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Everything posted by skytower256

  1. Vall Base Uranium Points Vall- 75 Habitat- 15 Opt Out Clause- 3500m/s dv- 50 Kerbals- 2 Site- 10 Vall Total-152 Grand Total- 1589+152=1741 -skytower256
  2. Landed another lander on bop WARNING-CONTAINS PICTURES OF ANOMALIES Bop Base Neon Points Bop- 75 Site- 10 A Site To Behold- 50 Opt Out Clause- Has enough dv to get kerbin encounter and has parachutes- 50 Habitat- 15 Kerbals- 2 Total-202 Grand Total- 1387+202=1589 -skytower256
  3. About time you see my launcher Goes to any planet/moon except jool which it will need air balloons I dont dock and its final stage has enough TWR to land on anything Has 16000m/s of dv -skytower256
  4. Landed on tylo Tylo Base Sodium Points Tylo- 100 Site- 10 Habitat- 15 Kerbals- 2 Total- 127 Grand Total- 1260+127= 1387 -skytower256
  5. Added Moho base Lithium Landed next to the moho north polar canyon Points Moho- 90 Site- 10 Habitat- 15 Kerbals- 2 A Sight to behold-Polar Hole-50 Grand Total Moho-167 Others- 1093 Total - 1260
  6. Skyrender, can you fix my Ike's base name please I typed it in wrong It is Cerium not Creium. -skytower256
  7. Made another base Ike Base Cerium Points Ike- 40 Site- 10 Habitat- 15 Kerbals- 2 Gas Guzzler- 50 Opt Out Clause- 50 Ike Total- 167 Grand Total- 926+167=1093 -skytower256 [EDIT] Wow Skyrender
  8. Also made a dres base. Dres Base Promethium Points Dres- 60 Site- 10 Habitat- 15 Kerbals- 2 Dres Total- 87 Grand Total= 839+87=926 -skytower256
  9. Added some more to my entry- Minmus Base Oxygen Points Minmus- 15 Opt Out Clause-Landed has about 3000m/s of dv and has parachutes-50 Site- 10 Habitat- 15 Kerbals- 2 Total- 92 Gilly Base Astatine Gilly-40 Opt Out Clause-Easy to get off gilly and landed has about 2000m/s of dv- 50 Site-10 Habitat-15 Kerbals-2 Total-117 Eeloo Base Xenon Eeloo- 120 Site- 10 Habitat- 15 Kerbals-2 Total-147 Also the duna base has 4500m/s of dv and parachutes so is eligible for opt out clause- 50 Duna Total 62+50=112 Grand Total Mun- 197 Eve- 57 Duna- 112 Laythe- 117 Mimnus- 92 Gilly- 117 Eeloo- 147 Total=839 -skytower256
  10. Are you able to get opt out clause more than once on different planets
  11. The other posts pictures stuffed up so I made another one - Made a few bases(Warning 7 pictures) Mun Base Rubidium Lander with DEMV ANT Lander with garage and reactor Core Lander Kethane Rig Points Mun-10 Sites-20 2 Habitats- 30 Garage w/ DEMV ANT- 10 Nuclear Reactor- 15 Kerbals- 12 Gas Guzzler- 50 Opt Out Clause- 50 Mun Total- 197 Duna Base Caesium Points Duna-35 Habitat- 15 Site- 10 Kerbals- 2 Duna Total- 62 Eve Base Ruthenium Points Eve- 30 Site- 10 Habitat- 15 Kerbals- 2 Eve Total- 57 Laythe Base Krypton Points Laythe- 90 Habitat- 15 Site- 10 Kerbals- 2 Laythe Total- 117 Total-117+197+62+57=433points:) -skytower256
  12. Thanks hawkinator, I'm pretty sure that it is working now
  13. I'm making a mun base but mechjeb keeps stuffing up with the landing
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