno if going to flight scene works or even fixes... it's quite late for me.

    using ksp64 unmodded, happens in sandbox and career.

    will provide more info if needed.

  4. I use radial burns to push my AP and PE to where I want them to be. some examples:

    - align AP or PE with closest approach, so I have a "cleaner" rendevouz burn

    - get AP or PE to my position or desired height in front of me, useful for circular orbits with exact periods (CommSats & Stations)

    - finetune PE for flyby or capture maneuvers

    - correctionburn after "1st-Stage gone wild" or "brute force ascent" maneuvers.

  5. But the "Fully Reusable" category does state "no staging" and I concur that the lander is a stage, even if you do redock it and land it back on Kerbin. Otherwise extending this concept you could leave various parts of your craft in various orbits, collecting them on the return journey for landing, and still be within the rules of this challenge. Eg, a heavy launcher, left in LKO, a cruise stage left in LMO, and the lander stage.

    actually it says SSTO, implying Kerbin orbit. perhaps SSMR (SingleStageMunarReturn) could be hard mode

  6. - hold shift while accelerating to maintain 100% thrust

    - pro tip: use caps lock if you don't want to hold shift all the time (duh)

    - turn on RCS before lift-off and never turn it off!

    - use more smaller tanks instead of one large tank, it will make refueling easier

    - return to kerbin with max timewarp, it will trigger autoland

    - always trust the altimeter!

    - spam spacebar for staging

  7. I'm really looking forward for the new update, but for one part:

    whenever a fresh install of KSP boots up my speaker scream at me " DAa DAa DAAh dadada DAah da DAAA!"

    of course there's the easy workaround of muting everything, but sometimes I forget, sometime I don't want to.

    My speakers are pretty loud because my fader broke, so I run everthing at minimum, but KSP still is louder than anything else at default.

    Is this also an issue for you? what are your preferred volume settings?

  8. -start a flamewar on the forum

    -these don't ring a bell: HarvesteR, Jebediah Kerman, Scott Manly, Dany2462, katateochi, HOCgaming... (<- this list is far from complete!)

    -haven't spent hours reading or watching videos about 50years old space technology and general rocket science

    -you have to google either of these: TWR, ISP, AP, PE, ASL, deltaV, KER, MJ...

    -you pirated KSP

    now the practical ones:

    - turn 270° after launch

    - build cockpit upside down because it looks cooler

    - forget to place LaunchClamps

    - hold shift until you throttle down

    - always use 8times symmetry with struts

    ...ah and of course : - 0.23.5 is your first version.

  9. So as soon as I saw the presentation I wanted to build that ship. Actually I built it in my modded career save, before even seeing this challenge. there I landed on the runway, dunno if I got a pic, therefore not claiming P for that.

    +70 for 7 Kerbals

    +100 demonstrated autonomous docking

    +50 land on land without use of parachutes

    +50 no damage on landing

    + stock

    -cost of payload in M$ ??

    - 18 mass of vehicle in t

    - 63 part count

    = 189 P

    Perhaps I'll post some better landings.

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