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Developer Articles
KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by rdude71
I don't know whether or not this has been mentioned already, but the lights on the new landing gear do not work (and yes, there are lights clearly visible on the new landing gear models). Also, while this isn't necessarily a bug, the new landing gear cannot steer at all, which is a pretty bad oversight in my opinion. In addition, I agree with those who have pointed out the need for dedicated cooling solutions for engines, and also those who pointed out the need for a reentry heat warning system.
So how did KSP go from .25 to .90, and then straight to 1.0?
rdude71 replied to rdude71's topic in KSP1 Discussion
My thoughts exactly. I see what you mean by saying the version numbering isn't odd. For example, Minecraft went from .10 Alpha to a version 1.0 Beta release, so the .25 to .90 jump is normal. But yes, I agree with you about the whole only being in beta for one release deal. -
I don't really know how version numbering or the development process works, but it seems a bit odd to me that KSP went from being in beta to a full release in only one version. I'm sure others have the same question, so if someone knowledgeable on the topics of version numbering and game development could explain this, I would be most grateful.
Interstellar Ranger! (New Video)
rdude71 replied to SpriteCoke's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Aww, it's cute! I like how you used several cockpits to simulate the multi-window Ranger design from the movie. The landing gear design is cool too. -
SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here
rdude71 replied to tsunam1's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
That's an awful lot of boosters and a really high orbit! Jeb is really just too eager to add more fuel. Impressive. -
[0.23][V1.5.6]Cabana Corp. Research & Development [03/02/14]
rdude71 replied to BananaDealer's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
These are cool, aside from the fact that they could use some models. Other than that, you made ion engines playable! You also balanced the larger thrust with extremely high power consumption (good god, I had to use a nuclear reactor to power them!) and less specific impulse for the larger ones. The xenon intake reminds me of the Buzzard Ramjet concept that used a sort of large space ram intake, except it was a magnetic field hundreds (or maybe thousands, my memory escapes me) of miles in size. It was supposed to collect hydrogen, similar to your intake. The ions do have unrealistic amounts of thrust for an electric propulsion system, but hey, it's not like we were ever going to use them otherwise. I also like how probes can take samples and do more SCIENCE! -
This plugin is great, very cool idea! And it works very good too. Here's the pride of the fleet, the KSS Prometheus VMN-01 (Vertical takeoff - Military ship - Nuclear power-1). It has enough delta-V to make round trips to all the planets, although Jool and Eeloo might require a refuel though. She has 6 crew and a lot of spray paint!
Wow, I just finished reading the whole Kraken saga, and it was wonderful! So sad seeing the Odysseus (the old one) wrecked. She was a good ship, and will live on in the hearts and minds of Kerbalkind. You are a very talented writer, and i'm going to go read the next series now. I really like the new Odysseus II-class ship (especially it's AI). The Lonestar and all of your military ship designs are very cool too! Keep up the good work, and it's a relief that the Kraken are finally defeated.
SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here
rdude71 replied to tsunam1's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Very nice look! I love the retextures. But how on earth did you dock with no RCS? -
SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here
rdude71 replied to tsunam1's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
That shouldn't lag. Turn down your settings like terrain detail and texture res./rendering quality and turn down physics delta as low as the settings will allow, you should have better FPS. Nice station too! -
SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here
rdude71 replied to tsunam1's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
There are a lot of good designs here! I love how creative the KSP community is. Well done! Anyways, here's my biggest and newest station. Heck, it's only my second large multi-module station. It is a refueling and scientific station, and is designed to refuel spacecraft returning from interplanetary missions and ready them for their next mission. It also provides a home and workplace for almost 100 Kerbals, a communications relay, and a Kethane conversion device. Kethane mined from the Mun is delivered to the station and converted, and stored in the station's monopropellant and fuel tanks. I launched the modules and then docked them to the station using a construction drone. The crew has full artificial gravity, provided by the main artificial gravity ring. There are two large docking ports for large ships and cargo, and 4 small ones for crew shuttles and smaller resupply pods. -
Can this get to Eeloo and Back?
rdude71 replied to Mr.Rocket's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
It should be enough, if you do it efficiently. Correct me if i'm wrong, but flying to Eeloo requires only a slight bit more delta-V than a flight to Jool. However, there is no atmopshere for aerobraking, and it's been awhile since i've journeyed out there. But, you're mothership looks like it has enough. Heck, 9,000 m/s is really enough to get you anywhere in the system and back, and you have more than that. I don't want to drone on for hours, though, so i'll just say yes. Good luck with your mission! And remember, if it doesn't work, just add more boosters. Happy flying! EDIT: I just looked at your staging again, and it seems you have more than enough to make a round trip. -
The Modded Craft Repository [v0.23]
rdude71 replied to stupid_chris's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Here's Part 2 of Episode 1: KSS Iridium has began it's voyage to Duna. Aboard the ship, all is well, and spirits are high. There was a disaster involving the onboard supply of chocolate running out, the Kerbals almost killed themselves in the ensuing panic. All they are doing is sleeping and eating. Meanwhile, the KSS Iridium silently drifts through deep space, flying ever closer to it's destination... 81 days later - HELLO BEAUTIFUL The ship's engines than fired once again. Because the initial orbit was too high, an aerobrake maneuver was performed. Orbit achieved. Beginning colonization operations. EDIT: Well, I have postponed this project indefinitely. I decided to move on to other projects for now.
Yeah, kind of.
Hello everyone. I just sent a ship to Duna called the KSS Iridium, and I figured I would make a series about it. This series will focus on the misadventures of the ship/station's crew, and their adventures on Duna. I'll keep posting updates until I move on, and then i'll end the series with a season finale. I hope this will be awesome, and I hope everybody likes it! Anyways, here's part one: KSC: KSS Iridium this is the KSC do you read? Nelely Kerman: Affirmative KSC, I read you. KSC: Mission status? Nelely Kerman: We have undocked from Alpha 001 and are preparing to leave Kerbin. The crew is ready. KSC: Roger. Richburt Kerman: This is Dr. Richburt, we are preparing for the transfer burn, and Nelely and Mitton are strapped in and ready for ignition. KSC: Affirmative. By the way, we forgot to install soundproofing. Mitton Kerman: What wha- *loud bang followed by a thud* Nelely Kerman: Hang on to your cans people! Yeaaaaaaaaa- Richburt Kerman: Oh god... A little over 5 minutes later- Nelely Kerman: Alright, we have completed our burn, throttling down. KSC: Roger that. Go at throttle down. Nelely Kerman: Got it. Richburt Kerman: Engines throttled down. Has anyone else noticed a weird tingly feeling? It feels that i've been irradiated. Nelely Kerman: *cough* *cough* I wonder why? Richburt Kerman: I hope to god you're being sarcastic. Mitton Kerman: Anyone up for Scrabble? Richburt and Nelely: NOOOOOOOO- 26 days later - Course Corrections Nelely: Well, we seem to be slightly off course, so we'll need to perform some course corrections. Richburt: We're headed into the sun! You call that "SLIGHTLY" off course?!? Mitton: Maybe he was trying to avoid panic. Richburt: Panic my a- Nelely: Well sorry to interrupt you Mr. Peanut gallery, but we're throttling up now! Richburt: Whatever. Richburt: Well, we're back on course. KSC: Commander Nelely, do you copy? You're trajectory was going directly into the sun! Nelely: Oh yeah about tha- KSC: Yes?! Nelely: Well, we had a spare spacesuit, so I figured we'd have some fun. KSC: And? Richburt: He filled it with plastic explosives and threw it out the airlock, and the resulting explosion pushed us off- Nelely: What Richburt means to say is that I am a very well-behaved commander who was acting for the benefit...and entertainment of the crew. KSC: Oh right...Guess what? There's gullible written on the ceiling! Mitton: What? *looks up* Nelely: *facepalm* Mitton: Oh shut up... Nelely: Well we have 60 days to go until we arrive at Duna, so...board games anyone? Mitton and Richburt: No! And that concludes Pt1 of Episode 1! Well I have decided that it would be better if I just turn this into a mission report thingy, because the dialogue just isn't working out too well. Anyways, expect updates soon.
Now, to say KSP is lag-free would be a lie. Of course, the game is still in beta, so that's understandable. The game is very laggy though, especially when flying around large space stations, launching large rockets, etc. However, I discovered many ways to make KSP run practically lag-free until the devs implement a proper, long-term solution. #1: Good hardware I first got KSP almost a year ago on my 11" MacBook Air. Needless to say, that poor little laptop's 1.6 GHz single-core i5 couldn't handle the game. Great for web-browsing, but definitely not KSP. So, just recently, I got a new 3.6 GHz dual-core i7 MacBook Pro. The performance increase was amazing. So, good hardware is essential. No matter what, if you're going to play KSP, don't get a quad-core. Quad-cores are very fast, but KSP isn't 64-bit and doesn't support multiple cores at the moment because it runs on Unity, so make sure to get a computer with high individual core speed. For example: a 3.2 GHz dual-core i7 would be better for KSP than a 2.6 GHz quad-core i7. #2: Settings Lag at launch is an issue. Turn down render settings to fastest, turn off terrain scatters, disable V-sync, lower texture res to half, lower terrain detail to low, etc. All this will help tremendously with performance. #3: Part Count Keep your part count down. An awesome mod called the UbioZur welding mod allows you to weld parts together to make 1 part. It is fantastic at losing lag. Using this mod, a 1,000+ part station running at .2 FPS could easily become a 125 part station running at 65 FPS. I can't even explain how wonderful this mod is. Check it out: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ubioweldingltd/ Make sure to use UbioZur if you're building large ships/stations in orbit, docking to big ships/stations, launching massive rockets, the list goes on. #4: Physics I really don't know how this works specifically, but I think everyone should do this. Go into your KSP directory, open your settings.cfg file, and then change your max physics delta per frame to 0. This guarantees good FPS. Note: This can cause some issues with physics, so if you want to play it safe, make it .1 instead of 0. However, glitches are very rare (for me anyways). I am not responsible if this somehow damages your hardware/software (under foreseeable circumstances, it won't) #5: Using these tips! I ran out of ideas for 5, so this is it! I hope these help you, as they did me, and happy launching! Now, go forth and make massive space stations!
Man, those lens flares... You put JJ Abrahms to shame!
Hello, this is rdude71 and I have heard enough rumors about Macey Dean to fill a book. Some have said he is in the hospital, others have said he is dead, etc. I am actually quite worried considering that he hasn't been seen in months. Maybe some of you have information about him and we could get to the bottom of this! In addition, if didn't know already, Macey Dean is a KSP YouTuber who has made some of the most outstanding videos I have ever seen...if you haven't seen his videos, you should! Thanks for reading, and let's hope that he's ok!
Looks like your Avrocar actually works! Awesome stuff!
Treibflugel/Coaxial Helicopter. Nice job!
Nice saucer! I never thought about using the fairing creator to make a flying disc! Jeb probably has something to do with the missing sky.
Awesome, a Treibflugel! I've been fascinated with those things for a long time....Great job!