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Percival Meekins

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Everything posted by Percival Meekins

  1. Well in case there isn't I managed to swap KP_1 and 1 at the X level using xmodmap. Messes up my day to day typing but whatever, this install is pretty much just for running KSP. New and exciting problem that I can't find any info on though: I believe in windows it's possible to move the camera in all 4 directions in the VAB by holding down middle/wheel. On linux (ubuntu) it just seems to zoom in and out. I tried holding both buttons, holding the modifier key - no luck. Am I missing something?
  2. Is there still no fix for being able to use numpad numbers for text entry and numrow numbers for action groups (rather than the other way around)? It shouldn't be such a big deal but it's really throwing me off.
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