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Everything posted by MircoMars

  1. 1. use the "f"-key 2. use the F-keys 3. rule of thumb for ascentvehicles: payload weight times two is the needed fuel for about 2000m/s deltaV 4. Cubic. Octagonal. Struts.
  2. i learned a lot with mechjeb in the old days. today i use MJ either as precision instrument or as automation of stupid stuff: calculator in VAB, target data, exact orbit data (are 100% circular in KSO?), smart ass for ascent and docking, and maneuver autopilot for long burns or if i want to make myself a coffee.
  3. Hi there, I follow the discussion about MechJeb/KerbalEngineer thrust-calculators and whether or not they should be implemented in stock. In the latest Interview HarvesteR stated, that he doesn't want a dV-bar inflight and I'm totally with him on that. However, I think one thing would be really helpful for novice and advanced players: a scale in VAB & SPH. Just give us the total weight of the craft while building it. Not even thrust or dryweight, just a scale how heavy everything attached to the rootpart right now is. I'd even take it with a resolution of 0.1 or as a exponential graphic indicator like the radaraltimeter and the climbrate. Heck, I'd even take it as a pop-up on request! I'm really annoyed by calculating pointzeroonesevenfives together, having to look up everything in the partmenues and recalculate everything when changing things. I also waste a lot of paper doing that! Think of the environment, man, won't somebody please think of the children!! okay, I better leave now... my point still stands, please add a scale, thank you.
  4. Haha, a friend of mine and me, we had the same idea this weekend. we were testing boat designs (stock and firespitter) and the trip from the runway was really annoying (firespitter's "start in water" didn't work somehow). I think a drydock, pier and dedicated floating/aquadynamic parts would be a great addition to the game. but perhaps better as a mod. gameplay like: "hm, my capsule with science and crew weights 6 t and displaces 3 t. I need to put airbags on to raise my displacement if I want to land in the water... let's test it..." for stock I'd support a "start from different location " option. like a drag down menu near the launch button which let's you choose "on runway, on launchpad, on street, on shore, in water, on island runway (unlock)".
  5. -inline rocket engine in the 100kN area -stock fairings -more (longer) strut parts
  6. you can only feed in one direction. to avoid burnouts, connect a fuelline from your last full tank directly to the engines.
  7. as I had another look at your pic: the rubble looks mostly intact. can't you just dock a probecore, refuel and launch to oblivion? the probe could also be KASed on, so you only need one "waste disposal"-lander (with multiple ports, cores etc) to do it.
  8. It just flashed me: circular flamethrower aka Jebediah's-ring-of-fire. several mainsails facing inward and heavily strutted to the supporting structure... whatever you're trying (please try the Jrof!!!) hit F1 as often as possible, can't wait for your solution
  9. Yeah, this is bugging me, too. It would also be nice to manually set a "default control part" while in VAB. could be incorporated into the action groups menue...
  10. Check if your navball points straight up with 90° on the right side. if not, select command-capsule or top docking port and "control from here". sometimes (but not always) the navball thinks mechjeb is the command part and points in stupid directions.
  11. There's also the option to burn all the fuel in your refinery/transfer-stage during lift-off and refuel it in orbit. I sometimes pump fuel from the cargo to the lift-off stage to decrease mass as early as possible and end up in orbit almost dry on fuel and rcs... 8)
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