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Everything posted by Firedtm

  1. yes the Kraken is making a come back in 23.5
  2. The site is really cool, mind blowing cool. good find
  3. is it a good question on how the CoM and CoT will work with the new grappling hook
  4. i don't play with the debris slider its still at 250, i design stuff to where it does not leave debris, if it does leave debris its orbit is partly in the Atmosphere. only when everything fails do i leave debris in orbit, even then i try to make probes or ships to deorbit it
  5. Hello, thank you for reading this, i hope you are able to help me get the mod to work. i have the following mods installed and they work Chatterer v.0.5 MechJeb 2.1.1 B9 Aerospace Pack R4.0c NovaPunch 2.03 RemoteTech 2 v 1.3.3 KAS – Kerbal Attachment System 0.4.5 Kerbal Crew Manifest v0.5.5.0. ISA Mapsat X4R2B (Mapsat 4 devbuild 2) ---------------- Ok now each time i try to install the KW rocketry, the game crash's when i try to start up the game, when it is loading everything
  6. in my space program we don't have the need to designate things, we just get the job done
  7. Don't really put much thought it to it, i don't use prefixes or suffixes don't need them i got 3 stations right now: 1 around kerbin - First Light 1 around mun - Second Light 1 around minmus - Third Light as for ships its what really comes to mind. Last stop to hell - my failed probe to moho Apollo - First lander to mun - Failed to reenter orbit The Newbe land - First ship to make orbit
  8. The Longest i spent on wasting time on a launcher was about 2 hours before i found what was wrong with it now the longest time i wasted in KSP was building a Mun lander, trust me when i say NEVER over think how stuff works, that was about 3-4 hours
  9. was putting a station core in to orbit, had a com sat in a lower orbit. the poor kerbal had no idea what hit him
  10. My god your a bloodly dam genius, this windowed mode is what i been looking for
  11. i use it for mostly docking and undocking for the most parti am getting better at docking with useing less and less RCS
  12. that is something i will think about, its a thing i never thought of
  13. shorter and lighter, if its has less fuel, then it would have to be shorter and lighter. i don't know if i am just good with the RCS but like i said i do not use that much fuel with the FL-R1 RCS fuel tank, i feel i waste too much of it when i let it go reentering the planet Edited: most likely shorter and lighter and so its half the cost
  14. Hello all, I have a question for SQUAD. do they plan to make a smaller FL-R1 RCS fuel tank, that is half the size for the large rockets. i use RCS a lot but never burn more then i say 1/4 of what in that tank. even before .21 and .20 i do not like the Stratus-V tanks hanging off the sides of my rockets/ships but still want to a smaller tank
  15. i just moved from skill set "I'm at the mun!" to "interplanetary travel!" got to duna for the first time with a probe in to orbit, even sent part of it to land on it : P
  16. So with .21 out has any one found that you can now go in to IVA mode in the can
  17. yea well i needed to make the COM (Center Of Mass) center out, if you see the MK 2 got 2 nukes reactors on each side and the MK 1 only got 2 on 1 side and 1 on the otherso its mostly for show
  18. ok i was able to make a Rover in the SPH and move it over to the VAB this is test bed MK 1, ended up not not using the wheels on this but still same design, test bed MK 2, this what i sent to the mun and after a few mins of finding out what was wrong with it (two of the wheels got their steering inverted some how) i was not able to get it out of the crater i landed it in so i need input on the design of the rover and help on whats the better wheels to use on mun are? the MK 1 wheels or the MK 2 wheels
  19. i do that, and most time i end up with a rocket that goes boom boom
  20. ok every Large rocket i build i need to Strut the **** out of it, and by the time i get it in to orbit i end up with this or this is there any way to do it without the struts P.S. i use a stock game because i want too, i have nothing against using mods. its just i want to do stock till i feel i won the game (I.E. landed on all planets and moons, and come back)
  21. thank you for the replies, saves me the time from learning it the hard way
  22. here's another noob question from me if 1 ship has a Clamp-O-Tron Jr. like a probe and another has a Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port like a station can the two dock with each other or do i need them both to have the same "size" docking port ?
  23. thank you, seems i set it to 1000 without knowing what it does
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