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Posts posted by nyrath

  1. In college, I got a grade of "D" in Trigonometry. It was boring.

    Shortly afterwards, I was trying to create a three dimensional star map. From a cold standing start it only took me about 15 minutes to work from the definition of Tangent = Opposite/Adjacent to deducing the equations for a spherical to rectangular coordinate transform.

    The point being, I probably could have aced my Trig class, were it not for the unfortunate fact that abstract Trig is boring but 3D star maps are cool. It is the practical applications that are more exciting.

  2. EDIT: i tried importing the .DAE file into blender, but it gives me an error message saying "Error found parsing collada document"

    Take your .DAE file and make a copy of it.

    Open the copy with a text processor

    Find all the <diffuse></diffuse> tags, and delete anything between the tag pairs.

    Save it.

    The copy should now open in Blender

  3. What's fun is that the "immune system" of a Type 3 could be as intelligent, or more intelligent, than us. We could talk to an "extraterrestrial civilisation", only to find it to be an immune response by the Type 3.



    I can picture the ships entering a system, making contact with a highly advanced civilization, some skirmishing, diplomacy, etc. leading to a treaty and peaceful relations --- and then the invading civilization discovers that it's actually been dealing with the god's non-sentient (on the god's scale) immune system.
    In more detail: The Terran Empire might encounter an advance alien civilization, and engage in trade or battle with them. Only later they may discover that the "alien civilization" is the cosmic equivalent of a hyper-advanced entity's immune system. The entity would probably never become aware of the Terran Empire, much as you are never aware of the many tiny infections that are quietly taken care of by your immune system. The members of the "alien civilization" might be intelligent, but they are as unintelligent compared to the hyper-entity as your white corpuscles are compared to you.
  4. Unity names the object for you. It uses whatever you named the various objects when you created them in Blender.

    Ummmm, I have to ask, when you checked Generate Colliders, you did click the Apply button?

    You do not name the mesh collider, you select it.

    In the Inspector window, in the Mesh Collider section, where it says Mesh next to the box that says Default, there should be a tiny bulls-eye icon. When you click it, a dialog box will appear. See if any of the items there has the same name as the name at the vary top of the Inspector pane. If so, select it. You should see a green transparent mesh surround the object in the scene window.

    I'm still new to Unity, so I'm not sure if I'm doing everything correctly.

  5. If you don't already I'd recommend downloading Unity because it includes a custom version of Monodevelop (programming software) with Unity syntax and debug capability built in. I hate having to program without syntax assistance... :/

    Thanks! You just made my day. :)

    I was looking with some trepidation at the annoying task of installing .Net, GTK for .Net, and MonoDevelop. You just clued me in that since I've installed Unity, I already have it. There it is, right in the Start menu!

  6. Ok. I think I'm not getting a mesh collision in Unity (the lines should turn green if it worked?). I also noticed in the Inspector I have Default (Mesh Filter), and Mesh Renderer. Should those be there?

    I read something about making a node_collider in Blender, the tutorial never mentioned it. Do I need that to?

    Lastly, on the bottom of Unity it says, "The hull has more than 255 polygons. This is invalid." what does that mean?

    Sorry for all the questions and thanks for all the help.

    No, the node_collider is obsolete, you do not have to make it in Blender. That fooled me too.

    In my original explanation, I said:

    I make a new empty game object in the Hierarchy panel, drag into it the PartsTools from Projects/Assets/Plugins/KSP, drag into it my Projects/Assets/Blender file.

    Click on Projects/Assets/Blender file. In Inspector panel:

    click Model button

    set scale to 0.1 or 1, depending on how long 1 meter is in Blender units in your Blender file

    checkbox Generate Colliders

    checkbox Generate Lightmap UVs

    click Apply button

    You have to have Generate Colliders checked.

    Then in each object, in the Inspector pane, in the Mesh Collider, the Mesh will be, for instance obj_anchor (that is, same name as the object) instead of default as is in your screen capture. (Mesh Filter) should also say obj_anchor (that is, same name as the object) instead of default .

    I think that Mesh Renderer should be unchecked, but I'm not sure.

    I have no idea what the error message about 255 polygons is all about. Sorry.

  7. Now all you need is a stub of a part.cfg file and you should be able to slip it into KSP

    In your Blender file, locate the place at the top and the bottom where your item will connect. Note the Z coord at both places. In the part.cfg file, enter those values in the appropriate part of the node_stack_top and node_stack_bottom values.

    My large Orion has a top value of z= 2.22201, so my part.cfg file contains:

    node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.22201, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0



  8. Fiddlestyx, I'm going to give an over-view of what I do. Tell me which sections you'd like me to go into more detail.

    I make a new empty game object in the Hierarchy panel, drag into it the PartsTools from Projects/Assets/Plugins/KSP, drag into it my Projects/Assets/Blender file.

    Click on Projects/Assets/Blender file. In Inspector panel:

    click Model button

    set scale to 0.1 or 1, depending on how long 1 meter is in Blender units in your Blender file

    checkbox Generate Colliders

    checkbox Generate Lightmap UVs

    click Apply button

    Go to Hierarchy panel. For each object in your Blender file

    click on the object

    go to Inspector panel

    in Mesh Collider section, checkbox Convex

    In Materials section

    set shader to KSP/Diffuse

    in (texture) box, click Select, then in the dialog box select the texture file.

    Then export to KSP as normal.

    be sure to set Texture Format to MBM, checkbox Copy Textures, checkbox Convert Texture

  9. Boosterspice has allowed me to peek at some of his Orion plug-in code, which is a huge help. It is under LGPL v3 licence, so I can learn from it but not use it. But this will give me a large head start, along with NovaSilisko's code. As a developer, I find I can get up to speed faster if I have existing code to read.

  10. There is also a concept called a Bimodal NTR.


    This is when your spacecraft uses a solid core nuclear thermal rocket for propulsion. After the burn is complete, you turn off the propellant, and turn on the heat exchanger. That is attached to a electrical power generator and a heat radiator. In other words, you turn your engine into a nuclear power plant. Not sure if this would be worthwhile in KSP.

    Pratt and Whitney went one further. They took a Bimodal NTR and made the rocket into a LANTR. They call it the Trimodal NTR.


    (PDF file)

  11. It seems there may be naturally occurring sources of anti-protons albeit in minuscule quantities. I read a blog post over at Centauri Dreams which mentioned the possibility of strong natural magnetic fields (such as Earth's) trapping anti-protons created through pair production when energetic cosmic rays interact with our atmosphere. New ones are trapped at the same rate as they decay so there is an equilibrium storage of up to 160 ng of the stuff up in the van Allen belt.

    Yes, I do mention that in what I wrote at the link I gave you. However since 110 nanograms has the energy content of half a fluid ounce of gasoline, you probably cannot use this as the source of energy for your Death Star class photon drive. The best you can do is use the antiprotons to catalyze fission or fusion or something.

  12. But the biggest issue I keep seeing is that the hydrogen is ALREADY at an excited state while the oxygen is at a much lower energy state.

    Despite the difficulties in getting the atomic collisions, wouldn't you be REMOVING energy from the hydrogen by interacting with the oxygen?

    Yes. That's why initiating LOX injection in a LANTR lowers the specific impulse.

    However, since the propellant stream is not just hydrogen, but hydrogen + oxygen you are increasing the propellant mass flow. This increases the thrust.

    Which I why I originally said that in an LANTR, LOX injection trades specific impulse for thrust.

  13. If your propulsion system has lots of thrust and delta V, you have a Torchship, and should use a Brachistochrone trajectory.

    This is when you aim your rocket at your destination, continuously accelerate until you are half-way, flip over so your tail is pointed at your destination, then decelerate until you match velocity with your destination.


  14. About Scientific accuracy... the ideal shape for a Nuclear Reactor vessel (the container that actually holds the reacting nuclear materials) is spherical, both for holding higher pressures, and even heat radiation for cooling. The NTR's the one in the game is modeled on, were built on the standard solid core reactor design favored by the US, and first developed for US Navy Submarines, that's why they were cylindrically shaped. Add to that, they were all designed the the 50'-70's, with practically no work done since then other than theoretical studies. If one were designed today, the odds are it's Reactor vessel at least, and fuel tanks would be spherical, for the reason I stated above.

    That depends. Some NTR design have to be cylindrical by design. Pebble Bed rectors and liquid annular reactors have to be cylindrical because they incorporate one or more rotating drums.



  15. Even in real life, NASA engineers say things like "The problem with ion drives is that we do not have a long enough extension cord"

    Solar cell arrays are subject to the inverse-square law, and RTGs or nuclear reactors have too much mass.

    In real life, some theorists talk about putting titanic kilometer-wide solar power stations in orbit, and having the stations power the ion-drive craft with beamed power.


  16. This will be fantastic! Nice to see that several people try to make this method available (no surprise, really) :D

    Yes, I was taken aback when I searched the forum. Apparently there were three or four attempts already to make an Orion drive mod.

    Something about ol' Boom-boom fascinates people.

    Currently I'm trying to make a mesh for the fuel tanks (actually bomb magazines), and learning how to program in C#. So far it has much the same syntax as C++

  17. Would having anti-mater make a Bussard Ramscoop a practical choice?

    You wouldn't need to separate the hydrogen, just use whatever you collect as reactant.

    You still have all those other issues with friction etc, but you start with a lighter ship or does it create more problems than it solves?

    Then it would not be a Bussard Ramjet, it would be a Ram-Augmented Interstellar Rocket (RAIR)


    The difference being that while it may not be subject to the drag effect of a Ramjet, the drawback is that it no longer has infinite fuel, when the on-board supply of antimatter runs out, so does the thrust.

    If the confinement of anti-hydrogen is going to be a problem, then use ionized anti-hydrogen.

    Otherwise known as antiprotons. Since each atom of anti-hydrogen is composed of one antiproton and one positron, ionization removes the positron, leaving an antiproton.

    Also, there is the fact all antimatter is is a really fancy battery.

    Yes, got it in one. As long as there are no antimatter mines, antimatter is not a fuel, it is an energy transport mechanism.


  18. I send you a dropbox link with a message to you.

    The plate don't moving,and this pack "run" to 0.13 version,but is interesting the sound and FX parameters.

    Is an "ancient" creation from me...i try and i find it today,i was forget this because now i use the newest version of KSP.

    Thank you very much!

  19. Yes, that is Scott Lowther's work. Several issues of his Aviation Projects Review are the primary source of the data I am using for this mod.

    Specifically these issues, which I would recommend for anybody interested in Orion drives.





    I find a screenshot,to my 0.13 KSP files,from my Project Orion,when i was use some parts from different packs and i was work to change textures and .cfg parameters.l

    Very interesting! Did you just use a .cfg file with the specific impulse and thrust adjusted to Orion values, or did you managed to make the animation of the pulsing explosions and the moving pusher plate?

  20. Actually... It looks about right. The only thing I would recommend is a custom fuel tank , and some other things. I personally think it looks very similar to this video:

    Yes, that animation is from my friend Rhys Taylor, who is quite interested in this mod.

    A custom fuel tank will be created, the exemplar I'm using for this project had flat cylindrical magazines. Each magazine held 92 nuclear bombs (90 plus two spares). On each level six magazines were arranged around a central core. There were about three levels of magazines.

    NovaSilisko's code had a dll for the magazines.

    What other things would you suggest?

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