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    Curious George

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  1. No luck with capped 60fps. I have solved the issue though...Interestingly, I just switched to x64 via using community workaround, and the z-fighting I shared with you is no longer present...doesn't make any sense to me, but I guess I'll allow it . Edit: Seems installing KSP Renaissance Compilation seems to have also been a factor in the z-fighting going away. It could be the actual variable.
  2. No framerate capping. The video example I shared earlier was doing about 100fps. Good luck identifying the cause. Interesting that I'm not seeing this issue raised by others. Would hate for you to revert to the old method if I'm the only one
  3. No idea what more could cause this. I could play with the ocean parameters later and see if I can isolate the cause. Maybe it's just my video card or something and maybe it'll resolve itself in time. I can use the old method if you reintroduce it. Thanks for your help, I just donated $5. I appreciate your dedication
  4. It does go away when I turn off the ocean. In 0.0220, there is some minor coastal z-fighting "vibration," but not the larger continent-wide flickering I'm seeing in later versions.
  5. I'm seeing this with stock KSP, -force-d3d11, -force-d3d9, and openGL. I've rolled back to 0.0220 and the z-fighting is no longer present in that version. Thx for being so on top of things. Will buy you a coffee soon
  6. Using the latest Scatterer, I'm noticing graphical fighting/flickering between the terrain and the water when I move the camera around. Has this issue been noticed before? Had a hard time searching the thread for this specific thing. https://gfycat.com/BelatedCorruptKillerwhale
  7. Check out this Reddit thread as to the color of solar cells. Many of the top level posts, and those from tagged experts/engineers are particularly good and explain the blue, black, and copper coloring of photo-voltaic cells General rule seems to be that the darker the panel, the more efficient it is.
  8. Having some troubles with the Materials Bay. It will attach radially, but float several meters away from the central part I'm trying to attach it to. I'm seeing this on a fresh install, Ven's is the only installed mod. I searched through the thread and wasn't able to find others experiencing this. Lemme know if there's a fix in the .cfgs (where I suspect it would be, but can't figure it out), or elsewhere. Thanks, all.
  9. Confirmed. The mod disables itself upon detecting 64-bit. Came to the forum looking for a workaround, and imagine it'd involve a recompile of the dll and disabling that line of code. Dunno how to do this myself.
  10. Does this play nice with FAR? No mention of it in the thread so far as I can see. I had heard that the previous incarnation had strange interactions with that FAR's aerodynamics. Perhaps not weld anything that has lift properties? Guess I could try it out and report back.
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